Status: Active

Of Rage And Love

A Lonely Soul

"Lor, gimmie a sec." The older girl shut herself inside the 7/11's only cubicle. The minute she was inside, she gasped.

The walls were covered with writing.

"Holy shit." She breathed, her fingers tracing the words 'City of the Damned'. The faintest trace of black came off on her hand, and she realised it was written in eyeliner. Who did this?

In big, foot-high black capitals just above her head were the words 'Every one is so full of shit! Born and raised by hypocrites.' She pulled her lipstick out of her pocket and wrote underneath it in smaller, neater letters.

Hearts recycled but never saved, from the cradle to the grave.

She capped the lipstick and walked over to the sink, splashing her face with cold water. The mirror was covered by a face drawn with eyeliner.

She could have stayed locked in that room for days and still not decipher everything that had been written on these walls. But however much she might want to do that, she couldn't just think of herself anymore.

Reluctantly she unlocked the door, taking the younger girl's hand in hers as she left the store.
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Tired of Waiting; Green Day; Shenanigans