Sick Little Games

Chapter 7

After having fixed the bus, the big bang meant that one of the tubes popped out of place, I went back inside the bus. They all thanked me a bunch and we were back on the road again, this time Rian was driving. After washing up I excused myself to the very back of the bus. It was like a little hang out type of room so I just sat myself down on one of the booths and leaned my elbows on the table in front of me. I pulled out my cell phone I had found earlier amongst my clothes that Rian gave me.

I dialed my dad’s number and waited.

“Hello?” his rough voice questioned.

“Daddy? It’s me!” I greeted happily.

“Casey? It’s so great to hear from you!” he shouted most likely with a wide smile on his face.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t call sooner! I’ve been so busy” I explained.

“That’s fine!” he laughed “I’ve been hearing so much about you guys. I’m so proud”

“That makes me happy to hear” I paused “You know what would make you happy?”

“And what’s that?” he laughed.

“I fixed All Time Low’s bus! One of the tubes popped off just a few minutes ago and I got right in there and fixed it”

“Oh that's great I’m so glad you still remember how to fix things” Then there was a long silence. I herd my dad’s uneven breath.

“Dad? Are you ok?” I asked concerned.

“I’m so sorry I haven’t told you sooner” he whispered.

“Told me what?” I questioned now a bit scared.

“Oh honey. I have Cancer.” he cried.

“Wh-what? Th-that’s not possible! No! You can’t!” I gasped as it seemed my world was staring to come crashing down.

“Yeah honey I do. I’ve had it for quite some time I just never wanted to worry you.” I shook my head in denial.

“Can’t you get Kimo?”

“Not with this kind and its pointless anyway honey we all die in the end”

“No dad”

“Well you didn’t think I was going to live forever did you?” he chuckled.

“I use to”

“Everyone use to, but I think I have to go now the guys came over. They‘re taking me out for lunch.”

“Sure dad”

“Bye” then I herd the phone click and he was gone. My father had Cancer? He never told me. Why not? Surely I would have been by his side, but he didn’t want to distract me. I could go get on the next ride home and forget about this tour I really would have, but something was telling me that’s not what my dad wanted me to do.

I sat there, head on the table arms wrapped around my head, and I cried. Softly at first and then hard sobs within seconds. I didn’t want my dad to die, he wasn’t suppose to, not this soon in my life anyway. He was supposed to be there on my wedding day. He was supposed to be there for everything.

Next thing I knew I herd someone approach me. I didn’t pay any attention, but I tried to quiet myself from crying.

“Casey, you ok?” I herd Jack say. He sat beside me and I picked my head up while quickly wiping my tears away from my eyes.

“I guess” I sniffed.

“No your not. What happened?” he questioned laying a hand on my back for comfort. When I didn’t respond he removed his hand and said “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to”

“Its not that its just” I paused “I can’t say it. It’s just so…. I just can’t believe it.”

“Well if you can’t say it then I can get you a pen and paper,” Jack joked and I smiled a bit “There we go, a smile!”

“Alright give me a pen and paper” I said holding out my hands. Jack put a finger up telling me to hold on and he jogged off. When he returned he was holding a piece of paper and various types of pens. I chuckled as I picked up the purple colored pen out of the twelve he brought over. I wrote on the paper.

My dad just told me that he has Cancer and said he has had it for a long time.

Jack picked up a blue pen and wrote as well.

Why didn’t he tell you? Is he going for Kimo?

No. He says that Kimo won’t help with what he has and that he finds it pointless anyway since we all eventually die. And he didn’t tell me because he didn’t want to distract me from my band.

He’s right you know. About the whole dieing thing. And I can see why he wouldn’t want to worry you.

Yeah I know. Geez I never thought that he would ever get it.

Are you ok?

I will be.

“Thank you” I said with a tiny smile on my face as I looked at Jack.

“Anytime” he replied with a smile. I hugged him tightly and then pushed him lightly telling him to move so I could get out. He didn’t listen and I rolled my eyes.

“Come on move Jack!” I whined poking his side.

“Nuh uh,” Jack stated shaking his head “If you want to get out of here your going to have to go over me”

“Fine! Be that way!” I shouted as I got onto my knees on the booth and then started to crawl on the table.

“Ew!! Don’t do that!” he shouted grabbing me and pulling me back onto the seat “We eat on there sometimes!”

“Oh wooptie freakin do!” I sighed rolling my eyes “You just want me to go over you”

“Well of course I do!” Jack joked laughing.

“Whaaa! Just move.” I cried jumping up and down in my seat. When he shook his head I gave up and just crawled over his lap. When I was over Jack slapped my ass laughing. I bawled my hands into fists and grabbed his throat lightly.

Shaking him back and forth, while he made funny faces I shouted “Don’t - do - that!!!”

When I let go he rubbed his throat laughing hysterically. I sat there pouting with my arms crossed over my chest.

“Haha you scared me for a second, but it didn’t hurt” Jack exclaimed.

“Oh your funny faces so weren’t a dead give away!” I sarcastically said smiling.

“Well look now your back to your regular self so I think my job here is done!” He smiled while seeming to wipe something off his hands. Then he stood up and walked off. I shook my head. Jack surely was something.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay 31 readers 5 subscribers and 5 commenters! Thank you all so much!!!
Would you like some more cookies? Keep the comments comin! haha.
I ♥ Comments!

And also sorry for such the unexpected chapter. I have my reasons..... lol
-Jagked (Sam)

And to make one of my friends laugh .....
"At 12:13am, while texting my wonderful, Amazing,(Yeah sure wonderful....amazing >.> haha jk) friend Dana I got the ending for my story!"
(SHE MADE ME SAY THIS! though I really did figure out the ending :D)