We Might Find our Place in This World Someday

Can this night get any worse...

As I walked faster I could hear whatever it was behind me pick up its pace. And to my knowledge or extreme imagination I heard more than one foot behind me...wait a minute...maybe they were claws. I stopped and looked behind me at a dog who's height was about up to my waist. And that was standing on all four paws. I didn't want to think of how big it would be if it stood on its hind legs.

"Um...hi," I talked to the dog. As if it knew what I was saying. I figured that if it hadn't attacked me just yet then it was okay to walk away. I took one step back and it growled, making me stop in mid step. It started to bare it's teeth at me sending chills down my spine. I tried to finish my step back and it barked in a warning. "Okay, its okay. it'll go away," I said quietly to myself.

I looked around to see if anyone's windows showed a light hinting if anyone was awake. Nope, no one seemed to be alive at the moment. I then heard someones door open, a guy took a step outside and looked at me then at the dog. I heard him chuckled "There's no reason to be scared of a dog." he replied and closed the door. Easy for him to say. He was the one grounded by the dog you'd seen on the movie The Sandlot. I stood there still looking at the dog. Thanks to my hearing when it wanted to cooperated I could hear a car on the next street over. Sometimes I could hear things, sometimes I couldn't. Its a funny thing. To my point of view the only think I could do was run. I know I know, never run from a dog. But what else was I supposed to do. I looked around and could still hear the car go down the street. Not away but like towards. I looked at the dog who had been distracted by something on the ground. I took a deep breath picked up my foot and took off running. I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my life. But I was going. I could hear the dog barking at me and growling as, which I now assumed was a boy dog, he chased me. I took the corner fast causing me to trip and fall scraping me knee's and my hand. I didn't notice much as I quickly got up and started running again. So close, yet so far. I could hear the car if only that car would hurry up. I looked behind me at the dog who was now catching up. I looked forward again and ran faster. Relief hit me as I saw the car. It was a black car, I some what recognized it. The speed limit being 30 I ran to the middle of the road waving my hands for who ever was driving to stop. The car skidded to stop, I looked behind me again and now noticed the dog was no more than 2 feet away making me scream and hurrying to get on top of the car. If the car owner go mad I didn't car as long as I only faced the car owner's wrath than the dogs. I continued screaming, as some girls would do, as the dog jumped on the side of the car trying to get me.

"Cordy!" I recognized the voice, I looked over and saw Frank standing there. Obviously he wasn't afraid of the dog who only seemed interested in me.

"Help me!" I yelled to him as the dog had managed to snag my shoe which was tightly snug on my foot. He stood up on the side of the car putting his arm around my waist trying to pull me away from the dog and off the roof of his car. I managed to pull the laces on my shoes pulling out the knot allowing the dog to take the shoe. Frank quickly but carefully pulled me off the car letting me climb in driver side. I climbed over to the passenger as Frank got in the car and drove off. I sat there with my arms wrapped tightly around my legs, close to my chest breathing hard and some what still crying. Frank stopped at a stop sign parking the car.

"Are you okay?" he questioned me. I shook my head no. "What were you doing out here this late?" he questioned again.

"I needed some air. And I-I went for a jog and got lost." I replied back between my breaths. He grabbed my hands and pulled me into a hug. He held me close hushing me quietly trying to get me to stop crying. Of all the nights, this had to be the worst one ever. He let go and cupped my face in his hands wiping away my tears.

"It's okay, your fine. The dog only got your shoe." he replied to me making me laugh a little. I sniffed a little looking out the windshield for no apparent reason. But when I looked I wish I hadn't. Gerard stood there looking at us, shocked and very very not pleased. Frank then looked out the window too and dropped his hands getting out of the car.

"Gerard, it's not what it looks like," Frank replied walking up to Gerard. I then got out of the car. Some what limping from the lack of balancing being that I only had one shoe on.

"Sure it isn't," Gerard replied back.

"Seriously Gerard, it's not," I replied to him walking over to him. He looked at me scanning me up and down. I looked at my reflection in the car realizing my appearance was no way presentable in this situation. "I'm not lying, Frank found me...I got lost," I said to him.

"She was being chased by a dog," Frank then backed me up.

Gerard laughed at little "Being chased by a dog, getting lost. You guys sure got that story done quickly," he replied.

"Its not a lie, I swear," I replied walking closer.

He laughed again, I looked at Frank who was just as confused as I was "Why'd I think you were any different," he replied.

"What?" I questioned him.

"Your obviously good at acting...making me feel like you were actually interested, or liked me. But I guess I just missed the truth," he replied walking closer "your nothing but a little fan girl." he looked back at Frank and walked away.

I stood there watching him walk away. I didn't know if I should just stand there or walk after him. Or just run, where? I don't know. But whatever I did, I wanted to do it fast.