Sick Little Games

Chapter 23

“Whoa! Hey geez do that somewhere else!” I heard Alex yell. I tried to look behind me but couldn’t since I was lying down. Jack however looked up from me while laughing.

“Aw it’s not like you’ve walked into something worse” Jack joked getting off of me and pulling a shirt on. I did the same and sat there looking down at the ground. That was so embarrassing.

“Oh look now you’ve made her embarrassed” Jack laughed as he hugged me.

“Can I look?” Alex asked peeking between his fingers and then removing his hands from his face when he saw we were just sitting and hugging “Next time get a hotel room not the bus.”

“Shut up!” I yelled as I slapped Alex’s arm. It was quiet for a moment until Jack started to tug on my shirt sleeve.

“I want to take you out on a real date.” Jack stated with a smile. I was kind of shocked at this. I mean yeah I was with him, but I hadn’t realized that we had never been on an actual date together.

“I don’t know. I have a boyfriend already.” I sighed giving him a sorry look.

“Ah we don’t have to tell the poor sap.” Jack joked as he kissed my cheek.

“Hey I want to tag along!” Alex whined and I gave him a look “Or I could just stay here and make a buzznet video.”

“That’s what I thought.” I said seriously, but then started to laugh since I couldn’t hold a straight face.

“Or maybe Rian and I will make a buzznet video of your date.” Alex mumbled talking to himself. I stared at him until he realized that I had heard him. I started to tug on his hair saying “If you did that I’ll have to cut off your dick and then you just won’t be a happy camper.”

“Then you wouldn’t be able to have kids Alex! You wouldn’t be able to name your little boy after me then!” Jack cried “You must keep that small wiener!”

“My penis is not small!” Alex whined and paused for a second “Maybe just a little bit.”

“I don’t want to hear about your dick Alex.” I said as I started to mess with Jack’s hair.

“Wanna hear about mine?” Jack asked with a smile. I just laughed and said “Maybe some other time.”

“His dick is nothing special.” Alex said waving Jack off.

“Hey! Be quiet you have a baby penis.” Jack retorted as I noticed Zack standing there staring at us weird.

“Hi Zack!” I shouted and I bounced over to him and gave him a hug.

“Hey Case.” He smiled and hugged me back. I let go and jumped over to Jack and sat on his lap as Zack took a seat next to Alex who had moved over.

“So is tonight’s show canceled?” Jack asked Zack. I looked at Jack confused and then looked out the window. There wasn’t any rain out and I didn’t remember anything about there going to be any today.

“What are you talking about?” I finally asked.

“Well this place is pretty old and some floor boards broke and some outlets stopped working and a couple of other things.” Zack explained “So far the show is off, but if they can fix the problems before the time were supposed to go on then were going to be playing.”

“Oh ok.” Jack said as he nodded “That means we can go on our date!”

“How sweet.” Zack mumbled and I stuck my tongue out at him.

“We can go right now!” Jack shouted and grabbed me and got up. He grabbed my wrist and said “See you guys later.”

“I hope you remembered to pack condoms!” Alex shouted after us and I laughed.

“I got plenty!” Jack called back and kissed my cheek quickly before pulling me somewhere again.

“So where are we going?” I asked as we stopped at the door to get in backstage.

“Well I’m going to go ask if I can borrow a car, but you need to stay right here.” Jack stated as he ran off somewhere inside. When he returned he had car keys jingling in his hand. He held my hand as he smiled and we started to walk to where ever the car was. I was curious as to where he was planning on going to. Jack was always a surprise so I wouldn’t even be surprised if his took me to a toy store and call it a date.

When we got to the car we hopped in and Jack inserted the keys. So I asked “Where are we going today?”

“Well we are in Las Vegas, Nevada so why not see what goes on during the day?” Jack shrugged as he pulled out of the parking lot and onto a road.

“So you have no clue?” I laughed looking at him.

“Not in the slightest.” Jack stated with a chuckle.

“Were just winging it then that’s cool.” I smiled as I looked at the road ahead. We talked and laughed in the car as Jack drove who knows where to. About a half hour later we arrived in the heart of the town and it was strange not to see the place lit up like you usually saw in movies and on TV.

“Let’s hit a casino!” Jack shouted enthusiastically as he bounced in his seat at a red light.

“Ok! Just don’t crash the car!” I squealed as I held onto the seats dramatically.

“Oh don’t be such a baby.” He said waving me off as we came to a stop in front of a hotel and casino.

“The Luxsor?” I mumbled tilting my head. Why did that name seem so familiar? Luxsor, Luxsor where had I heard that? Then it hit me this is where Criss Angel did mostly all of his magic tricks.

“Yep the place just looked really cool so I stopped here!” Jack shouted as he parked and then got out.

“I know this place!” I smiled as I jumped up and down. How could I have forgotten? Criss Angel was badass so of coursed I watched his show whenever it was on.

“You do?” Jack asked “You don’t have a secret gambling problem that you never told me do you?!”

“No, I don’t” I laughed “Criss Angel does a lot of shows here. He like half owns the place or something. I have no idea.”

“Awesomeness!” Jack shouted as he grabbed my hand and towed me inside.

“Hey wait! I have to go to an ATM I’ve only got twenty bucks on me!” I exclaimed as we entered the freezing casino.

“Why? Were going to the gift shop!” Jack laughed with a huge smile. Just like I suspected if it wasn’t a toy store it was a gift shop, but then he said “Nah were goin in the casino too.”

He let me go to an ATM to get some more cash for myself and apparently Jack had around five hundred dollars on him anyway so he was just going to use that up. We headed over to the gift shop and fooled around until the cashier shooed us away with glares. Laughing on our way out we headed for the crap tables. After a few minutes though we decided to go to the slot machines in the way back.

I took a seat next to Jack at a bright lit up machine and inserted money.

“Come on baby win big!” Jack whined as he pulled the handle. I watched, but all of his pictures were way off.

“Oh boy we got a real gambler here!” I joked as I rolled my eyes and pulled my own handle. Right off the bat I got three sevens and money came pouring out of the machine.

“That’s not fair!” Jack shouted as he pointed at me. He then tackled me off my seat all of a sudden.

“What are you doing?!” I laughed as Jack started to tickle me. I squirmed and laughed hysterically as people stared at us strangely and wondered if we were even allowed to be in these areas. I was old enough so I didn’t have to worry about that, but what we did have to worry about was the security guards now looking at us.

“You’re just a lucky duckling that’s what you are!” Jack said in a funny voice and his fingers tickled my side “I just love you so much!”

“Jack” I laughed harder “Jack stop!”

“But why should I? I love being on you not to mention when your just so cute when you laugh!” he exclaimed sticking his tongue out at me.

“From my squirming you’re probably getting a boner and we don’t want that now do we?” I teased and next thing I knew Jack was off me.

“Is he giving you a problem miss?” a deep voice asked. I looked and it was a security guard. I got up and said “No everything is fine my boyfriend was just making a fool of himself in public again. I’m sorry.”

About two hours later we left the Luxsor and sat in Jack’s car again. We talked for a bit and next thing we knew we were headed back ‘home’.

“Today was sooo much fun Jack!” I smiled as I leaned over and kissed Jack on the cheek.

“We should have rented a room cuz then I could have gotten some action with you!” Jack said whacking his forehead “Why didn’t I think of that sooner?”

“Later!” I laughed as I playfully slapped his shoulder.

“Case I just wanna fuck you up.” Jack stated with a smirk.

“You perv” I shouted with a grin.

Like usual everything was going perfectly normal, but I knew deep down something was going to break this happy time. I was gradually getting over my dad’s death and if there was another uphill struggle I didn’t think I was going to make it this time. If it was something really major in my life I didn’t think I could handle it. Why was I thinking this all of a sudden? It was because somewhere in the back of my head I never stopped thinking about why my band was on All Time Low’s bus talking to Jack alone. Jack looked upset about something at the time or maybe it was from thinking a lot.

Maybe I had this all wrong. Maybe instead of something bad going to happen something wonderful was going to happen. I wasn’t sure, but all I knew was that whatever was going to take place was going down in California. That much I had figured out.
♠ ♠ ♠
:D Thank you people for reading, Subscribing, commenting, or doing all three!! You make me happy ^^

Soo what's goin on huh? Jack knows somethin, Casey's band knows somethin, who knows who else knows somethin.

And sorry if this was a crappy chapter...... I had a hard time writing the last like ... 3 chapters? haha, but this next chapter will be way better!! I promise!

-Jagked (Sam)
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