Sick Little Games

Chapter 26

I honestly wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to get a flight today or have to spend the night in an airport, but if I was going to have to then that was fine by me. I walked quietly beside Jack feeling uneasy. I think I had hurt him. I mean I really would have gone through with it, but I didn’t want to remember my first time along with being kicked out of my own band. It would haunt me that I didn’t just do it, but it could be done some other time couldn’t it? I wanted Jack so badly, just as much as I think he wanted me, but I just couldn’t something was stopping me. I felt so bad though for him.

“Jack?” I started as I looked at his side profile “You still love me don’t you?”

Jack swiftly turned to look at me as he stopped in his tracks and said “Don’t ever say that of course I still love you Case.”

I smiled hugging and kissing him before we started walking again. We were headed in the direction of his bands tour bus. Maybe Jack had other plans instead of taking me to the airport tonight?

“So what’s the plan? Am I leaving tonight or what?” I questioned as I reached for Jack’s hand with my free one.

“Well I don’t want you spending the night at the airport so just stay at our bus your always welcome and we’ll check the tickets online.” Jack sighed not looking at me. When we got on the bus I put my stuff down and then got off to catch up with Jack at the door.

“Everything’s going to be alright you know that right?” I said with a smile. Jack looked at me and nodded pecking my lips.

“I’m going to miss you so much though.” he mumbled.

“Well it was going to happen anyway since the tour is over in a few days.” I stated matter of factly.

“Yeah, but I was trying to savor each day with you and I just wish I had more time.” Jack confessed as I smiled sadly and hugged him tightly.

“Jack I was wondering if I could ask you and your band a favor.” I said as I let go of him.

“Sure what is it?” he asked tilting his head cutely to the side.

“There’s a song I’d like to sing while you guys are on stage. It’s one of your bands songs.” I exclaimed with a wide smile.

“What song?”

Stay Awake Dreams Only Last For a Night” I replied quickly.

“I’ll ask the band I’m sure they’ll say yes to you though. It’s a great song so I’m sure the crowd will like it too.” Jack smiled as he grabbed my hand and we headed for the backstage door. When we got in a song from Cobra Starship flooded my ears. Were we really gone that long that The Maine had preformed and Cobra was on?

“Where have you been?!” Rian shouted as he rushed over to us “Jack were on really soon this is Cobra’s last song already.”

“Well we were just doing stuff and-” Rian cut him off.

“I don’t need details about your sex life Jack.” Rian laughed.

“Oh but it was so great Case is real feisty and she sure does know how to give it to you. Damn it was the best feeling ever that I can still feel it lingering!” Jack exclaimed and shivering as if giving him a thrill. Of course it was a lie, but I was sure Jack was wishing it was true.

“I really didn’t need to hear that, but come on Alex has been complaining for you.” Rian stated as he started to walk away hoping we’d follow. So we did follow and there was Alex sitting on a chair texting. Wow he sure was complaining for Jack all right. When Alex looked up and saw us he jumped up and hugged me.

“Hi Alex?” I laughed as I hugged back “What’s with the hug?”

“I don’t know I just wanted to hug you ok?” Alex smiled happily.

“Alright how many Rock Stars have you had?” I questioned with a short laugh.

“I’m insulted! I have not had any what so ever!” he whined looking hurt.

“Come on Alex it’s easy to tell when you’ve had any energy drink” I stated crossing my arms over my chest.

“Ok maybe I had one” he paused “or three”

“Or maybe you just had one to many drinks again” Jack commented punching Alex in the arm.

“Owie!” Alex cried rubbing his arm.

“Wow Alex that was really pathetic.” I laughed as I shagged his hair.

Cobra got off stage moments later and the sound crew got out and started swapping out equipment. Jack asked everyone if I could sing a song of theirs and they all agreed saying it could be around the third song they play. I thanked them all with a big hug while thinking this might be the last I hug or even see them in a long time. Even though I was staying with them in the tour bus one last night they were sure to party and crash late while I got up early and left. I was going to miss them all. Just thinking about it was getting me choked up.

Next thing I knew All Time Low took the stage singing The Beach. I sang along enjoy this last concert, though I went over the words to Stay Awake in my head over and over again. I knew all the words so I was going to be fine, but this would be my first time singing live in front of a large audience. I had to admit I had the jitters.

The third song came way too fast. I quickly walked on stage and I was sure people were a bit confused. They thought they had seen the last of me for awhile, but I’d take my chance singing I had been told many times I had a good voice and I wanted to let people know. Maybe someone had a band offer? As I passed Jack I gave him a hug along with Alex.

“Here’s our fantastic friend Casey!” Alex shouted with a smile “Doesn’t everyone wanna get in her pants?”

Most of the guys wooped and I blushed lightly.

“See there she goes again with her adorable blushing” Jack gushed with a bright smile which made me blush harder “But back off she’s mine guys!”

“If you guys are done embarrassing me I’d like to get this over with?” I laughed as I smacked the back of Alex’s head.

“Yeah Case here’s gonna sing!” Jack shouted into a microphone “It’s going to be awesome so get that shit recorded on your camera!”

“Yeah fuck it in your sleep make sweet Casey singing babies” Alex mumbled into the microphone in a deep voice. Girls cried from how hot he sounded and boys hooted.

“You guys are such pervs that I just don’t know what to do with you!” I shouted.

“Fuck us!” Jack, Alex, and I shouted. I knew they were going to say that so I just rolled my eyes. People I could tell were taping us and I knew I was going to see this on Youtube. I’d have to look for it.

“Alright, alright enough fantasizing boys” I laughed as Jack started to strum notes along with Zack and Rian started to lightly pat on his drums. I smiled and started to sing.

Stuck splitting hairs
I'm drinking too much I’m on my way to striking out
Go to sleep with the pressure of everyone
Watching and waiting they’re yours for the taking
But i still have my doubts

I said before you ask which way to go
Remember where you've been

Stay awake
Get a grip and get out your safe
From the weight of the world just take
A second to set things straight
I'll be fine
Even though I’m not always right
I can count on the sun to shine
The dedication takes a lifetime
But dreams only last for a night

Figure it out
Boy you're tripping so pull yourself together
Or you'll wash up like the rest
Cause this ship is sinking
I'm thinking, I’m done for
I watch as the sails disappear under water
Cause I’m no captain yet

I said before you ask which way to go
Remember where you've been

Stay awake
Get a grip and get out your safe
From the weight of the world just take
A second to set things straight
I'll be fine
Even though I’m not always right
I can count on the sun to shine
Dedication takes a lifetime
But dreams only last for a night

Believe you me
I'll tell them everything
Id tell them anything
To show them everything
Believe you me
I'll give them everything
Id tell them anything

You ain't the only one's who wanna live it up!
You ain't the only one's! [ x4]

Stay awake
Get a grip and get out your safe
From the weight of the world just take
A second to set things straight
I'll be fine
Even though I’m not always right
I can count on the sun to shine
Dedication takes a lifetime
But dreams only last for a night

After the song I was tired, out of breath, and exhilarated. I have some major respect for Alex and any singer who goes out there and sings for hours. I loved it though. Singing on stage was the best. My voice grew stronger and I had fun jumping around and just messing around near Zack, Jack, Rian, or Alex. It would be really cool if I was in their band. Even if I was just a fill in or their merch girl I wouldn’t care I just loved all of them so much and wasn’t looking forward to leaving them.

I got off stage and grabbed water out of a cooler and grabbed a chair. I opened the fold up chair where I could watch the stage, sit back, and drink my water. A few minutes later it felt like someone was standing beside me so I looked and saw that Jared was standing there. I ignored him, but he kept glancing at me wanting to say something.

“Look, Case, I’m really sorry, but you don’t have to leave right away it’s a bit rash.” Jared said looking down at me. I didn’t even look at him when I shouted my response over the crowd.

“Well it’s for the best and it is not rash. Rash is if I didn’t even step on stage after you told me that shit about kicking me out and being on a plane home right now.” I replied.

“How much longer are you staying till?” Jared asked.

“Why would you care?” I spat back.

“Look we may have kicked you out, but that doesn’t mean we don’t care about you!” Jared shouted.

“I’m leaving tomorrow morning ok? I’m spending the night at All Time Low’s bus so it won’t be awkward.” I answered with a sigh as Alex started to sing Coffeeshop Soundtrack.

“Fine then.” Jared sighed as he stalked of.

“Fine then.” I mocked with a scoff. Our friendship would sadly never be the same.
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Hmm guess I really can update like everyday even if school started! I'm sure some of you guys are wondering "Well hey, it seems like the end of the story! What are you just gonna end it with her leaving and that's freakin it?!"
Haha well have no fear the music busness can't get rid of Casey that easily.

Think about what I said there.

-Jagked (Sam)
I ♥ Commnets!