We Might Find our Place in This World Someday

Not Again...

We laid there for a moment, catching our breath. I looked over and saw the same bag of marshmallows.

"Hey, marshmallows," I replied with a bit of joy. I heard Gerard laugh at me a little. "mmm sugary goodness," I said with a smile.

"You are a goon," he replied pulling me close and hugging me.

"Why yes...that may be true," I replied taking a bite of the marshmallow and feeding him the rest. He smiled and kissed me on the nose.

"Maybe? It is true," we laid there for a moment in silence till the lights came back on. We squinted at the sudden brightness.

We looked at each other then around the kitchen noticing the some what mess we had made.

"Ookay, awkward," I replied with a laugh in my voice looking for my shorts and slipping them on.

"Now what?" he questioned me as we sat up.

"And now...I get to kick your ass on Star Wars," I replied getting up.

"Yea, right," he replied pulling his pants and his shirt on and following me out the door back to my house. We walked back into my house holding hands. I could never be more happier than I am now. I walked into the kitchen to check on my Taquitos. Oddly enough they were still warm. I then felt him come up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist pulling me close and resting his head on my shoulder. "You know what, I'm actually kind of tired," he replied in a bit of a whisper.

I turned around in his arms looking at him kissing him gently "Well then maybe you should go to sleep," I replied back.

"I know...but I don't wanna go to bed alone," he replied with a smile.

"I already slept with you once tonight," I replied with a chuckle.

"That is not what I meant," he replied making me laugh. I nodded and grabbed his hand taking him too my room.

"Your room is pink," he replied with a laugh.

"Don't remind me," I answered him back. Taking off my shirt. He just looked at me. I shook my head and turned off the light getting into bed under the covers. I felt him climb into bed getting close to me. He put his arms around me and pulled me close. I felt comfortable and safe with him. He started to tuck my hair behind my ears softly, something my mom used to do that would put me to sleep. I closed my eyes starting to drift off to sleep.

"Cordy?" I heard him whisper but I was too exhausted to respond. I guess he assumed I had fallen asleep. There was silence for a moment until he whispered again. "I love you,"