We Might Find our Place in This World Someday


"Cordy!?" I heard Raven scream to me as she ran to me in the classroom. I shot up and looked around the classroom was empty, people had already cleared out. "Lets go the list is posted," She grabbed my bag and my arm and pulled me out of the chair pulling me down the hall.

We ran down the hall to where the theater art's room is. There was some people gathered around the list including Jessica, and to tell you she did not look to happy. Raven just gave her a look and pushed past her to the list.

"Oh, Dear...Gosh...YOUR GABRIELLA MONTEZ!" she yelled to me. I just looked at her confused and looked at the list myself. Sure enough I got lucky and got the part of Gabriella Montez. Raven too got the part she wanted, Kelsey Neilson. We both grinned and hugged each other. And took off running down the hall.

"I have to tell my mom!" She replied to me.

"Same here. Call me laters," I replied and we ran off in different directions.

I ran non-stop to my house.

"MOTHER!!!" I screamed as I ran into the house. "I GOT THE PART! IM GABRIELLA MONTEZ!" I screamed jumping up and down clapping like London Tipton. Again a mistake on my part as again I was surprised by Gerard's presence. I stopped jumping and looked at him "Dammit! I did it again," I looked at the ground he just laughed.

"Well congrats, I guess I can really called you a wildcat now," he replied with smile.

I just mumbled and chuckled a little.