Status: Somewhat Active - updated once a month...?

My Story


The dreams.

They’re back again.

Ever since I arrived at the academy, I’ve been having the same dream over and over again.

Me, watching.
At a scene, but helpless.
Angel, I see Angel.
Angel is there.
So is Catlyn, her cousin.
Headmistress Ikyricl as well.
They’re sitting at a table.
Black, sinister, all spiky at the wrong places.
Its dark..The room… I can’t see the room.
Everyone is in shadow.
They are talking.. mumbling incoherent words.. talking...
What are they talking about?
A blinding flash.
Of light.
Now I’m in a hall.
A great brightly-lit hall.
Seems familiar.
It takes me a moment to realize where I am.
Of course.
The academy ballroom.
There’s a horse.
In the middle.
A black horse.
With wings?
Like Eylan’s.
What is it doing there?
Then Eylan’s there too.
Only now he’s wearing a crown.
And holding a glass sceptre.
Now Catlyn’s wearing a crown too.
And now she’s the one holding the sceptre.
Now Angel and HM Ikyricl and a whole bunch of big fat guards are advancing towards me.
I try to back off.
It doesn’t work.
I'm glued to the ground somehow.
They come nearer and nearer and nearer…

And then I wake up.
♠ ♠ ♠
short, i know. on purpose. will update soon. if you really want to know what happens next you can go to or enjoy!