Sick Little Games

Chapter 27

I sat there on the couch in All Time Low’s bus. I was utterly bored and did not know what to do. I had told Jack to go out and enjoy himself, but that he would have to take me to the airport tomorrow. I leaned back and put my knees up to my chest resting my arms on them. I closed my eyes and thought about everything that had happened on tour. It had been going to well for so long, but things seemed to go crashing down in a matter of minutes. Tour wasn’t supposed to be this way. I mean yeah we’d have our ups and downs, but now we were just at a constant downfall it seemed.

I opened my eyes and looked for where they had their stereo. When my eyes laid on it I swiftly got up and turned on whatever CD was in the player already. Blink-182 came on of course. I should have known that, but I didn’t change it I really liked these guys. They were one of my favorite bands ever.

And then I saw her standing there with green eyes and long blonde hair” I sang along to the chorus quietly. Jack better not fuck any girl with green eyes and long blonde hair who won’t be wearing underwear. The only person he better fuck is me. Whenever that would be because I still felt bad from what happened earlier today. Maybe I should go get him now?

Though before I could think something else I heard the bus door open. I stopped singing and peeked my head as far as I could see of the steps. Jack came up with two beers in his hand and with a smile on his face.

“Hey Case!” Jack greeted as he plopped down beside me and handed me an opened beer.

“Why thank you!” I smiled and I took it from him and took a sip “Hey you didn’t put anything in my drink did you?”

“No what ever would make you think that?” Jack said sweetly. I stuck my tongue out at him and took another sip from the beer then asked “So why aren’t you out there partying?”

“I wanna spend time with my girl!” Jack shouted as he nestled his head in the crook of my neck.

“Aw that’s so sweet of you!” I smiled as I leaned my head on his. Next thing I knew the tour bus opened again in came Alex, Zack, and Rian. What was going on?

“We’re here!” Alex shouted happily as he jumped on top of Jack.

“What are you all doing here?” I questioned as they all started to pile onto the couch. Jack sat to the right of me and Alex now moved to my left.

“Well you didn’t want to party so we brought the party to you!” Rian laughed as he pulled the recliner part out of the couch and sat back and relaxed with a beer in his hand. I swear that guy sure does know how to relax.

“Cool well now that all us bimbos are gathered what are we suppose to do?” I asked with a warm feeling in my heart. Now I was getting all warm and fuzzy feeling. It was weird, but what these guys were doing was just truly nice and sweet of them.

“I brought a movie!” Zack shouted holding up a DVD case with both hands. I got on my feet on the couch and reached for the case. It wasn’t the smartest move because I lost my balance and went crashing down on top of Jack, Rian, and a little bit on Zack as my feet rested on Alex’s lap. Now you’d think I’d be pretty tall to have fallen on all of them, but you didn’t know how small a couch was in this freaking bus.

“Casey!” Jack sang as he bent down and hugged my waist sideways. He then started to rub his face on my lower back. Then next thing I knew Alex started to tickle me under my leg joints, my weak spot. I gasped as I jumped and feel back on all of them and started to squirm.

“WHOA!” the whole band said as they erupted into heys, oh’s, and ouches.

“Boner! Major Boner!” Jack yelled as he started to slap Alex to stop tickling me.

“Hey I’ve had my boner and you don’t see me complaining!” Alex smiled and I rolled right off all of them.

“I am not bouncing around on a happy boner Alex moment.” I stated “Even if my legs were only on you.”

“You’re no fun” Alex pouted crossing his arms over his chest. I laughed with everyone else and finally grabbed the movie out of Zack’s iron grip.

“Ok so let’s see what we have here” I smiled as I looked down at the DVD case. I froze my eyes on the cover and at the strange scene that was there. It looked like a scary movie and I was worried. I looked at the title and saw that it read A Haunting in Connecticut.

“So what movie is it?!” Jack shouted impatiently from his seat.

A Haunting in Connecticut” I mumbled with a sigh. No one knew really, but I hated scary movies. I was such a tough person, but I really did not like scary movies.

“Yes! This one was supposed to be really good!” Alex exclaimed.

“I know I’ve been dying to watch it.” Zack explained with a nod.

“Pop that baby in!” Rian shouted.

“Uh, sure.” I murmured as I walked over to the blue-ray player. I took the disc out and prayed that it didn’t work, but of course I knew that wasn’t possible. I put the disc in reluctantly and pushed play while also grabbing the remote and handing it to Zack.

Only about fifteen minutes into the movie I was ready to shut it off. I was snuggled tightly in the small space with Jack as I pressed the side of my head into his shoulder so my one ear could barely hear anything. Something was going to happen I just knew it the boy was now creeping up to the fogged windows that lead to another room in the basement. He was going to see something I just know it! I was breathing a bit harder and I shut my eyes. Loud music played out of no where and I jumped hunching my shoulders up. Jack tightened his grip around me. He knew I was scared apparently.

“Oh that is nasty!” Rian exclaimed making a face as the psycho of a morgue guy cut off the dead guy’s eyelash off after carving words into his body.

By that point I was just focused on not listening to what was going on, but rather the beat of Jack’s heart. Ba dum. Ba dum. Ba dum. I started to breathe slowly as if falling to sleep. Ba dum. Ba dum. The movie was starting to drain out of my hearing. Ba dum. My own thoughts were started to fizz out on me. Bum. My mouth slightly parted and I fell asleep.
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So who else has seen A Haunting in Connecticut?

-Jagked (Sam)
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