We Might Find our Place in This World Someday

This is Halloween...[part three]

So here I was in a big house at a party that I still wasn't familiar with owner at all. Or the people here. I walked around with Raven and Jacob drinking. Some of it was punch, but then again its a teen party so there were other variety of drinks. I saw people dancing or attempting it, and it made me laugh.

"Cordelia darling, dance with me," Jacob replied pulling me onto the floor, or whatever floor there was.

"Aw, I don't dance," I replied, it took me a moment to realize what I said then I started laughing. "How about you dance with Raven," I replied again pulling Raven from the sidelines. He looked at me then shrugged and danced with Raven. I made my way through the crowd and to the kitchen.

"Wildcat!" someone random yelled at me making me laugh. "Whats your costume?" he questioned me.

"Vampire," I replied back grabbing a shot instead a refill of punch.

"Really, I've never seen a vampire that looks like you," he replied back.

"Well, lets say I'm one of a kind," I replied back grabbing another shot and downing it.

"Here I'll make you something better," he offered and started mixing random things in a cup then pouring soda in it. He handed it to me and I took a sip. It was actually really sweet. I didn't care to ask what he put in it, I just started drinking it. I finished it quickly and asked him for another.

After a few minutes I could barely stand on my heels. Jacob and Raven were laughing at me cause of my speech.

"Stop laughing at me...whateva I do what I want," I replied to them which made them laugh more. I walked away into the kitchen again to get another drink. "Dude...another," I replied with a smile.

"Geez, alright," he smiled and made another one.

"Hey! I don't even know your name," I replied back.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't know," he smiled again giving me the drink. I just shrugged and walked away, well more like wobbled.

"Cordy! there you are, Frank and Gerard are here looking for you," Raven replied to me over the music.

"What?" I questioned her back.

"Frank. And Gerard. Are here. Looking for you," she said slower and pointed towards the crowd. She was right, or she was messing with me and my eyes were in on the trick.

"Dammit!" I almost shouted taking another gulp of my drink and handing it to Raven while ducking into the crowd to avoid them. A bunch of various thoughts ran through my head; Why were they here? Dude I've been drinking? Will Gerard be mad? Gerard looked kind of cute?.

I looked over the crowd and couldn't see Gerard just Frank talking to Jacob and Raven. I sighed and turned around bumping into someone, I didn't bother to look up I just said my apology and tried to walk away. But whoever it was grabbed my arm, thats when I looked up and saw Gerard standing there. He pulled me by the arm out of the crowd, his grip was firm but not painful.

"Frank I have her, lets go now," he replied to Frank and pulled me away. We were outside and I could hear the music blaring inside.

"Let go of me!" I scolded him trying to pull free from his grip.

"No, your mom has been trying to reach you. She wanted me to bring you home so I am," He replied still pulling me.

"Lies," I replied with a bit of a giggle, Gerard finally let go which caused me to fall back in the process. Frank tried to catch me but he was to late as I now laid on the ground staring at the stars.

"Are you drunk?" Gerard finally asked me.

"No...maybe...just a little," I started to laugh again, he rolled his eyes and picked me up bridal style and took me to his car with Frank following behind. Frank offered to sit in the back since it was a two door car and in case I need to throw up I can just open the door or something. We all drove in silence.

"I'm thirsty," I said randomly.

"I think you've had enough so far," Gerard replied.

"Whateva geefag," I replied back, I heard Frank giggle in the back.

We pulled up to Gerard's house and I watched as Gerard got out of his car and over to my side opening the door and helping me out. I just stumbled more. Frank got out and offered to help. Gerard just told him he got it, and it was okay if he left now. Frank agreed and got in his own car and left.

Gerard started to walk me to my front door, but knowing my mom she would instantly know I was drunk so I kept backing up trying to get away.

"What are you doing?" He questioned.

"Nope, don't wanna go home," I replied turning around trying to walk the other way, but he had his hands on my arms pushing me back.

"You have to go home," he replied pushing me more.

"No she'll know," I replied back again. He stopped looking past me then sighing.

"Fine," he replied and walked away. I just stood there not knowing what to do. "Are you coming or not?" he then turned and questioned. I nodded walking over to him tripping over my feet. I let out a frustrated sigh and stopped taking my heels off and throwing them in the grass. I heard him laugh a little at me. I walked over to him more stable this time.

We walked across the grass to his front porch which required stairs.

"Oh fuck that shit, I'm not doing those," I replied back sitting on the steps. I heard Gerard laugh again, he came back down pulling me up by my hand and helping me up the stairs. He kept his grip on my hand as he opened the door. As if he let go I would go away or something. I couldn't fight how much I didn't want him to let go either.

He pulled me though the door and turned the lights on. His house still looked the same, maybe a few new little looking doodads.

"Sit down, I'll get you some water," He replied letting go and walking to the kitchen. I sat down on the couch and picked up one of those pin toy things. You know the ones where you leave like an impression model thing in the pins, those things. I made a kissy face and made the impression and put it back down. I laughed looking at it. He came back handing me the water. I took a drink and felt a bit better now, it was nice and cold. I put the glass down on the little coffee table he had. Which was actually covered in coffee mugs.

"What are you supposed to be?" He questioned me.

"Dammit, I'm supposed to be a vampire. It was Raven's idea," I replied back crossing my arms over my chest. He laughed and sat next to me.

"Aw, did I upset the vampire," he replied with a smile.

"Maybe," I replied back. He laughed again putting an arm around me and hugging me. It felt nice to hug him.

He kept his arms around me and laid back on the couch pulling me on top. He let go and just stroked my hair. I was very relaxed listening to his heartbeat I started to fall asleep.

"You know your gonna have one hell of a hang over tomorrow," he replied.

"Yea I know," I replied back looking at him. I never noticed how much his eyes were so vibrant. He kissed me on my forehead and smiled. I smiled back laying my head back down on his chest and drifted off to sleep.