Scarlet Angels.

The High Commander

What? No, they couldn’t. Why would they want me? I’m just a student.’But you’re damn fast;’ a voice in her head reminded her. Faster than Azzure, on the flying fox at least. She smiled, dropping lower. She was almost on top of the Grad Hall.

The first sentry spoke again. “You know, I was wondering, is she really that fast? She beat Mistress Azzure’s time, and almost my Lord’s too, or so I heard.”

Hailey’s jaw dropped. So it is true. Oops. She hadn’t really thought it was true, either way. But now…

“Yup. But, to get the medal, she’s gotta graduate… and to graduate, she’s gotta pass the final test. They don’t think she can do it, so I don’t know why they want her…”

Hailey forgot that she was hiding. “Hey,” she said sharply, “You don’t believe everything you hear, do ya?” She swooped low, and when she was right in between them, she kicked them, knocking them from the air. They tumbled to the ground, landing hard.

“Hey!” The first yelled. “What the –!”

“Oops, sorry!” She called, as she came to the doors. She landed lightly, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

It was quiet in the Grad Hall, and dark.
The only light came from two torches, which shadowed the forms of two angels. There was someone sitting on the high backed chair in between the two; Hailey could see their wings.

“Commander?” She whispered softly. No-one else made a sound. She stepped forward, being as quiet as she’d been in a long time. “Commander?” She said it again, louder this time.

“Hmm. I guess that would be me, now.” Said a quiet, calm female voice behind her.

Hailey slowly spun around. “Who are you?” She asked in a low tone.

“I’m sure you know, Hailey. Think harder.” The voice held a hint of amusement.

“I’m not wasting my time guessing. Who are you? Step into the light.”

“This is my game. I play by few rules.” She still stepped into the light, though. “Guess.”

Hailey’s eyebrows rose. “Just tell me.”

The angel smirked. Her midnight blue – almost black - eyes sparkled. “Most know me as Azzure.”

Hailey didn’t say a word. I’m getting so sick of people always mentioning Azzure. Sure, she’s awesome, but she’s getting to be annoying! The voice in her head snickered.

“What, do I have stupid written on my head?” Hailey demanded. She started to pace.

“Do you do that often?” The woman asked, almost curiously.

“Do what? Pace?” Hailey didn’t stop. She checked the area for more angels.

“Yes.” The others’ eyes followed her.


“Hmm. Strange.” ‘Azzure’ sounded thoughtful.

Hailey laughed. “I’ve heard that before.” She got nearer to the chair every time she paced.

Azzure noticed. “Since you don’t believe me, and I don’t care, let’s get down to business, Hailey.”

Hailey stopped. “Who said I was Hailey?” She looked back at Azzure, trying to find the answer in her expression.

Azzure’s mouth smiled. Her eyes didn’t, and Hailey noticed. “I know a lot of things, Rookie. Like, I knew you were coming.” She said quietly. Noticing that it was slightly hard to see in the darkness, she clapped her hands once and said loudly, “Light. Please.”

The room flooded with light. Hailey looked towards the chair, waiting to see who it was sitting there.

She’d been right. It was the High Commander. “Commander, do I have to save you?” Hailey asked irritably. She didn’t want to save Crystal now that she’d had a chance to think about it.

“Well, you don’t have to, but I think she’d appreciate it.” Azzure chuckled. “Although Crystal is totally safe… If she does as she’s told.” Azzure smiled again.

“Sounds like a big ‘if’ if you ask me.” Muttered Hailey. Azzure heard, and laughed again.

“Crystal. Stand up, if you please.” Azzure ordered. Crystal complied. “Now, Hailey,” Azzure said,

“What do you suggest we do?”

Hailey smiled breezily. “You leave, Crystal has to give me my medal, and then I leave. After that, I don’t really care what happens.” She looked away, thinking.

Azzure laughed again. “I like it. But it’s in the wrong order. How about, Crystal gives you your medal, I leave… and you leave with me.”

Hailey just stared at her. “What?” she asked blankly.

“It’s quite simple. I need an apprentice… You need a place to stay for a while. And neither of us cares much what happens with Crystal.” Azzure stated.

Hailey gave half a smile. “That’s the truth. The last part, I mean.” She added hurriedly. She didn’t want to give Azzure any more ideas. She seemed dangerous enough with her own…

“What do you think? In case you wondered, you’re coming with me regardless.” Azzure’s gaze flicked to someone behind Hailey. A large hand settled on her shoulder.

Everything happened at once. Hailey snatched the hand, twisted it, and sent the owner twenty feet away with a powerful throw. Azzure Leapt forward, arms outstretched, dagger in hand. Hailey jumped straight into the air, wings working easily. Crystal sat on the chair, jaw hanging. Azzure missed Hailey, who climbed higher. She covered the look on her face that said Hailey shouldn’t have been able to do what she had just done.

“Come down, Hailey. Don’t make me come up there after you.” Azzure called. Hailey looked down at the male angel who had just picked himself off the floor, where she had thrown him.
He rolled his shoulders. “Not bad. Hailey, wasn’t it?” He looked up at her with dark eyes. His wings were dark grey, and he was tall - taller than her, at least. He wore black. Black jacket, t-shirt underneath, and jeans. His boots were black too.

Hailey stared at Azzure and the male warily. “No.” She answered. Neither were fooled. Azzure took to the air, clearly meaning to get Hailey to come down. Hailey waited for her.

“Yes, it is Hailey. Land, Rookie.” Called Crystal. Hailey ignored her. Idiot! She thought angrily. Who knew what Azzure wanted from her? Everyone lies these days. Damn you, Crystal.

“See? Now, why were you lying to me? As my apprentice, you’re not supposed to do that.” Azzure commented. The male grinned. “Rafe, will you get her down, please?” Azzure told the male with grey wings. He leapt into the air. Hailey readied herself. He will be ready for another throw, she thought, but will he be ready for this…? Still she waited, not moving except to stay airborne.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is still always for Azzure