Status: Active

Of Rage And Love

I'm Taking All You Down With Me

As Jimmy walked back across the 7/11 parking lot, Christian walked out of the store with a Slurpee in his hand and a backpack slung over one shoulder.

"Hey, Jimmy!" He called brightly.

"Morning, Chris." Jimmy grinned. "Why the hell are you up so early?"

Christian shrugged. "Nothing better to do." He offered the cup to Jimmy. "Want some?"

"What flavour is it?" He regarded the contents with some suspicion.

"The berry lime one."

"Y'know, I think I'll pass." Jimmy laughed, pulling a face. "Too sour for me."

"Now why do I find that hard to believe?" Christian teased him.

"Oh whatever Chris, whatever." Jimmy rolled his eyes. "I gather you spoke to your parents then?"

"Yup. I can come with you as long as I call home once a week and go back for Christmas."

"Christmas... It's fucking March, Christian."

"What can I say? Mom thinks ahead."

"Are you sure she's okay with it?"

"You sound like you're my mother." Christian rolled his eyes.

"Alright, alright, I believe you!"

Christian smiled smugly, knowing that he'd won, and took a sip of his drink. "You dealt with M-J yet?"

"Just now." Jimmy nodded. "I think I freaked Ronnie out a bit though."

"You didn't go apeshit, did you?" There was a sigh in Christian's voice.

"I think I handled it very well, actually." Jimmy shot Christian a look, but something caught his eye. "Oh."

"What -" Christian followed his line of vision. "Oh."

Tunny was walking along the road towards the 7/11. The two of them could tell just from his posture that he had told Rach, and that she hadn't taken it well.

"Well... two out of three ain't bad." Jimmy noted grimly before walking to meet his friend.
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Having A Blast; Green Day; Dookie