Like Roses, We die.

I am a new person.

My name is Dominique Brooklyn Sumner. I’m nineteen now, but I was eighteen then. Eighteen when my whole life was turned upside down, inside out, shaken around like a snow globe, way up above the clouds before it came crashing back down to earth.
I’m tough. I’ve always been tough. I had to be. But last year I realized how tough I was. I also realized how I stayed tough. By not letting anyone in. By hiding my emotions and not letting people know how I feel.

Looking back to when I was signing my name, only one year ago, I see an utterly different person to who I am now. I’ve changed. Whether its for better or worse I’m not sure, but I know it’s a change I could of never made alone.

He changed me.

His name is Oliver Scott Sykes. He’s 22 now. He’s grown up. He’s still the same cocky, upbeat, loud, arrogant kid he was last year, but he has more respect for other people. He’s realized that life is not just one big party and that all his actions have consequences even if they are the complete opposite to the ones he expects.
As much as he’s like to be, he isn’t a child. He’s a man, and a very successful one at that something which believe it or not, he does not take for granted.

We weren’t complete opposites. We were exactly the same. He was me in a man’s body and I couldn’t handle it. But I had to if I wanted to suceed.

That was my choice:

Take the easy route, and go home. Or face my fears and tour my ass off, giving as good as I get. I had to accept my flawes, embrace them, or correct them. I was stubborn.
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    *Oli’s P.O.V*