Sick Little Games

Chapter 4

I stood on the side backstage, guitar in hand. There were people running around checking to see if everything was ready and sounds were on high. My heart beat rapidly with excitement as I heard the large crowd chatting away. I looked over at Star with a smile, she looked nervous, but I gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Someone came over to us and whispered “Your on”

Just as we were about to go on I saw Jack and he gave me a thumbs ups. I chuckled and waved him off as I walked on stage. The lights were blaring down on us and it was very hot. As I hit the stage I thrust my head forward and started playing. We were getting some crowd reaction which was a good sign.

When our intro song was finished Ricky took the microphone off the stand and started talking.

“Alright how many of you guys out there know who we are?” he shouted putting his hand up to block the blaring lights as he searched the crowd. Surprisingly we got quite a few reactions.

“Well that’s good to know!” he commented.

“Yes!” I threw my hands in the air “Were not invisible like I thought! You guys had me worried there for a bit.”

“Like you’re the one to talk I thought no one would know us” Rickey stated “anyway you guys probably wanna hear The Maine” people shouted loudly.

“Cobra Starship?” I shouted and there was a very loud response “yeah well fuck ‘um they ran over guitar!”

There was laughter and I said I was just kidding about the whole ‘fuck ‘um’ thing.

“Then you get to hear All Time Low!” Rickey squealed jumping up and down mimicking what some people were doing now. As soon as the words had escaped Ricky’s mouth though the whole crowd went absolutely wild.

“Ok, ok we get it you just want us to finish up so you can hear the better bands, that’s understandable” I commented and played a few cords as we broke out in song again.

About 45 minutes later, maybe less, we thanked the crowd and left the stage. As we existed I knew we left them hungry for more and was positive we just gained more fans. I took my guitar from around my body and handed it to one of the guys to put it away. I was hot and sweaty and was just ready to take a shower.

“Nice show” Alex said coming up to me.

“Thanks” I huffed as I wiped more sweat off my face. Then Star showed up beside me looking just as icky as myself.

“We did great, really got them going.” Star stated with a bright smile planted on her face. I nodded and she walked off. Looking back at Alex he had a questioning look on his face as he pointed in the direction of were Star headed.

“Her names Reese, but we all call her Star” I shouted over the loud crowd “She plays the bass.”

“Cool you really need to introduce me to your band I already know the others all the other ones.” He said as Jack came up beside him.

“Yeah I will after the show, hey Jack” I said.

“Hey! Great show, so glad we picked you guys” Jack smiled.

“I think we picked them for the hot chicks” Alex laughed.

“I’m right here!” I shouted and slapped him.

“Hey it was a complement!” Jack defended Alex.

“Ok fine. Well you know I think the only reason I really wanted to go on this tour was because of the real hot ass guys I mean have you seen Zack?” I exclaimed as I fanned myself. At this Jack and Alex laughed and I rolled my eyes.

“Alright we get it” Alex surrendered with his hands up.

“Good. See you guys later I’m hot and sweaty and need a shower.” I stated wiping my forehead again.

“Take me with you” Jack joked bouncing his eyebrows up and down.

“No comment” I said and at that I left.

When I reached the bus I took the key out of my pocket and entered. No one had come back yet and for that I was grateful. I dragged myself over to my luggage and grabbed my toiletry bag. Then I went over to the bathroom with the small shower however I was able to cram my small self in there without any damage.

I let the warm water drip down from my head to my toes. It felt so good. Then thinking back on today I smiled. Meeting All Time Low was the best they were an amazing group of guys. I think I was really going to bond with Alex and Jack though because already we were getting along just fine. They were my type of people.

When I was done I put back on the clothes I had just worn, but feeling much fresher then before. As I existed the bathroom Star was laying on her bed. Creeping up on her I shook her bunk violently which made her shriek.

“Your turn!” I shouted and I shoved the toiletry bag back into my luggage bag. Then as Star got into the bathroom Jared showed up in the kitchen. He seemed to be raiding the refrigerator for something. When he found what he was looking for he pulled it out and I saw that it was a Rock Star.

“You know those things can kill you?” I asked putting my hands on my hips.

“Yeah, but they’re so good” he stated as he opened it and started drinking.

“I know!” I exclaimed and took the can from him when he had stop to take a gulp of my own. He chuckled and together we both left the bus to go back stage again. We could have just hung out until afterward, but I at least wanted to see each band once. When we returned The Maine was still playing, but it was close to the end of their spotlight. As their last song finished they said goodbye and walked toward where we were standing.

I didn’t really say anything, but I smiled when they looked at me. Two bands down two more to go. While the stage crew was switching The Maine’s equipment out for Cobra Starship’s equipment I was thinking that it would be awesome if we got all the bands together afterward. I told my idea to Jared and he agreed it would be really cool if we did that, but also said that, that was most likely going to happen on its own accord.

A few minutes later the Cobra Starship band were waiting where I had just about an hour ago. So I hung out and chatted with the girl in their band. Unfortunately I forgot her name quickly, maybe it was because I never herd it in the first place, but she was still nice to talk to. I liked her right off the bat when I saw her unique choice of clothing.

It was too soon though when they left us to go out on stage. They drew a long painful-to-the-ears crowd cry. They talked, said hello and what not, and started singing and doing what they do best. The concert was actually very good and had me dancing from the side lines. I knew only the popular ones that were hits, but I actually really liked them. More then half way through I pulled over a chair and lounged out. (By that point Jared had left me to go find Ricky.)

Just as I was surprisingly dozing off, Cobra Starship was finished with their concert, Jack woke me. I stretched my arms up and rubbed my eyes.

“CASEY! Don’t go dozing off!!! We’ve got the night ahead of us!” Jack whined as I stood up.

“Yeah, yeah just go out there and do your thing. Make your perverted comments and make us all laugh.” I yawned.

“Haha yeah it’s what we do best” Alex laughed nodding. With a roll of my eyes they were due on stage. I waved and they did their thing. The crowd went nuts, ballistic, and crazy it was unbelievable, poor souls. However next thing I knew Star was beside me excited as if she had gotten backstage passes to see them.

“This is so cool we’ll be able to hear them sing live for like ... half a year!” Star squealed.

“Geez calm down! I’m not gonna listen to them all the time I’d get tired of it!” I paused “But it is pretty awesome.”

As All Time Low did their thing we sang along and danced. As usual too their jokes and topic choices where hilarious, maybe I would listen to them all the time just to hear what they had to say. When they were done they quickly rushed off stage on the side opposite of me.

“They were great” Star said with a bright smile “But I’ll catch up with you later I need to go back to the bus real quick”

“Sure see you later” I shouted as she ran off. Now was time to see where the party would start.
♠ ♠ ♠
-Jagked (Sam)

Yay! I got 19 readers now and 3 subscribers. And one comment! (But that one doesn't count since she's my friend haha)
Also I hope you like the layout I made it! haha I had to Jack-a-fy it :D
AND! If you've noticed in my first story that I had say titles of All Time Low songs or a quote then ..... haha I seriously did not have that intention when writing it. Though .... maybe I will throw in a title or quote here and there and if you spot one just comment me telling me. Haha.

I ♥ Comments!
(Thank You Dana)