Scarlet Angels.


Hailey stepped into the Commander’s office. Here her future would be decided. She looked across the desk, to the older angel standing there.

“Well, Hailey, I’m looking forward to this conversation, I really am.” High Commander Crystal du’Laine said. She didn’t smile. Her eyes, a watery blue, were serious. Her blond hair hung limply to her shoulders. The army issue fatigues were faded. Her boots were shiny. Hailey kept her head held high, and her dark, jade-green wings still.

“Well, what is your explanation, Rookie?” Crystal, with translucent royal blue wings, crossed her arms and waited.

“I was bored, High Commander. And they haven’t let me use the flying fox yet.”
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I love Hailey. Lol. this is for the ORIGINAL AZZURE!