We Might Find our Place in This World Someday

Ocean that doesn't Deserve the Sounds of Silence

I woke up to the loud knock on the front door. As I opened my eyes I couldn't quite figure out where I was. My head was killing me, I sat up looking around.

"Yea she's right here," I heard his voice say, I looked over and saw my mom standing in the doorway. Not exactly pleased with anything at the moment. "She fell asleep in the car and the house door was locked so I figured I'd just let her sleep on the couch here," he replied again glancing at me as I walked up.

"Well, thank you for your kindness. Lets go Cordy," my mom replied grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of his house and down the steps. The bright light was making my head worse. "You realize your grounded right?" she said after getting in the car.

"Yea," I stood there confused. "Where are we going?" I questioned.

"I'm taking you to the hospital," she replied. I looked at her confused.

"What?!" I finally said.

"You've been spending a lot of time with Gerard. I wanna make sure your acting a fool," she replied starting the car.

"Mom, your being ridiculous," I replied back.

"Get in the car," she replied with a stern voice. I did what she told me and got in the car buckling my seatbelt, crossing my arms. We drove in silence all the way there.

[Hour later xD]

We drove back to the house in silence. I'm sure my mom was the only one feeling like a fool. As for me, I couldn't be more embarrassed than I've been in my whole life. We pulled into the driveway. I got out of the car without any hesitation and walked away.

"Where are you going?" she questioned getting out of the car.

"Going to Raven's, do you think after what you just put me through I'd wanna stay here with you," I replied back.

"I was doing it for you own good," she replied back.

"Puh-lease, you wanted to make sure that I wasn't acting like you when you were in high school, Here's a little stating fact for you. I'm not like you, I'm not gonna give it up to someone who I think I might be in love with, fact is I know I'll be able to forgive you, the thing is...I don't know when I'll be able to do that," I replied to her and walked away quickly.

I walked to Raven's house looking at my feet the whole time. Stepping on every crack I saw. I realized I was still in my dress from last night. Not like it mattered. I ended up at Raven's faster than I thought as I walked up her driveway to her door ringing the doorbell. I stood there for a moment till she opened the door.

"Well good afternoon to you dahlin," she replied with a smile.

"Yea good afternoon, pfft," I replied back.

"Whats wrong?" she questioned.

"My mom, was totally out of order on what she did to me today," I replied back. She let me inside and we walked to the back to her room.

"What did she do?" she questioned again.

"So, she thinks I've been spending a lot of time with...Geefag. So she took me to the doctors today to make sure I was still a V.G." I replied back.

"V.G.?" she questioned confused.

"virgin," I answered.

"Oh," she laughed a little.

"That's not funny, that was the most embarrassing thing I have ever gone through. Talk about being violated. If thats what its like to have sex, then fuck it I'll be a nun," I replied back which made Raven laugh more. "Also I'm going to seek shelter here anyways,"

"Okay...cool, wanna watch a movie?" she questioned grabbing some boxers and shirt for me to wear. Obviously being her dress I was wearing she new I was uncomfortable.

"I don't know," I replied changing.

"Well I was fixing to watch Star Wars," she replied back.

"Oh yes! Star Wars," I replied back excitedly.