Sick Little Games

Chapter 6

I awoke to an in-motion bus. Opening my eyes I was laying on a couch with a soft blue blanket over me. Looking around the bus it didn’t look like my bus. Then memories from last night popped into my head. I remembered the guy I was talking to, Jack and Alex saving me, then eating Ritz on the couch with Jack. I couldn’t really remember anything else.

As I tried to sit up my head started to throb and I groaned as I plopped my head back onto the pillow my head had been resting on. I herd movement on the bus, but I didn’t know who it was since I had closed my eyes already. It was someone from All Time Low though because I had already figured out I was on their tour bus. However where were we headed again? I couldn’t remember.

“Casey, you awake?” I herd someone ask. I groaned in response while nodding my head. They laughed and I opened my eyes to see it was Rian.

“Do you have anything for hangovers? Cuz I’ve got a major one” I replied slowly sitting up.

“Gah! Monster!!” someone shouted, my head started to throb; as they existed what I think was the bathroom. It was Jack and I just rolled my eyes while trying to blindly fix my hair without a mirror.

“Oh just shut up. I know I get bad bed head” I exclaimed with a yawn. “Hey does my band know I’m on here?”

“Don’t worry we stole your phone and called them!” Alex informed from the passenger seat with a happy smile as he looked at me.

“You took my phone?!” I shrieked flabbergasted.

“Well how do you think we were going to tell them?” Zack called from the driver’s seat.

“Oh I don’t know find them and tell them?” I said sarcastically.

“Yeah but were too lazy” Jack replied plopping down beside me.

“I hope you guys didn’t go through everything on my phone” I muttered as I searched for my cell phone.

“Um does pictures and texts count?” Jack asked with a tilt of his head and a devious smile.

“Yes” I groaned cover my face with my hands.

“He’s only joking with you” Rian stated with a short laugh.

“Thank goodness” I sighed in relief.

“Why what’s on there you didn’t want us to see?” Alex asked suspiciously.

“Well it’s a phone its personal!” I exclaimed “Uh can I use your bathroom?”

Jack joked that it was fine as long as he got to go with me, but I just sighed saying “In your dreams”

Then I stalked off into the bathroom to try and fix myself up. Jack was right my hair was a complete and utter mess. I tried making it look the way it usually does by combing my fingers through it. I got close enough to looking good as it was going to get. I looked around for toothpaste and found some so I squirted it on my finger and brushed. Then finally I decided to get rid of all the makeup on my face. After doing that I just looked like plain old makeup-less me.

I looked at my clothes and then smelled them. They seemed fine, but I was definitely going to have to change as soon as I got on my own bus. My clothes may not have smelt that bad but they reeked of bar smoke and alcohol. (Which to me wasn’t the worst.) When I left the bathroom Rian was standing there holding something.

He held it out to me and told me that Star had dropped it off early this morning before we left. When I asked why she hadn’t just taken me back to the bus then he said that, that would have been stupid. Either way I took my fresh clothes from him and went back into the bathroom. Star had packed my favorite outfit, a pair of regular dark jeans and my fitted JAGK safari shirt.

Overall the outfit was just really comfy and looked great on me. When I stepped out I went back over to where I was seated before. Jack was no longer sitting there but pestering Alex up front about something. My head throbbed some more as I rubbed my temples to help calm it.

“You want Advil?” Alex called over smacking Jack out of the way.

“That would be more then great” I laughed with a smile so Alex got up and went over to one of the cupboards. He came back with a glass of water and two Advil’s. I thanked him and downed them.

“So, um, where are we going and when can I get back onto my bus?” I asked “I don’t want to be a burden here”

“You’re not a burden at all! It’s nice to have a girl here we can harass!” Jack teased.

Laughing Rian said “Were going to New York-”

“My favorite place in the world,” Alex sarcastically interjected.

“Anyway I guess you can get on your bus if we ever run across them, but I’m not sure we left way before them” Rian finished.

“Oh, thanks Rian” I thanked then asked “So Alex how come New York isn’t your favorite?”

After I had asked they went into a story about what happened while they were driving around. Apparently some asshole was taking up the whole street to get a parking spot and they needed to get through. The story was hilarious the way they told it and I couldn’t stop laughing.

Around three hours of non-stop talking, laughing, and singing a calming silence fell upon us. I leaned my head back on the couch I was resting on still and closed my eyes. However moments later there was a loud bang and Zack swerved us off the road. He parked and then quickly got off the bus. My heart was pounding as I observed the position Jack, Alex, and myself had gotten ourselves into. Alex was half off the couch to the right of me as I clutched his upper arm tightly to my face. Jack on the other hand was holding me around my torso with his face nestled into my side.

I’m sure it was a strange sight so when there was a camera flash we all seemed to suddenly move again. Alex stood up and I let go of his arm while Jack removed himself from me and sat regularly again. We glared at Rian as he smiled mischievously with a camera in his hand. He flash another one of us all giving him looks then ripped the memory card out of the camera and pocketed it.

Just as Alex was about to say something Zack came running back onto the bus. He looked upset and I wouldn’t blame him. I mean what the hell was that loud bang?

“Something blew in our engine” Zack exclaimed combing his fingers through his hair.

“Aw shit!” Jack shouted slapping his own leg.

“Damn, what are we going to do?” Alex asked with a sigh.

“I could take a look at it if you’d like” I piped up. They all turned to look at me.

“What?” Zack questioned.

“Well I know how to fix cars. My dad taught me.” I explained with a small smile on my face remembering when he first taught me how to fix an engine.

“I think I love you” Jack said, his eyes looking at me dreamily. I laughed loudly and stood up following Zack to where the engine was. When I got a look at it I said “Hmm I’ve never worked on a bus engine before it all looks about the same a regular car engine. Just the pieces are bigger it looks”

Zack gave a nod then said he was going to go back on the bus and let me handle this. I told him sure as long as got me a tool box if they had one. Fortunately they did due to manger pestering them about having one on board just in case.

When Zack handed me the tool box I got to work. I hadn’t fixed a car in a long time, but it sure did bring back a lot of great memories with my father. I hadn’t seen him at least three years sadly. As soon as I had graduated High School my friends and I had set out for success in the touring bands business. My dream had come true, but somewhere along the way I had started talking to less and less. I believe the last time I had talked to him was around two weeks ago?

All the while thinking about my dad and fixing this bus, yeah I found out what was wrong with it, I hadn’t noticed someone was watching. When I looked I saw that I was Jack and Alex. They looked at me with awe and, what was that? Fascination?

“What? Are you staring at my ass?” I asked putting my hands on my hips.

“Nah not this time just wondering how the fuck you know how to fix this” Jack said peering at the engine. I chuckled.

“Well like I said my dad taught me how to do this. I grew up with him. Just me and good ‘old Dad.” I replied with a small sad smile. I felt like calling him now.
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Thank you a million times again for the 27 readers 4 subscribers and ..... 2 commenters.
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-Jagked (Sam)
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