Status: Active ... writers block. Help Me! (:

I Never Wanted to Destroy Your Beauty

Kisses On The Forehead

The Soreness was still there in the morning and it still felt fresh. I looked down at my arm and the burns and bruises didn't look like they were healing much. I was usually just stuck with bruises that I could make easy excuses for on my sides or my lower back, but nothing like a fresh burn that just so happened to be on my leg and arm with about three or four thick lines on each.
I wanted to skip class, to get away from everything, but where would I go. I had no where to go and nothing to do except stay home with my alchoholac dad and his new favourite metal bar. It was going to be about 26 degrees celcius out today with direct sun and the only things I could wear to cover up are a long sleave shirt or sweater and pants.
I found a sweater and threw it on making sure that no skin showed and then I found my track pants that were sure to cover everything up but also not stick to me like a normal pair of jeans would. I made sure my makeup looked decent and my hair was done perfectly, but I also made sure to grab all my stuff to spend the night at Roxy's and be out of the house by 7:30 getting into my truck and driving to school.
Roxy didn't mind it when I spent the night, but it bugged me how she got more and mor suspicious everytime I did, and how she wanted to know more of everything I wasn't telling her. She didn't ask everytime I slept over, only the times when I told her I was sleeping over without really asking her, and if it was out of the blue.
It felt like I was driving for hours, but only because I was determined to get to school and far away from my dad as possible. I wish that it felt this way driving back to my house. The longer it felt away from him, the longer I felt safe.
I tried not to think about the night before as I pulled into the school parking lot and parked my truck. Like always there was Dawson waiting for me at the curb. He was sweet in his own way, and he meant something to me, but sometimes it felt like he was trying to hard to fit into my private, private life, and no way did I want that.
I kissed him on the lips and like always he responded harder and harder finally taking PDA too far. Everyone was used to us together now, but I felt bad for the people who had no choice but to watch us every morning. Dawson is a PDA sort of guy, I can't do anything about that.
"I like your choice of pants today." He said winking and then touching my thigh, exactly in the place I was hit on my leg. I cringed and pushed him away a smidge. "What's wrong?" He asked lifting my chin up and looking me in the eyes.
"Um. Nothing. Can we just get to class, I really need to bring up my grades." I said as I started to walk across the parking lot towards the front doors. Dawson looked stunned, but my burns still hurt a lot and I knew I could make up something completely different later on.
He walked me to my locker and kissed me on the lips this time softly making sure to kiss my forehead aswell before leaving. Dawson could be a jerk sometimes, yes, but he wasn't that stupid to not be able to see that his girlfriend's upset about something. I loved his kisses on the forhead, they made me smile.