We Might Find our Place in This World Someday

You never know, you never try.

I held my black over sized tote bag close to my chest as we walked the halls of my new high school. My mom didn't looked worried as I did. I don't know why but I just always was nervous going to a new school. This was my junior year in high school and already i've been, a Bulldog, panther, cougar, and Meer Cat. Yea all different high school mascots.

The school councilor walked me to my first class, theater arts. So it was one of my chosen electives. All the schools I was in was either theater arts or drama club.

I was one of those type of kids.

"Okay Cordelia, here you are. Have fun." the councilor, Mrs. White, replied to me. I just looked in and sighed. Looked like they were in the middle of something.

I guess I was the typical loner type kid. Always casted off as the emo kid. Which I hated. I walked in and everyone stopped looking at me.

"May I help you?" the drama teacher questioned.

"I'm new here. My names Cordelia Carpenter." I replied handing her my schedule. She looked at it and nodded.

"Okay Ms. Carpenter have a seat anywhere." she handed back my schedule and turned back to the people on make shift stage. The girl on there with blond hair shot me a dirty look as she had her hands on her hips. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the back of the class. Thankfully there was an empty seat in the corner. Just perfect for me. I sat down and pulled out my note book.

They people on the stage continued. I just sat there watching them. As the lines began to sink in I realized what they were doing. They were playing a scene from the movie High School Musical 2. What can I say. I was a sucker for musicals and this happened to be my favorite.

"Hi...I'm Raven. Nice to meet you Cordelia." some girl next to me introduced her self. She pretty much looked like me except her hair was longer and one color unlike mine which was red and black.

"Hi Raven, you can just call me Cordy," I replied and looked back at them act. "What are they doing?" I questioned her.

"Auditioning for our school production HSM2." she replied and gave a playful gasp. I chuckled at her.

"Anybody can audition?" I questioned her.

"Yea, just sign up," she replied "You wanna audition for High School Musical?" she questioned.

I just nodded.

"Awesome, none of my friends want to audition. I wanna audition to be Kelsey. If you audition I'll definitely go for it. Who'd you wanna be?" she got a little excited which caused the teacher to shush us. I laughed quietly.

"Honestly, I'd probably go for Gabriella Montez." I replied back.

"Cool. We'll sign up after class is over." she replied making a fist. Of course I was familiar with this cause me and my mom do it.

"Shake and bake." I whispered she laughed at me.

We continued to watch them till the bell rang. As soon as everyone left we went over to the sign up sheet. She signed her name under Kelsey Neilson and I signed under Gabriella Montez and took a rehearsal sheet to practice a song.

We took 'Your the Music in Me' considering we can both sing in that song.

She showed me the rest of the school and so on. We had lunch together and laughed.