Sick Little Games

Chapter 22

The music was blasting as I danced over to a cooler. We were having another after party outside and who wouldn’t when the rain had passed and the weather was beautiful. It was sometime around eleven at night and the party was just getting started. When I finally reached the cooler I pulled out two beers, one for me and one for Jack. Then I figured Alex would probably be with Jack by the time I got back so I grabbed another one out. Those two were like magnets they always found each other.

“Hey John Ohhhh” I laughed and I bumped hips with him as he said “Hey Case lookin good.”

I walked away dancing and waving bye to him. This party was just what I needed after the news that had been delivered to me. I could just forget about all of it at this and have fun. Though I was telling myself everything was going to be fine and to not break down and cry. I didn’t want the attention. I wasn’t an attention grabber, with friend’s maybe, but that was it.

“Hey Case!” someone shouted. I stopped lowering my arms and looked around for who was calling me. Finally Jared came over to me.

“Oh hey Jared” I smiled and gave him a quick hug “What’s up?”

“Uh, well Ricky, Star, and I want to tell you something when ever we get to Cali.” Rick informed as I looked at him confused.

“Uh, ok, Jared that’s like a month away.” I laughed, but he didn’t.

“Yeah I know I just want to give you a little heads up.” He said with a shrug. I nodded and gave him a smile as he walked away. I chuckled to myself and shook my head as I headed toward Jack and like I suspected Alex was there.

“Hey Alex!” I shouted as I hugged him and handed him a beer which he accepted with a smile.

“Hello again” Jack smiled as he kissed me. I broke away from him though and handed him a beer as well and opened my own.

“So are you having fun?” Alex asked over the music.

“Of course why wouldn’t I be?” I awkwardly laughed as I looked down. My dad was dead that’s why. I was here having fun meanwhile all his friends and my family were more then likely grieving over what happened. I was such a horrible daughter. Then all of a sudden I dropped my beer bottle without meaning to. It shattered all over the place as beer splashed up onto my legs.

People looked at me but I just looked down and then started to quickly walk away. However Jack started to follow and when he caught up he grabbed my arm. He pulled me to him and I started to cry. This was more like it. This was how I was suppose to be when someone died not happy and living it up. What had gotten into me?

“You can’t grieve over it for too long you know. You’ve got people who get worried and you move on eventually. The sooner the better you really don’t want to drag it out that long.” Alex stated patting my back and a small smile on his face.

“I’m not going to ask so I won’t, but it seems like you have lost someone just as dear.” I said wiping some tears away as I moved my face away from Jack’s neck and looked at him.

“Yeah I have.” Alex mumbled and I didn’t push it any farther. So he had lost someone. I wanted to know what since I was so close to Alex anyway, but I knew that I shouldn’t so I wouldn’t.

Later in that month we were almost to California. Our adventure would end soon and then what would happen? Lie around at home and then have a long distance relationship with Jack? Would we end it? I really didn’t want that to happen. Maybe I could become a Maryland girl and be with Jack. The closer we got to California the more I thought about these things. Jack knew something was on my mind, but he never asked. I think it was because he had a feeling of that I was thinking.

As I walked to Jack’s bus I saw Alex. He looked frustrated with something. He was passing back and forth with a phone in his hand. I walked over to him, but he didn’t notice. Wow he must really be concentrating on something. I snapped my fingers repeatedly and finally he looked at me.

“Oh hey Case” he trailed off as his eyes shifted to his phone again.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked placing my hands on my hips and staring him down.

“Well, there’s this girl,” Alex started as he looked at me now “and I have her number, but I’m scared to call her.”

“Aw! Alex! You like someone! That is just so adorable!” I squealed and I hugged him tightly.

“Can’t,” he gasped “Breath!”

I let go and playfully slapped him as I laughed and said “Just call her!”

“I don’t know.” Alex mumbled “I don’t want to make a fool of myself.”

“You always do that.” I laughed with a smile.

“Oh that makes me feel better!” Alex whined with an upset look.

“I mean it in a good way though, but anyway what’s the lucky girl’s name?” I questioned with a smirk.

“Lisa” Alex shyly stated as a cute little smile creped up on his lips and he lightly blushed.

“Aw she sounds like a keeper, but I wanna meet her!” I demanded jabbing my finger in his chest.

”Owe,” Alex whined rubbing his chest and giving me a face “Stop hurting me and go find your lover boy.”

I then whacked him in the head, stuck out my tongue, and walked off merrily. When I reached the bus I knocked on the door. No one answered it straight away, but when it was answered it was Ricky. I was confused and as I stepped onto the bus I saw that my whole band was here. What was going on?

“Hey guys. What’s going on?” I asked as they looked at me and amongst them was Jack. He looked upset about something, but when he saw me he seemed to be even more upset. Did I do something wrong? I thought of the past few days and thought if I had done something to upset Jack. I couldn’t think of anything I had done wrong.

“Uh, nothing lets go guys.” Jared quickly said as he shoved both Star and Ricky off fast saying goodbye.

“What was that all about?” I asked Jack as I sat next to him and hugged him resting my chin on his shoulder and looking at the side of his face.

“Nothing we were just talking.” He replied.

“Talking about what?” I pressed as I kissed his cheek. Jack sighed and closed his eyes.

“I really do love you.” He smiled as he turned to look me in the eyes.

“I love you too, but don’t change the subject silly.” I mumbled as Jack pecked my lips a few times.

“It was nothing really just forget that they were ever here.” Jack paused “So what bra do you have on today?”

“Just the usual.” I laughed as I rolled my eyes. If he didn’t want to talk about what was going on then that was fine. I’d find out soon enough anyway.

“Yellow smiley?” Jack smiled with a look of hope in his eyes.

“Oh I don’t know. You’re just going to have to find out for yourself.” I smirked as I started to kiss him.
♠ ♠ ♠
:D thank you to eeeeeeeeeeveryone who has taken the time to read my stories, comment, and subscribe. (Or has done at least one of the three!)

I have started school so I my not update as much as I use to (lol like everyday!) so I might be updating two or three times a week? I'll try updating as MUCH as I can possable.

-Jagked (Sam)
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