Sick Little Games

Chapter 21

As we pulled into the new parking lot I quickly hopped off the bus. I wanted to meet up with Pat and Garrett for our plan. As I ran toward their bus which was here before us I saw Gabe. I stifled a giggle at his very faded pink and blonde hair. Every time I saw it I just wanted to laugh, but I knew if I did that Gabe would whoop my ass right there on the spot. Luckily for me Gabe didn’t notice me as he walked into the arena. Today we were playing at a big outside arena in Texas.

As I approached The Maine’s bus the door opened and out came Pat and Garrett talking.

“Hey guys.” I greeted as they looked up at me with a smile.

“So we talked to the light guys and they said they could defiantly rig the lights before Cobra went out.” Garrett informed with a wide smile. I hugged him tightly and then moved onto hugging Pat.

“Thank you so much!” I exclaimed. I then told them I would see them later so I walked into the arena. It was a pretty good size. There was a pit and bleachers surrounding the stage, but not behind the stage. I sat at the very top bleacher facing the stage. I looked up into the sky and noticed that the clouds were rolling in.

I hope it doesn’t rain, I thought. I mean we were in Texas! It was usually one hundred degrees everyday, but then again I guess even Texas got hot muggy rain. I fanned myself and took off my shirt since I had worn a tank top underneath. Then someone sat beside me and of course it was Jack.

“Hi there.” Jack said with a smile as he kissed me on the cheek.

“Hi Jack” I smiled as I hugged him.

”This place is fucking awesome!” Alex said stepping up bleacher after bleacher like a kid. When he reached the top with us he sat next to Jack.

“Phew it is hot and it’s even worse since I’m sitting next to Case here cuz she is always fuckin hot.” Jack commented and I rolled my eyes.

“That’s cheesy” I said with a laugh as I poked his nose.

“Well I try.” Jack laughed and hugged me.

“So when’s this tour over?” Alex yawned and he leaned back.

“Um in a month or two I think” I replied as I stole Jack’s Yankee hat and placed it on my head.

“Sexy!” Jack shouted as he grabbed my face and kissed me.

“Gah! Get a room why don’t you? We all wanted you together badly, but this is just too much.” Alex joked as he slapped Jack’s back.

“Aw does Alex want a kiss too?” Jack asked as he grabbed Alex’s face and kissed his cheek “There happy now Mrs. Greedy”

“I feel better yes.” Alex nodded and I laughed.

“Aw how sweet is that?” I laughed and got up and kissed Alex’s cheek as well “Now your set!”

“Nah I think I need just one more from you right here” Alex said as he pointed to his other cheek. I just laughed and went to kiss his other cheek.

“Mine” Jack whined as he grabbed me around the waist and sat me on his lap.

“Fine your right.” Alex said putting his hands up in surrender “But you sure do know how to pick them.”

I laughed and playfully slapped Alex’s shoulder. Jack laid his head on my shoulder and I leaned mine against his. Next thing I knew though my phone was going off so I went in my pocket and retrieved it. I put the phone to my ear and asked “Hello?”

“Hey Casey its Jeff” Jeff greeted. I thought it was very strange that Jeff was calling me. Jeff was my dad’s best friend. I had met him many times, but I didn’t know he even had my number.

“Hi Jeff I’m surprised to hear you. What’s up?” I asked with a smile as Jack and Alex started to quietly talk to each other.

“Well I’ve got some news.” Jeff said with a really long pause. My heart sped up and I knew what was coming. I looked down and squeezed my eyes shut to stop the tears from starting.

“No.” I suddenly said.

“Ah so you figure why I’m calling now.” Jeff said softly “Well I am very sad to say, but your father he,” he paused as he took his own strained breath “your father died.”

“How?” I sniffed and now I was noticing Jack and Alex looking at me and wondering what was going on.

“Don’t worry it was in his sleep at the hospital.” Jeff reassured.

“Hospital?” I said. It seemed that I could only get out one worded answers. It was the only thing that helped keep back all the tears that wanted to spill out of my eyes so badly.

“Yeah he was admitted last week.”


“Well he was having some trouble with doing things. The Cancer really spread.”



“No why wasn’t I told?”

“We didn’t want to worry yo-”

“Well I should have been told! I would have flown out to see him! It’s too late now. I’ll never get to see him again. I haven’t seen him in a year and now I’ll never see him again. I was planning on surprising him after the tour! Jeff our last conversation was when he told me about his cancer! This isn’t how I wanted it to end. I wanted to see him and just talk ya know? This isn’t fair!” I cried as tears came spilling out of my eyes. My dad was dead? I just couldn’t believe it.

“I’m sorry Casey” Jeff whispered.

“No. Whatever goodbye Jeff” I stated as I hung up. I went to get up from Jack’s lap but he held me firmly.

“What happened? Did your father,“ he paused “you know.”

“Jack just-“I shook my head and he let go as I got up. I just stood there. Then turned and look at Jack and nodded a yes. Jack got up quickly and hugged me tightly. Alex I believe was sitting there looking at us a little confused, but I think he knew that my father died just that he wasn’t sure. However he must have understood a few seconds later because he got up and hugged me. It felt like, when he hugged me, that he had been through something like this before.

We stood there for who knows how long until rain started to drizzle down on us. I looked up from the two of them hugging me and let the rain drip on my face. I cried along with the rain and then nestled my head in Jack’s neck as I held onto Alex’s hand. However the rain started to drop harder as my cries turned to sobs. Maybe my mother was crying with me. I didn’t know, but because it was getting heavier Jack and Alex took me up to the stage for shelter.

Alex went and got me a Chair from the side of the stage and placed it backstage for me to sit on. I gladly sat down as I wiped more tears away from my face.

“You ok?” Jack asked sympathetically.

“Not really.” I muttered as I shook my head and I cried some more.

“Would you like to be alone?” Alex asked with a sigh and I nodded “I figured. I know I did.”

I didn’t know what he meant by that, but Jack came over and kissed my forehead. Then they both walked up front on the stage.

A few hours later I was just hanging back stage. When Jack and Alex had left me I had spent a good half hour there by myself then went and hung out with Jack for awhile. Then of course I went and talked to Pat and Garrett about the plan and whatever else we wanted to talk about. I was still gloomy, but was much better then before. I was sure when I saw this prank on the Cobra band I’d at least laugh and of course Victoria our double agent was informed about it already.

We were, like always, the first to perform. We did our thing, Ricky cracking a few jokes and Jared doing that thing on the drum when the joke was told, however I stayed quiet. I had a few comments that I said, but that was about it and at the end I apologized for my lack of being bubbly. When our part was over I finally told everyone in my band what had happened since they all kept looking at me curiously. I cried a little when I tried to get it out, but that was about it.

Then The Maine went out. As we got nearer and nearer to Cobra’s performance I actually couldn’t wait. I wanted to laugh and to forget about my dad’s death even if it was just for a split second. So I stood there watching from the side my arms crossed, but also kind of moving along with the beat.

Pour some sugar on me” John sang as he did a little dance and the girls when crazy. I laughed and when the song ended they waved goodbye and ran off the stage on my side. This was it. They were going to mess with the lights on stage and as soon as they took steps out onto the stage and started to play people would clap and that meant flickering lights. I smirked as I waited. As I was waiting Jack sneaked up behind me and hugged me.

“We get to see the prank soon!” Jack sang and I smiled and nodded.

“I can’t wait to see their expressions.” I exclaimed as I kissed Jack’s cheek. He smiled and grabbed my face to kiss me. At that moment I forgot all about the lights as they went dim and people started to cheer.

“Alright everyone clap your hands for this first song!” Gabe shouted as I broke from Jack’s soft lips and looked out onto the stage. People started clapping and the lights went ballistic.

“What the fuck!” Gabe shouted with wide eyes looking around as the lights went on and off repeatedly. I laughed and clapped as hard as I could. Gabe looked over at me and in that instant he knew this was my doing.

“Gabe three me four” I happily state. However next thing I knew Gabe came over to me and slung his arm around me shoulder. I didn’t know what he was doing but he walked me out on stage.

“Hey look its Casey from Stay Awake everybody!” Gabe shouted into the microphone and I waved still unsure of what he was doing “She’s the one who rigged the lights so everyone I want you not to clap.”

The crowd erupted into claps anyway just for the heck of it and the lights went crazy again.

“Ok, ok you’ve had your fun now stop clapping!” Ryland shouted with a laugh. Everyone obeyed and started to listen.

“Thank you Ryland. Anyway I just want to let you guys know that we’ve been having the Prank Wars among the bands Team Gabe and Team Casey.” Gabe started to explain as he let go of me and started to passé the stage “And well, I would like to know who’s on my side?”

The crowd went absolutely nuts over Gabe no way was I going to win.

“Who’s on my Team?” I shouted into Alex’s microphone and taking it off its stand. The crowd was pretty loud and was almost evenly matched with Gabe’s.

“Uh oh I’m sorry I think I won here Casey.” Gabe sadly said shaking his head. Then next thing I knew I was being cream pied in the face by Nate.

“What the hell?!” I cried as I wiped as much as I could off my face. I had a huge amount on my hands so I looked at Gabe and threw some on him. I got some on his face and clothes and I started to laugh again. See a horrible day can always end up looking good. I mean hey the sun was out now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Once again sorry sorry sorry! >.<

Also the prank was was provided by PceLoveNWarZones! I really like the idea. It was truely great. Thank you so much for commenting on my Journal post too! (Same with FallOUT)

-Jagked (Sam)
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