Cleaning Up The Messes That You Made

There's Gonna Be A Party Tonight


Armstrong came to pick me up for the party an hour after Alex left as much as would have like to be earlier but Alex didn’t think I was going to his party. He wouldn’t want his sister at a sex, alcohol and drug filled party. But I was never one to miss a party, especially the biggest party of the year. We drove about half an hour to get there. To a cabin, it was familiar, a little too familiar for my tastes.

“Are you okay you look really pale” Armstrong asked concerned.

“Yeah I’m fine just a long car ride” I said shaking out of my trance and grabbing his hand.

As soon as we got inside I had to pull Armstrong into the kitchen, because I saw Alex, Lisa, Rian, and Kara. This made me wonder where Jack and Erin were because they had all come together.

“What’s wrong?” Armstrong asked.

“I saw Alex he can’t know I’m here”

“Then let’s go get a room where he won’t find us” He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Well what are we waiting for?” I pulled him through the crowd but first stopping to grab a bottle of vodka. It wouldn’t be a party if a Gaskarth didn’t drink.

We walked to the rooms and opened the door revealing Jack on top of Erin. Well that answered my question. We moved from room to room until we found an empty one where we began to drink. We weren’t making out until we drank about half the bottle in fact all we had done was talk.

But soon the alcohol in my system took over and I was entranced by Armstrong’s lips. After a few minutes of exploring each other with hands and lips. He pulled my shirt over my head and I was too buzzed to protest not that I would have. And he laid me down on the bed continuing to plant kisses on my neck I threw my head back and I saw the poster.

“Why are we here Braiden I want to go home”

“I just need to get some things just stay in here” He said but he didn’t come back for a while and when he did his eyes were dilated.

“God, Braiden you're such a sleaze now”

“Well you won’t have to deal with me much longer since I’m moving away”

“Good you could kill yourself now and I wouldn’t care! Just stay here and I have fun jumping
off a cliff I’m walking home”

I sat up. This was the house. This was the last place I saw Braiden. This is where I killed him.

“Armstrong I can’t do this”

“It’s fine if you’re a virgin I’ll lead you through it”

“It’s not that it’s-“

“Aimee! What the fuck do you think you’re doing” Alex yelled pulling Lisa off of him.

“Nothing we’re just-“

“Just sneaking around behind my back and having sex!” A crowd of people were now
around the door as Alex came across the room and grabbed my arm. He pulled me put of
the house and into his car and began to drive.

“What the fuck were you thinking?”

“That I was with my boyfriend”

“You’re too young to be doing things like that and going to those kinds of parties.”

“I went to parties like this with you all the time”

“That’s not the same Braiden was there”

“How is it not the same because I’m with Armstrong? Because he wouldn’t let me get hurt and you know that! You know that and you hate him for that! Why?” I could feel my hot tears coming now.

“I don’t think you old enough to be having sex! That’s why and I know that’s all he wants from

“You’re such a hypocrite! That’s what you want from girls if that’s all he wanted he would have already left me”

“Well now that he got what he wanted he won’t stay much longer”

“Just remember you’re not some older wiser brother you were in y place a year ago and if I
recall right you were having more sex than anyone your age. And unlike you I dint do anything” I jumped out of the car and went inside making sure to slam the door on my way.


After having my own sister point out what a horrible brother I was I went on a walk to Lisa’s just to make sure she got home safe. ON my way down my street I saw a tall guy standing below her window and my sister sitting on the ledge talking to him. It was probably that dick Armstrong. Why did my sister always attract jerks? Then I heard his voice.

“Aimesters here’s your shirt your brother pulled you away before you could get it” He threw the shirt up to her. I recognized the voice it was Jack.

“Well I’m glad to have someone looking out for me ”

“Of course what kind “your brother’s gay lover” would I be if I didn’t take care of you?”

“I don’t know but lately you’ve been there for me more than anything”

What did she mean by lately?
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Allow me to introduce myself...Mr. Right by The whit tie affair

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