Sick Little Games

Chapter 3

I woke to the bus coming to a halt. I sat up easily. I Fell out of my top bunk as the bus screeched. I yelped, but was caught by Ricky luckily. We were both genuinely surprised, but laughed hysterically as he set me down.

“Oh you saved me! My knight and shining armor! ” I kissed his cheek “MUHA!”

“Yeah, yeah” he laughed and continued what he was doing. Going over to the front of the bus I noticed we were at last at our destination. I squealed giddily and ran into the bathroom to get ready for today. When I finished my makeup and everything else I went to my packed bag and sifted through everything, looking for something for a good first impression.

“Just wear something fun” I herd Star say. I looked up and she was in the same outfit as yesterday.

“Yeah I’ll take advice coming from a girl who is wearing the same thing as yesterday” I joked going back to digging through my bag.

“I haven’t gotten around to changing yet I was driving remember?” she paused “You should wear that”

She pointed out a shirt and I picked it up. It was my red and grey plaid button up that was somewhat light. Then I picked up a grey tank top to go with it and Star nodded with approval. As she walked over to her own things to look for something to put on I pulled out skinny jeans and a pair of red vans.

When I had finished changing into my outfit I stepped off the bus into the blaring sun. I held up my hand so the sun wasn’t in my eyes. Looking around I saw that there was a few brave souls waiting in line already. I turned and looked to see we had just parked on the side of the building.

Turning back around I looked over to the people who were waiting in line. They were eyeing me suspiciously wondering who I was. As I got closer I noticed one of them looked surprised and whispered something to her friend that was in line with her. It was good to know at least one person knew who I was. When I got over to them I smiled.

“Hey guys. How long you been waiting here?” I questioned looking at the girl who had noticed me and a few others.

“Oh just a few hours. Who are you?” one of the girls piped up while crossing her arms over her chest.

“She’s Casey from Stay Awake!” another said with excitement.

“I’m glad someone knows me!” I smiled and looked at her. She held up her camera questioningly. With a nod of my head I pulled up the rope and stepped along side of the girl in line. She held it up and I got close for one of those ’myspace’ pictures. Just before the flash went off I stuck my tongue out and told her to take another one where I was just normal looking.

She thanked me at least a dozen times and I left the group saying “I’ll be back soon if any of you care!”

There were a few replies, but I’d be back anyway just to see what I was happening. I went through the entrance and was chilled by the very large humongous room. All the way on the other side of the room was the enormous stage we would be performing on. I could picture it now, large crowd, fans cheering, music blasting. It was going to be fantastic.

Running over to the stage I practically jumped up the steps two at a time. I smiled and walked backstage to see if maybe there was a spare guitar I could barrow for just a moment. Fortunately for me there was several a lime green one, bright pink (though that was a Bass), and a black one (or is it a dark purple?). I picked up the dark guitar and slung the strap around me.

I stepped out on stage and walked over to an amp and plugged it in. It was a really long cord so I was good to jump off the stage if I got carried away. I didn’t know what to sing, but for whatever reason I felt like singing an All Time Low song. I shrugged and started playing to Stay Awake. Then once again I started singing to it. I didn’t know why I seemed to sing whenever I played the guitar, but it seemed like it was getting more frequently. Star told me I was good at singing, but I never listened to her.

I strummed with more aggression and started head banging, more like having my head down with my hair over my face then picking my head up a bit. Then next thing I knew I was moving around and I was right about having the long cord. I jumped high and kicked my feet in the air before landing on the ground with just a tiny bit of a stumble.

'Cuz you ain't the only ones who want to give it up

You ain't the only one” someone sang the back up vocals part. I turned to see someone walking towards me “Your uh using my guitar”

I looked down at the guitar and then at the guy and realization hit me. This was that guy’s guitar. Scratching the back of my head I removed it and went back on stage to hand it to him.

“Look I’m sorry I was ju-” he cut me off.

“No, no that’s fine you were quite good. Loved the jumping off the stage” he insisted as I handed him the guitar back. When I looked him in the face I knew exactly who this guy was.

“I’m Jack Barakat by the way nice to meet you” he greeted with a huge smile on his face.

“Casey Myer..” I said with a smiled just as big when next thing I knew I was hugging him.

“Whoa slow down we haven’t even went on a date yet!” Jack joked. I let go and stuck my tongue out at him.

“Sorry I’m just excited and so ecstatic to be on tour with you guys” I confessed as he stuck his out at me.

“No problem. We herd you guys and were like ‘they have to be on tour with us’” he said.

“Well its gonna be epic” he laughed.

“You bet!” he held up his hand and we gave each other a high five.

In the next two hours Jack had introduced me to the rest of the band where we all just hung out in their tour bus. We were having the greatest time when my phone started to ring. I was a bit embarrassed that it was one of there songs that blasted out of my pocket, but I’d have to change that later. Picking it up I said “Hello?”

“Case! Where are you?! We’ve been looking for you for a half hour!” Jared shouted into the phone.

“I’m hanging with All Time Low, why? What’s the matter?” I asked furrowing my brows. I could feel all eyes on me while Jared spoke again.

“Well as Cobra Starship was showing up I had your acoustic guitar in the back on the bus just sitting there, I was planning on messing around with it, I left for only and moment, and well…..” he paused and took a deep breath “Your guitar got ran over by their bus and Ricky broke a finger while trying to rescue it”

“What?! Are you serious or are you just messing around with me?!” I shouted into the phone.

“No I’m not, but don’t worry! Ricky’s finger is alright and the guitar… we there is no way your fixing that” I gave a short cry “But we can get you a new one!”

“That just wasn’t any acoustic though!” I cried “That was my first one my mother got me!”

“I’m really sorry Case-” I cut him off.

“Whatever” I mumbled and hung up.

“Is everything alright?” Alex asked who was sitting next to me.

“Well, um, Cobra Starship ran over my very first acoustic and Ricky, our singer, broke a finger or two” I informed them.

“Ouch” Rian commented with a hurt expression on his face as if he had broken a finger.

“So I gotta go see what’s up. Maybe beat someone up” I sighed as I got up “It was great hanging out with you guys though we have to after the show”

“Fer sure” Zack said nodding his head.

“Ah you’ll be off with some girl you don’t get a say” Alex said with a wave of his hand. I laughed and headed over toward the door.

“See ya later Casey!” Jack and Alex shouted in unison.

“Bye guys!” I waved and stepped off the bus.

When I turned the corner I saw that the line got longer and more crowded. I pulled my phone out and looked at the time. We had gotten here at twelve and I had spent a good two hours with Jack, Alex, Rian, and Zack. The time was three ‘O clock and people were let in at six. I had plenty of time to find someone to beat up.

“Casey!” I herd some of the girls shout and a few guys just say my name.

“Hey people!!!” I shouted and waved. I was glad there was going to be some follower here tonight it made me more confident. I mean I expected there to be a lot of people who knew us since we were getting pretty big. Matter of fact in just a few day we were signing officially with Hopeless Records.

“Why don’t you hang out with us again?” the girl I took a picture with spoke up. Then it hit me. I didn’t even know this girls name. I liked to know my fans name when socializing with them.

“What’s you name?” I shouted.

“Kristen!” she said a bit shyly.

“Well Kristen I will very soon, but someone ran over my favorite acoustic guitar so I need to go find them and beat them up” I smiled and turned as I started to walk away. I gave them something to talk about because as soon as I started walking murmurs erupted from the line.

When I arrived at the scene my band was talking it up with Cobra Starship. They were all laughing until I showed up. They seemed nervous, well my band anyway.

“So who smashed my guitar and broke my Ricky’s fingers!?” I asked with a creepy smile on my face. A band member who’s name I didn’t know shoved the one guy I did know forward, Gabe.

“Well it was an accident and the whole finger thing was not my fault” Gabe started.

“Ah I don’t really care about Ricky’s fingers all I really care is about my guitar being smashed!” I whined as I got closer to Gabe. He seemed hesitant, but remained planted where he was. I grabbed his collar and stared shaking him back and forth.

“How - could - you - do - that???” I shouted in between shaking him. Then I pulled him close and said nicely “Please don’t ever run any more of my stuff over”

“Uh yeah” Gabe said with a wild expression on his face and I let go of him.

“She does that all the time. That’s the farthest she’ll go to physical contact when she’s angry” Star informed with the nod of her head.

“That’s ok I thought her outburst was kinda cute” Gabe stated with a wink. I shoved him and stalked off as everyone erupted into laughter. Walking off on that note I decided to go inside and watch the sound check then later come out and see how everyone was doing.
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Thank you to the 15 readers and 1 subscriber!!!!

-Jagked (Sam)
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