Sick Little Games

Chapter 25

“You’re - you’re kicking me - what?” I stuttered in disbelief.

“Were kicking you out of the band Case.” Ricky stated for Star who looked choked up.

“Why?!” I shouted completely confused. Was this just another trick of Gabe’s?

“We just think we can get a better guitar player then you heck we already found one that’s better then you.” Rick answered.

“I’m your friend how the hell could you kick me out? I’m one of the people who started this fucking band!” I yelled outraged.

“I’m sorry Case. I’m so sorry I didn’t want this.” Jared apologized with his head down in shame.

“Then why are you letting them Jared?” he opened his mouth to say something but I continued “No don’t even answer because I know what it is already! You just don’t want to admit that you really want me gone too.”

“Case the guys good a really good guitar player.” Jared reasoned and I just shook my head not wanting to listen anymore.

“I can’t fucking believe you guys. I really can’t.” I looked to Star “You know you’re going to be next right? The only reason why your going to last longer in this band is because of Jared being your boyfriend, don’t look at me that way Star I already knew you both liked each other and hooked up ok? I’m just letting you know though you’re going to be gone like me sooner or later.”

“Case-“ Star was cut off by a sound girl telling us we were on.

“Lets just get this show over with and then I’m packing and leaving tonight I don’t give a shit if we still have a week left so just get that fabulous guitar player of yours to fill in for me!” I yelled as I stalked out on stage. This was going to be my last performance and I better play it well. I want to make them regret that they opened their mouths or to even form the sentence to tell me I was kicked out or to even think I wasn’t good enough guitar player.

I started a song that everyone followed with before Ricky could have a chance to say anything other then to start sing. I stayed focus and played. I wasn’t going to break down and cry in front of this crowd tonight. (Why did I want to just cry so much lately?) I wasn’t going to cry about this at all I was going to be angry, wait no, I was going to be furious. When Star came crying to me though about being kicked out too there was no way I was going to help her all I was going to do was say “I told you so” and let her be on her way. Thinking that now was easy, but when it came time that that was going to happen I probably would change my mind.

“Hey we’re Stay Awake if you didn’t know and were so glad you could make it here tonight!” Ricky shouted getting the crowd going. I just stood there. I wanted to shout something so badly into the microphone, I knew that I shouldn’t, but who said I wouldn't?

“Yeah our band is just the best were the best of friends and it will always be that way. Guys follow me on twitter and I’ll tell you the name of my new band!” I yelled angrily as people started to talk with whoever they had brought with them “Yeah that’s right this is the last time you’ll see me with this band because apparently they found someone better.”

“Aw come on Case we still love ya.” Ricky nervously said as Star and Jared started up on another song. I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but that wasn’t very nice. That was it. The cat was out of the bag and now everyone in this crowd would know it was the end for me and that they had kicked me out. As soon as they get home they would upload those videos of me saying what I said on Youtube. The kids would text their friends email them and get the word across online. So I knew that people would follow me on twitter.

At the end of our concert portion I played my heart out. This is what I was made for and I was having it being taken away from me, taken right out from under my fingers. I strummed like crazy hitting each complicated note perfectly for one of our most famous songs. People were cheering me because of how good I was doing. I got down on my knees and continued to play. When the song ended I still continued and the crowd we crazy. I was showing them who was better and I wasn’t going out without a bang. I played as I got up to my feet again and let a long cord drag out as I looked down.

People cheered and yelled at me to smash the guitar so I took the strap off that was around me and held it high.

“You want me to do it? I’ll do it!” I shouted into the microphone. People shouted ‘yes’ or just plan ‘wo’. I then swung down hard until the floor came in contact with the guitar and I just couldn’t stop smashing the guitar. It felt so good. It was letting my anger out and when I was done I left the dead guitar there and walked off stage proudly. I was hopping to see that on Youtube.

I rushed out the building never looking back, but I knew that none of my ex band mates were rushing after me. They knew to keep away right now. I stormed on my bus and immediately headed for my luggage. I started taking whatever was mine and throwing it in my bag. I heard someone come on the bus but I didn’t look. I looked down and noticed I was wearing one of Star’s shirts. I gave an aggravated sigh and ripped it off throwing it on her bunk.

“Hey Babe” Jack said coming up to me. I didn’t look I just picked out one of my own shirts to wear and tugged it on.

“You were right it was horrible.” I mumbled as I walked past him and into the bathroom to get my stuff. He followed me in and then back out giving me worried faces as I finished up packing my shit.

“Case I’m sorry. I knew, but they told me cuz I was involved with you and I actually asked them right out because of the way they were looking at you.” Jack explained as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

“I just don’t understand why they would do this.” I said in a shaky voice. Oh no I was going to cry.

“Well start another band.” Jack simply stated as I turned around to look at him. I gave a small smile and rolled my eyes.

“I tried that and look how it turned out.” I chuckled as I pecked his lips.

“Do you just wanna forget what happened?” Jack whispered in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine and I nodded as I started to kiss him. I wanted to just forget about all of this at the moment. I wanted to be with Jack. I wanted it to just be me and him and no one else at the moment and I think that is exactly what we were going to get. Just a few hours alone should be long enough.

We started to really get into it, some of our clothes discarded already, when I stopped Jack.

“What’s the matter?” he breathed as he pecked my lips and looked at me.

“I wanna go home.” I whispered as tears started to form on the brim of my eyes. Jack quietly sighed and looked to the side of me.

“Alright. I’ll see if we can get you a cab or if I can drive you to the air port or something.” Jack mumbled a bit upset.

“I’m so sorry. I was going to with you, but then-” he cut me off.

“No, its fine you didn’t want to I get it.” Jack said as he started to get off me, but I grabbed him by the shoulders.

“I'm really sorry Jack it’s just that I want it to be special you know? I don’t want to look back and think ‘oh right it happened right after I found out I was kicked out of my up rising band’ you know?” I explained. Jack nodded but he still didn’t look happy.

“I just wanted to finally after over a month of being together.” Jack mumbled.

“I would have gladly given it to you Jack you know I would, but just not right now” I paused when he glumly nodded “I’m not rejecting you. I want you to understand that.”

“I understand Case maybe in a few weeks from now I’ll make a surprise visit to your house so you better buy plenty of yellow smiley faced bras” Jack joked kissing my lips. I dragged out the kiss until Jack himself pulled away and started putting his clothes back on. I did the same and soon I was grabbing my luggage and following Jack out the door.
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Oh so many people read this! I love you allll! Thank you sooo much! And don't be afraid to comment! I would love to hear your thoughts about anything on the story! I could be about what happened or just that my grammer sucked! (It would bring me down but at least I'd check harder the next time.)

-Jagked (Sam)
I ♥ Comments!
Thank you everyone for making it possable to reach my 50 Comment mark! I'd love more though! maybe we can shoot for at least 80?