We Might Find our Place in This World Someday

This is Halloween...[part one]

It's been a week since I've seen or heard from Gerard. It was Halloween, Frank's Birthday, Opening night of our First show, and a local Halloween bash. I had my night planned out. Even worse Raven had my costume planned out. She even brought it with us backstage. It was tight tube top like dress that came just above my knees and tied like a corset in the front, with boots that came up to my knees and a black long cape. Just with a semi traditional costume, she wanted me to be one of the vampires with her.

"Mom! I'm leaving now!" I yelled to her as I put my shoes on and bolted out the door. I had come home briefly to get some of my make up that I was going to use.

I ran all the way back to the school almost running into some people who were just standing around the FAC trying to get other things organized. I ran up the side of the stage towards the back.

"Geez I thought I was gonna have to drive and pick you or something. I thought you weren't coming back," Raven replied after fixing her hair more in curls.

"oh psh I'd definitely come back. Finally got a part that I wanted why would I just leave it like that," I replied back collapsing on the chair next to her.

"Point well taken," she replied back and put her hat on.

"Ladies, don't you look lovely," I heard Jacob reply in the background while coming into the dressing room. Everyone was already in costume so it didn't matter. I looked at him and I swear he was like Zac Efron's long lost twin.

"Sweet, very sweet. But I don't even have my make up on," I replied back dabbing the make up brush in the blush and putting it on.

"Eh not like you need it. Wee aren't we excited now. Opening night. I can hear the crowds calling my name already, asking for autographs," he replied back jokingly with a dazed look on his face. I just laughed and started to put my eyeshadow on, followed by some lip gloss.

"Okay loser get out so I can put my outfit on for the first performance." I pushed them both out and got dressed.

As usual everyone ran around trying to get things ready, get all the props and what not. Jacob, Raven, and I were just sitting on the stage laughing and talking. We were so excited about tonight. As we were laughing I noticed the back doors opened and saw a figure walk through. I squinted to see who it was, when I saw there face I got even more excited.

"Its Frank!" I yelled and hopped off the stage not entirely catching myself as I stumbled to the ground. Jacob and Raven laughed I stood up fixed my shirt and ran up to Frank. He was also laughing at me "Frank! Frank! Frank!" I kept repeating myself.

He laughed again "Have you dipped into the candy already?" he questioned

"Maybe," I replied with suspicious eyes. "Oh oh oh!, Happy Birthdaaay," I said with a smile. He just smiled back and gave me a quick hug.

"Thank you darling. Wow you look," he paused for a moment "really preppy." he laughed as I hit him in the arm.

"I swear its not my fault," I replied back. "Are you gonna stay?" I questioned it.

"Hellz yea, I want to see what our little wildcat really looks like when she's performing," he replied with a laugh.

"Oh goody, I'm so excited haha," I grabbed him and pulled him to the front "Front row seats bay bay." I laughed.

"Sweeet," he replied back and sat down. I looked over at Raven and Jacob who were whispering.

"Oh, Frank this is Raven I think you already met her, and Jacob...and again I think you already met him," I replied looking towards the back as more people came in. I looked at my watch and shrieked really loud. "30 minutes bitches!" I screamed and ran to the stage stairs. "Enjoy the show Frank!" I yelled to him running into the right wing with Jacob and Raven following me.

Everyone started scrambling to get the desk on the stage without making noises. I could hear the murmur of the crowd outside. I decided to take a peek at the crowd and saw Frank sitting in his seat along with Bob, Ray, and Mikey. I didn't know he was gonna bring the whole band...well it would be whole band if Gerard was there.

"What are you doing? Go get in your desk." the stage director commanded me and pointed, I ran off to my desk on the stage. All the students, Jacob and Raven were excited we kept making faces at each other. Soon the we heard the announcer and the crowd quiet down as the curtains opened and the lights shined down on us. Thus starting the introduction with Mrs. Darbus, or the person who played her. As she was talking the noises of the clock ticking were in the background starting us on our lines.


After that song I was well beyond hyper and ready to do more. Frank and the rest seemed to like it. Either that or they were just being nice. As the show went on I couldn't wait for my solo. It was very emotional for me. It felt like a situation I didn't wanna be in.

[minutes later]

I walked onto the stage at the same time taking a glance at the crowd and saw Gerard. Which caused me to stop in my tracks for a moment. I then realized that I had been standing there for about 10 seconds I snapped out of it and walked up to the girl who was playing Sharpay.

"Sharpay! Forget about the rest of us, how about the fact that your brother has worked extremely hard on this show?" I stated my lines at her trying not to look at Gerard in the crowd.

"Oh boo-who, he'll be in the show, he'll do his celebrity impersonations. Don't lecture me about Ryan, giving the way you've been interfering with Troy's future." she replied back.

"What?" I questioned her perfectly on cue.

"You've gotten him written up by Fulton for sneaking on the golf course and swimming after hours. I had to step in just to save Troy's job." she replied doing her head snap thing. I struggled to keep a straight face.

"I'm not interested in what you think you're doing for Troy, that's between you and him. But you're messing with my friends and my summer and that's not ok with me." I shot back at her.

"You don't like the fact that I won." again with her head snap.

"What's the prize? Troy?" Jacob then walked on stage. "The Stardazzled award? You have to go through all this just to get either one? No, thanks Sharpay. You're very good at a game that I don't want to play. So, I'm done here. But you better step away from the mirror long enough to check the damage that will always be right behind you."

"GIRLS!" she yelled to the ones playing her sharpette girls and walked away. After she walked off stage I made my way slowly away in the same direction.

"Hey! What do you mean you're done here? You can't quit." I heard him say running up from behind me.

"Us working together sounded good but plans change and people change. The club talent show was a big deal for Sharpay and evidently for your future, so it's cool, just make it happen, wear your new Italian shoes." I replied backing up.

"Hey, I'm still me." he answered back grabbing my hand.

"Blowing off your friends, missing dates, if that's you then it's good to know." I replied back again pulling away.

"No, no, no. I was only doing that because I'm working on the scholarship thing and you know that." he replied in a convincing voice

"But if along the way you act like someone you're not, pretty soon that's who you become." I replied walking past him.

"I meant what I said about movies, and summer, and just being together." he answered me back.

I turned and looked at him, he was a pretty good actor "I'm sure you did, at the time. But I also meant what I said that I want to remember this summer but not like this Troy." the music had already started going I waited for a moment then started.