Status: Active

Of Rage And Love

Everyone's So Full Of Shit

"Jimmy for fuck's sake!"

Christian looked up from the joint he was rolling as he heard Tunny's voice. He followed Tunny's eyes and was just in time to see Jimmy pull Jason off M-J and start throwing punches.

"You knew it was gonna happen." He looked back at Tunny lazily.

"Doesn't mean I want it to happen, does it?" The older boy muttered as M-J started shrieking.

"What the fuck Jimmy?! You ruin everything!"

This distracted him from Jason, and he whirled around to face M-J.

"I ruin everything?"

"That's what I said, fucktard!"

He grabbed her face with one hand, scrunching her cheeks up.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth, Mary? For the girl with the name of a Saint you've hardly got a shred of decency, have you?" He snarled.

She spat the gum she'd been chewing into his face.

"Fucking -" Jimmy was cut off as Jason tackled him from behind. M-J resumed her ear-piercing screeches.

"Should we intervene?" Christian raised an eyebrow, glancing back at Tunny. "No one else is gonna."

Tunny took a moment to consider, before nodding sharply. Christian pulled himself to his feet, joint balanced between his lips.

"You want me to take the whore? Jase's less likely to hit you..."

"Sounds like a plan, Batman."

Before Jimmy could fully process what was happening, a body popped up between him and Jason.

"Get out of the fuckin' way, Christian." There was a slight slur in Jason's voice.

"Hell no. You're gonna get us all hauled in." The boy glared steadily.

"Me?! He's the psycho Chris!"

Tunny slipped his arms around Mary's waist, pulled her off her feet and threw her over one shoulder. The paper bag hit the floor, it's contents smashing on impact. Seconds later, he was almost deafened by a string of expletives being yelled right next his ear. To add injury to insult, she began to pummel his back with her fists. It was probably a good job he had hold of her legs. That could have ended badly.

"You put me the fuck down, Tunny!" She finished.

"That's going to happen." He walked over to the door of the 7/11 and set her down. "Get your act together and stop fucking my friend over. He deserves better."

For Tunny, usually one of the more softly spoken members of their group, to say this to her was a surprise. He had succeeded in shutting her up.

Christian wasn't having quite as much luck. The boys had stopped physically harming each other, but he was now trying to stop the barrage of verbal abuse they were throwing at each other - as well as dodging some himself. Tunny, luckily, came to his assistance.

"C'mon, Jesus was a pacifist. Live up to your namesake." He grabbed Jimmy by the arm and steered him away from Jason. After shooting one last glare, Christian followed them.

Jimmy was suddenly to tired to even care.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jesus of Suburbia prt. III I Don't Care; Green Day; American Idiot