Status: Active

Of Rage And Love

And Mary-Jane, To Keep Me Insane

Jimmy walked across the parking lot of the 7/11, exchanging brief greetings with the small number of his acquaintances who were braving the early morning. Eventually he crossed the main road and headed under the freeway. More people were there now, and it didn't take him long before he found someone useful.

"Yo, Ronnie!" He called to a bearded young man.

"Jimmy, what's up?" Ronnie looked over as Jimmy came to a stop beside him.

"Have you seen Mary?"

"Oh, Jimmy... maybe you shouldn't -"

"Ron, chill. No scenes, I promise." Jimmy reassured him, but Ronnie didn't look convinced.

Jimmy sauntered over to where Mary sat in a brown arm chair, sobering up in the early morning light. He put a hand on each arm of the chair, and leant towards her.

"In case you were too pissed to remember, I saw you with him."

"You saw who?" Mary sighed.

"Don't fucking lie to me." His voice was quite, not much above a whisper, but there was menace there.

She stared up at him, beginning to feel uncomfortable. His glare was unwavering.

"What do you want from me, Jimmy? I'm fucking him."

"Well I can't say I'm fucking surprised." He snorted. "Mary, I'm leaving. Have a nice fucking life for me, okay? I never liked you anyway."

He pushed away from her, leaving her gaping at his back as he left.

"Jimmy?" Ronnie frowned.

"It's cool, Ronnie. I'll see you around, okay?"

Ronnie never had the chance to reply, because Jimmy was already halfway across the road.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jesus of Suburbia prt. II City Of The Damned; Green Day; American Idiot