Kidnap My Heart

Kylee Smith just graduated college and is a world famous model. And she's stared in a few movies. You can't pick up a magazine without finding her on the cover, Her little sister Selin Smith, Hottest actress around. She's got the looks, She's got the fame, She's got the boys fighting for her on every block. But she's also known as a little heartbreaker but I must say, She's learned from the best. Her Big Sister Kylee is quite a heartbreaker too. Then there's Kirsten model and actress. She can sing also but noone knows it. and she's nothing like her big sisters. Or she used to not be. Kirsten is Finally starting to grow up and when she does will she stay the sweet lovable Kirsten or A heartbreaker like her sisters?
Nick Jonas known as the cute sensitive one. He is known for wearing a purity ring but is that all a scam because let me tell you he is deffinitly not a virgin. Nick and Kirsten meet. What will happen? Nick is like inlove with Kirsten and thinks she's an awesome actress. Kirsten can't say the same thing about Nick, She sees right through him. Joe Jonas the cute funny one. Also known as Danger. He lives up to the name, Always goofing off, messing around, and well being Dangerous. He thinks Selin and Him would be perfect for eachother, To bad she's inlove with Mason Musso. Kevin Jonas Cute Romantic one. He's a true romantic. He's inlove with his fiancee Danielle but what happens when Danielle isn't who she turns out to be. Mason Musso you know him from Metro Station. He's a pretty cool guy once you get to know him. Eric Dill Known as the bad boy who used to be part of Click Five. He's like Inlove with Kylee Smith but that's exceptable considering they're dating. But he's not so sure if she's who she really says she is.
The Enemy-Image