We Might Find our Place in This World Someday

Half assed chapter

Week later

I returned home to stay with my mother. But only so I could be close to Gerard. She always kept a close eye on me though. I guess she should now, or maybe not however you looked at it. I didn't care, she couldn't watch me all the time. Especially those days when we didn't have school and she still had to work.

And this so happened to be one of those days as I danced around my house listening to the soundtrack to Sweeney Todd.

"They all deserve to die, tell you why Mrs. Lovett tell you why," I sung to myself picking up some cups. I was in love with this movie, as much as I loved Johnny Depp himself. How could you not love that man he was such a good actor.

"And I thought I've seen it all," I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see Gerard standing in the doorway.

"Obviously not," I replied back with a smile and walking over to him hugging him. He hugged me back.

"I think you should clean my house," He replied with a chuckle.

"Yea, and I think you should wake up from that dream and come back to reality," I replied with a laugh hitting him in the arm.

"I try, so...what are you listening to?" he questioned me.

"Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, I love Johnny Depp!" I replied with excitement.

"Ah I see then," he replied looking down.

"I love him as an actor, don't get so sensitive," I replied poking him.

"Well, he is a very sexy man," Gerard replied sitting on the couch.

"I know huh?!" I replied again laughing and sitting on his lap.

"Oh very much yea, what would you do if you ever met him?" he questioned me.

"Ummm, try to refrain from freaking out," I replied back laying my head on his shoulder.

"Sounds like a good plan, whats your favorite character?" he then questioned.

"Of Johnny Depp?" I questioned back and he nodded "Well besides Sweeney Todd...probably gonna have to go with Jack Sparrow," I replied.

"Ah, okay then," he replied kissing me softly and sitting me on the couch next to him and standing up "Um, I just realized I have to do something. I'll see you later though pet, okay," he replied back.

I just looked at him confused and nodded "Um, okay," he smiled and kissed me quickly and walked out the door. I shook my head and started the song Epiphany over again and continued my cleaning.


2 weeks later...

I laid on my couch sick to my, I haven't been feeling to well lately. My mom finally gave me the go head to stay home today from school. She figured I got a stomach virus or something. But I always seemed somewhat fine later that day. I didn't think anything about it, I continued to lay there watching Once Upon a Time in Mexico. It was a pretty good movie, my favorite. I held onto my duck as his name as Febreeze. Don't ask me why, I have no clue how I came up with that name. I was drifting off to sleep when the doorbell rang I sighed and got up.

"Hey sugar," I was greeted by Gerard I smiled and let him in.

"Why aren't you at school?" He questioned.

"Haven't been feeling to well," I replied back walking over to the couch.

"Aw, well thats kind of good," I gave him a look "Cause I got you something. But, its at my house so come on," he replied pulling me off the couch. He held my hand walking over to his house. I saw Frank standing on the porch with stuff behind his back.

"Hi Frank...what are you doing?" I questioned him.

"Nothing," he replied with a smirk.

"Close your eyes," Gerard replied to me as we stood on the porch.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Its a surprise," he replied back. I hesitated for a moment and then closed my eyes. As he tied a scarf around my eyes. I felt someone put a hat on me.

"What are you doing?" I questioned them as I heard them open the door to the house and lead me in.

"Its a surprise," Gerard replied.

They let go and let me stay there standing.

"I have a question," that voice made my heart speed up "Why is the rum always gone?" way to much a familiar voice for me to know. I heard some jingles of someones clothes as they approached me and put there arm around me. My heart was beating really loud...or at least loud to me. "Do you have any answers to that love," he questioned me, pulling off the scarf.

I looked over and I had sworn I died and just gone to heaven. "Oh. My. God," I said out loud as the person who obviously standing next to me was Johnny Depp dressed all out in his Jack Sparrow outfit from the movie.

"A little birdie told me you were a fan," he replied looking over to Gerard. I smiled and nodded.

"Yup, that little birdie was right," I replied back winking at Gerard.

"This little birdie also got this for you," he replied back handing me a poster hand signed by Johnny Depp.

"You know, you'd make a good pirate," Mr. Depp replied to me hinting to my hat. As I now realized was a pirate hat. I smiled blushing a little. "aw, isn't she adorable," He replied making me laugh. "I brought you something too," he replied doing his famous walk over to the couch where his bag was, he reached in and pulled out all three Pirates Of The Caribbean DVD's in a gift box set signed by Keira Knightly, Orlando Bloom, and himself.

"Sweet," I replied back smiling as he handed it to me.

"Gerard also tells me you have the Sweeney Todd soundtrack. All honesty, how's my singing?" he questioned.

"Its great," I replied back. He smiled putting his arm around me again.

"Why thank you, I have one more thing," he replied back "I'd like to invite you, your boyfriend and his bandmates, and course your friends and family members to come to the premier of Sweeney Todd," he replied back. I stared at him for a moment.

"You. are so awesome," I replied making him laugh.

We all stood there talking and chatting away about things. Johnny as he asked us to just call him was really nice, very funny and all around great person. He didn't stay to long though he had to get back to LA to work on a new movie he was filming. Oddly enough we all exchanged numbers so we could stay in contact with each other. Now I've got to say despite being sick, this was the best day ever.
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my next chapters might be half assed and short, I'm fixing to end this story so I can get a move on some of my other stories.