Status: Somewhat Active - updated once a month...?

My Story


“Hey! Wake up!” Someone bounced non-stop on my bed. It was really irritating.


I flung my pillow over my head and ignored her.

“Uh uh… no you don’t,” someone said chidingly, snatching the pillow resolutely from my hands.

“HEY! You––” I shot upright in bed. I shouldn’t have done that. Sunlight streamed through the clear glass French windows and blinds me momentarily. When I came to, I saw Harriet on my bed doubled up in laughter, guffawing so loudly it would have put even Hazele’s dear old giant biggie of a daddy to shame.

“What?” I asked irritably, snatching my pillow back from her. Let’s just say I wasn’t in such a great mood, to be woken up from a rest that is, finally, dreamless.

“Sorry,” She gasped. “You should have seen––"


“––Your face–– so–– so-”

More laughter.

“–Funny––like –– “

Peals of laughter.


More hahas. She tried again.

“A bug-eyed rubyfish caught in the headlights,” Harriet finally managed to get her voice under control.

“With your mouth gaping open like–– like–– HAHAHAHAHAha…” Not.

“Sorry.” She wiped at the tears streaming down her face. I glared venomously at her. I hate being compared. Especially to a stinking bug-eyed fish. Forget it. It’s not every day I get to see her so lively and cheerful. Mostly she just sulks. But I threw my pillow at her face for good measure. It hit her nose with a sickening slap and a muffled oof of surprise.

Oops. Hadn’t meant to throw that hard.

“You okay?” I asked concernedly, moving towards her. I should’ve known better.

“Ha! Gullible little rubyfish, I’ve got you now!” Harriet turned on me with an evil cackle, throwing the pillow back at me. Her aim flies wide, but I’m too surprised to catch it. Something must’ve made her really happy today. Usually when I do that she wouldn’t speak to me for the rest of the day. Weird. I shrugged it off.

At least there wasn’t school today. It’s Day6. Rest break! Muahahahaha (cue evil laughter) No headmistress Ikyricl, no snobby gay teachers, no stuck-up little princess-y brats, no HOMEWORK. Ha. Best to have fun while it lasts.

“Aw… too bad…” I pulled a face at her in experimentation, causing her to dissolve into peals of laughter. Am I that funny? Something was definitely up. And I was determined to find out what it is.

“Hey hey hey. Harriet. Sober up. Why are you so hyper today?” I shake her shoulders vigorously

“Hey, Harriet, stop laughing. Am I that funny? Harriet… I asked you to stop it. Please? Just–– No. I’m not going to make that face again. HARRIET!”

“Fine. If you’re not going to tell, I’m going back to bed,” I huffed, retrieving my pillow from it’s the cosy carpet that had been its house for the last five minutes.

Crap. Now the fifth quart of the hour is gone. Another two and it would be breakfast time. I slipped back under the bed in discontent and pulled the sheets over my head.

“No no no! You can’t do that! I’ve haven’t finished with you yet!” Harriet yanked the covers back down.

“WHAT? If you want me to wake then you better tell me what’s going on.” I bolted upright in bed and glared at her.

“Fine.” Harriet agreed glumly. “I –– I –– er –– “ She couldn't seem to find the right words to say.

“I what? Come on Harriet, you can tell me. Just spit it out. If not I’m going back to bed.” I told her irritably.

“Fine fine… don’t sleep! Erm… I–– i––“ She looked at me desperately. I stared back at her unmovingly. This was getting irritating. I mimed going back to sleep. That does the trick.


“Sorry. You were rambling.” I remove my hand from Harriet’s mouth and surreptiously wipe it on my nightshirt.

“Oh er… sorry. I was just too excited, I guess.” For once, Harriet looked abashed, and the room is filled with an awkward silence.

“It’s okay. I understand. I don’t mind anyway.” I patted her hand comfortingly. “At least we now know the news earlier than the ACs,” I added mischievously. Harriet couldn't help but laugh softly and then everything was back on track again.

“Come on, let’s get ready for breakfast.” I leapt out of my bed. “We don’t want to be late. I can’t wait to see the ACs faces when Bony Lady announces the news.”

Well gee, what do you know?

I was right.

“Everybody, gather round. We have something very exciting to tell you guys,” Vice-Headmistress Amitrillis called in her reedy thin voice after the poor serving girls have cleared our trays away. Everyone practically clambered over one another in their haste to sit as near the teachers as possible.

As usual, Angel and Catlyn were at the front, while me and Harriet sat as far away from them as possible. At the back, that is. Or that’s what we used to do. Till Bony Lady apparently got too pissed off by our inattention that she moved us right behind Angel and second row, that is.

And as if the dagger glares the AC-wannabes shot us and bony lady’s saliva weren’t enough, we still had to contend ourselves with the tantalising whiff of the teachers’ stinky old socks. Princess trainers indeed. Huh. They couldn’t even wash their socks properly.

Why did all the girls want to sit in front? No wonder Angel and Catlyn kept wearing super-strong nausea-inducing perfume. And that still didn’t completely block out the gagging smell. Pi-eu. My god.

“Thus–“ Oh. She was still talking. Okayy…

“We’re going to have a ball next month, day5. Measurements for your ball gowns will be taken from next week onwards."


"You are required to choose your own cloth and design. Seamstresses will be provided. Your design will be taken into consideration when the prince finally chooses a partner. Your respective teachers will explain these in detail soon. You are dismissed.” She waves a hand and we all scuttle off.

Oh crud. Design my own ball gown?! This was going to be so much fun. Not. My designing skills were never good. I could pull a decent flower arrangement for the inn tables if required, but a ball gown was way out my league.
So apparently, i'm supposed to go to the ball in a dress that most probably would look no much better than rags while beautiful little ladies like Angel, Catlyn and Harriet would be docked in their splendour for all to gee, how much fun. Note the sarcasm. It’s not like the prince’s such a big deal anyway. I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIS NAME! He’s probably another stuck-up haughty brainless noble.

“No, he’s not. He’s the nicest guy in the whole world. Really kind to his servants and horses. Everyone likes him. They say he’ll make a great king. Handsome too. If I didn’t like Henry so much I would have done anything to marry him.” Harriet told me, a faraway look in her eyes. She glared fiercely at me, as if daring me to deny it. Aw man. I guess I spoke out loud again.

“I er..oops. erm... i gotta go.. later...bye.” I scooted off before Harriet can say another word. Curse my stupid big mouth. I bit my tongue from saying the bad word that rises up in me and run off to my room.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been a while, I know. Sorry. It's the first day of my end-of-year exams, actually, but whatever. You can go to if you really want to read more chapters (not that anyone will want to), cos I update there before I do so here (this place is around 2 chapters behind). so yeah. Hope you liked it!(: (Sorry for the ridiculously long author's note)