Sick Little Games

Chapter 24

There was something fishy going on. I was getting to the bottom of it. We were in California now after a few weeks of pure fun with Jack and Alex. However that little thing was chomping away at the back of my head. There was something my band and Jack were not telling me. I think Alex knew now too because I saw Jack talking to him one day and when I came up they dropped whatever they were talking about. It really bothered me that every time I tried to bring it up Jack started some other conversation or kissed me until I completely forgot about it or didn’t bring it up again.

At the moment I was lounging out in my bus thinking real hard. I hadn’t even noticed when Jack and Alex had come in. After a little while of not noticing them Jack plopped down on my lap. I was a bit startled and then surprised I hadn’t noticed the two loudest people I knew had been standing right in front of me.

“You’re so spacey!” Alex huffed as he took a seat beside me.

“Don’t do that!” Jack stated hugging me. I shoved him off out of surprise when he started to blow on my neck. He fell on the ground with a loud thud and I instantly felt horrible.

“I’m so sorry!” I shouted “Did I hurt you?”

“Can you kiss my booboo?” Jack asked in a cute kid voice as he pursed his lips.

“Of course snukums!” Alex shouted as he went to kiss Jack where he had pointed on his cheek. Jack pushed him away as I laughed.

“Rejected!” I smirked as Jack came up to me and kissed me on the lips.

“Accepted!” Jack sang as he pulled away and then kissed my cheek.

“You guys are so cute together, but keep the lovey dovey crap to a minimum when I’m here please.” Alex sweetly smiled as I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Get Lisa over here and then you can do the same!” I exclaimed and Alex looked down with a sweet and shy smile on his face. I could tell he was blushing too. Alex and Lisa were so adorable together and every time you mentioned Lisa and doing something that involves kissing or any love he gets really shy. It was so cute.

“Aw look at Alex ain’t he the cutest?” Jack commented with a laugh as he patted his best friends shoulder reassuringly.

”Shut up dip stick!” Alex yelled as he blushed a deeper red.

“Dude that was a really lame come back you must be really love sick.” Jack laughed shaking his head back and forth. Also Alex had stopped with the band sluts finally. Lisa must really mean something to him then.

“You small dicked pint sized fuckin pea brain of a know it all friend!” Alex replied back sticking is tongue out as if saying ‘haha I win’.

“Baby penis” was all Jack said with a smirk on his face.

“Damnit!” Alex exclaimed defeated and I just cracked up. The rest of the time we just talked and joked around like we usually did everyday. However I had to open my mouth again about the curious subject my friends were talking about.

“So what’s going on with my band and you guys?” I asked all of a sudden. Jack and Alex hadn’t seen it coming so they were left to actually think before replying.

“What’s do you mean?” Alex spoke up first.

“Oh come on really you know what I’m talking about. What exciting news are you hiding from me?” I replied with a smile. I looked from Jack to Alex expecting an answer, but none came. Why weren’t they telling me anything these days?

“Case, babe, we don’t know what you're talking about.” Jack said with an awkward chuckle as he placed a hand on my thigh. I removed it and Jack sighed saying “Aw come on Case don’t be like that.”

“Well I’m sorry that my own band, boyfriend, and best friend won’t tell me something that they all know not to tell me! Don’t you see something wrong there?” questioned in disbelief.

“Really Case-“ Alex started.

“No, really Alex no ones telling me anything and I just think that’s hunky dory!” I sarcastically shouted as I got up and closed my eyes. I wasn’t going to cry. That would just be stupid, but they didn’t realize how hurt I was feeling that no one was telling me anything. I was at my breaking point. My own band wouldn’t tell me shit. My boyfriend wouldn’t tell me shit and Alex Gaskarth my best friend wouldn’t tell me shit. There was something defiantly wrong with that. Since they weren’t telling me whatever the hell it was I knew it had to involve me which made me feel even more paranoid.

“Case I know you really want to know, but please just wait a little longer and you’ll see I swear.” Jack reassured as he held out his hand to me. He looked pretty upset. Was it the news that was making him like that? Or was it me from acting the way I was? I decided it was just because of me, but deep down I think I knew it was the news that was making him sad. What the hell was it?

I grabbed Jack’s hand and sat on his lap saying “I’m sorry I acted that way. I’m just at my breaking point.”

“I know, babe, I know.” Jack murmured as I laid my head on his shoulder and he stroked my hair.

“I’m pretty sure they were going to tell you today anyway.” Alex quietly said. It worried me did something bad happen?

“Can I just ask one thing? Yes or no question.” I said as I looked between Jack and Alex who had exchanged glances.

“Sure” they both stated in unison.

“Well I’m positive its about me, but is it something bad because I just get this feeling that it is and I’m not sure if I’m ready to hear it or not.” I sighed as I laid my head on Jack’s shoulder again. I saw them exchange some more looks again.

“Yeah you’re not going to like it.” Jack mumbled.

“I knew it.” I sighed “At least I know to prepare myself for a let down whatever the hell it is.”

“Prepare yourself damn good then.” Alex laughed messing my hair up.

“If it’s something stupid after all this drama then I’m going to beat you!” I joked as I bit Jack’s lip.

“Ah!!!” Jack shouted waving his arms around “My girlfriends biting me! My girlfriend biting - oh wait never mind I like this!”

I giggled as Jack started to kiss me. Alex was just humming and twitting his fingers. Jack started to kiss my neck playfully as I giggled harder and held onto Jack. Then as Jack’s hands started to play with the bottom of my shirt I remembered poor Alex sitting beside us. I pushed Jack away and shooed him over so I could sit between the both instead of on his lap.

“I’m soweey Awex!” I said like a little kid as I hugged him.

“Its fine I’m just glad you stopped before he started letting it all hang out.” Alex joked with a smile “However you I wouldn’t have minded seeing.”

“Pervert!” I shouted smacking his shoulder repeatedly.

“No hitting on my girlfriend!” Jack whined as he grabbed me and hugged me tightly. I laughed and rolled my eyes. Boys.

In the next hour I was waiting on stage with my band. They weren’t looking at me. Were they going to tell me now? There was a week left of the tour sadly and they have better tell me now. Jared turned to me with a sad look in his eyes. Then Ricky looked at me and then Star. No one spoke for awhile as we were handed our needed guitar, bass, or drumsticks. We were to go out very soon.

“There’s something that we need to tell you Case.” Star whispered but loud enough where I could still hear her over the loud talking of the crowd.

“I knew this was coming. What is it guys? Really it’s been bothering me.” I confessed.

“We were going to tell you sooner, but at the time we found out your father had passed and we weren’t ready to tell you.” Ricky stated.

“I didn’t want this just to let you know Case. It was two against one. Just remember that.” Jared said looking me straight in the eyes as I nodded.

“Were kicking you out.” Star bluntly stated after a minute or so. It took me a few minutes to comprehend what she said, but when it hit it sure did hit.
♠ ♠ ♠
:D Thank you everyone for commenting! I love you guys!! ♥
I also love those 177 people who had read this weather you actually did read everthing or not that high number makes me happy!
Also a big thanks for clicking that subscibe button to those 27 people!

Ohhhh I bet you were not expecting that! ... Or were you?

-Jagked (Sam)
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