Status: Finished

Wild Night

Hitch Hiker

I knocked on the metal door of the bus in front of me. One shoe was in my hand. I'd lost the other hours ago. I don't know why I still even bothered holding it. I pounded on the door. Demanding someone open it. I can't even tell what time of day it is. The door opened and I looked at the stranger.

Melly: I need a ride.

He stared at me for a moment.

Melly: I can't find the bus I'm from.

Dude: what bus you from?

I held up my little badge thing.

Melly: Avenged.

Dude: come on in.

Melly: thanks.

I could feel him scanning me over.

Dude: do you need anything?

Melly: I'm thirsty as if you've got a cold beer or something that would be awesome.

Dude: here you are.

Melly: much appreciated.

Dude: you work for Avenged?

I nodded. Some other guys came up from the bunks. They just stared at me.

Dude: she works for Avenged Sevenfold.

Dude2: those guys are cool.

Dude: yeah.

Dude2: you're one of the chicks who is always at the parties with them.

I smiled.

Melly: but ofcourse they'd be lost without me at a party.

Dude2: what brings you to our bus?

Melly: I needed a ride. Can't find my bus and everybody was starting to leave.

Dude2: oh.

Dude: well you look...tiered...feel free to take a bunk in the back if you'd like. Afterall we know you'd be welcoming if we were in the same situation.

I smiled and nodded. I would never sleep around people I didn't know. Passing out at parties was different. I knew I'd never be in compromising hands. One of the guys would always be around if I needed them. I laid in a bunk wide awake. Listening to them talk about whatever. The ride felt long. I'm assuming because I wasn't interacting with anyone. One of the guys came to the bunk I was at. My mind wanted to say he looked familiar, I just couldn't though.

Dude: you need anything else to drink?

Melly: I'm cool thanks. How much longer do you think its going to take?

Dude: not sure. Would you like anything to eat?

Melly: depends. What you got?

He smiled and helped me out of the bunk.

Dude: we've got cereal, bananas, crap, and more crap...

Melly: what kind of cereal?

Dude: captin crunch.

Melly: guess that will have todo. I'm more of a raisin bran girl myself.

He showed me where all the shit was at. I watched them watch me.

Melly: are you fuckers never around bitches or something?

Dude: no.

Melly: then why are you staring at me? Is it because I'm dirtier than you?

I asked with a smile.

Dude: no.

Melly: shame.

Dude: your eye makeup is smeared down to your nose.

Melly: dope.

Dude: I'm Pete by the way.

Melly: alright.

Pete: and he's Patrick.

Melly: Patrick huh?

They both nodded. I took a bite of cereal.

Melly: ok.

I could give a shit what there fucking names were. Knowing me I might forget who they are by later on tonight.

Pete: how'd you lose your bus?

Melly: drinking to much.

I burped.

Pete: what happened to your shoe?

Melly: fuck if I know. I'm actually not sure why I'm still holding this one. I'm not getting the other one back anytime soon.

I looked at them. Pete seemed to be analyzing me while Patrick just gave me a friendly smile. I pointed at Pat.

Melly: you.

Pat: yes...

Melly: I like you. You're cool.

I went back to eating my food.

Pat: ok...thanks?

Melly: you're welcome dear.

Pete: what do you for the guys?

Melly: sell shirts.

Pete: cool. How long have you worked for them?

Melly: don't know when did this fuckin' tour start?

So went the rest of the ride. Being asked questions by this annoying Pete. When the bus reached its stop I left so fast it was rediculous. My feet carried me across the big hot lot. Searching the people for anyone. Even Michelle. Heat took over me and I started to get tiered. And for some fucking reason I still had my damn shoe. I threw it. Not caring if it hit someone. I sat on a bench under a tree.

Matt: wake up. Melly, wake up!

That always seems to be the first thing most people say to me.

Melly: get the fuck away from me.

Matt: Melly get up.

Val: maybe she's dehydrated.

Melly: maybe I just want to fucking be left alone.

Matt:'re sleeping on a bench.

I opened my eyes and quickly sat up.

Melly: what the hell...

Val: where have you been?

Melly: around.

Matt: Brian's been shitting a brick.

Melly: I've only been gone-

Val: two days Melly. We haven't seen you for two days.

Melly: no shit?

Val: Jenn came back but you didn't.

Melly: she knew I was fine.

Matt: that's what she kept saying.

Melly: because I am.

Val: let's get you to the bus.

Melly: right on.

Val: where are your shoes?

Melly: lost.

Val: Matt pick her up.

I could walk but they didn't need to know that. I didn't mind Matt carrying me to the bus. He easily lifted me off the bench.

Val: how did you get here?

Melly: hitching rides.

Val: with who?

Melly: I dunno some other bands.

Val: thank goodness. Otherwise we would have to back track.

Melly: yeah that would be no bueno.

Matt: no bueno indeed.

Val: are you alright though?

Melly: I don't feel like I've been ass raped so yeah.

I kept my eyes on Matts face. Enjoying how close he held me. Val was walking a head of us. Unaware of what might be going on. He smiled at my comment. I pulled myself up towards his face and kissed his jaw. I needed to. My body just told me so. He glanced at Val and then looked at me.

Matt: not now.

My brows furrowed. What did he mean by that? I mean I know what he meant. But the way he said it. As if we'd done something more than the one time. I sank back in his arms. His eyes stayed forward.

Val: I'm glad we found you.

Melly: yeah, me too...Brian.

Val: not very happy Melly.

I nodded still looking at Matt. Something about that.

Melly: I just can't wait.

I smiled ignoring the words. The bus came into view.

Melly: you can put me down love.

He gently put me down. His hands taking there time to go back to his side. I walked on to the bus. Jenn just smiled at me. I slumped next to Brian. Resting my head on his shoulder.

Melly: what's up bitches.

Val: look who we found.

Brian: Where The Fuck Have You Been?!

Melly: not sure.

He sat up.

Brian: Melly.

Melly: I'm fine. Look at me. And fully clothed.

I stood up and spun around. He looked me over.

Melly: if I haven't died before I'm not going to yet.

I reassured him. My hand rested on his shoulder. He stood up and hugged me.

Brian: I was just a little concerned.

He whispered on my ear.

Melly: no worries Brian I won't tell them you weren't being a tough guy.

I could feel him smile.

Mich: What The Fuck Melly?

My shoulders sagged at the sound of her irritating voice.

Brian: Michelle...

Mich: No don't Michelle me. Its fucking bullshit. Where the fuck did you go?

Melly: I got lost.

Mich: I don't believe you.

Melly: don't.

Mich: did you go on a two day binge or something?

Melly: I'm not sure why you're attacking me right now, because I'm pretty sure you don't care about my well being.

She glowered at me.

Melly: so back the fuck up bitch and get out of my face.

Mich: no. You can't just run off for two fucking days.

Melly: you're not my cousin. I don't have to listen to your bull lady. Please back off.

Mich: I'm tiered of your shit.

Melly: what I do, doesn't effect you. I was gone you should have been happy.

Mich: it does effect me.

She glanced at Brian. How fucking dare she use my cousin as an excuse. I grabbed her shoulders firmly.

Melly: Look Michelle. What I do is my damn business. What me and Brian discuss is our business. It has nothing to do with you. So please back the fuck off me and leave me alone. Bitch.

She looked taken back. I let go and walked to the bunks to change. Everyone was silent. Quietly I changed.

Jimmy: well hello Melly...

I looked over my shoulder and smiled.

Melly: hi Jimmy.

Jimmy: haven't seen you for a while.

Melly: just been you know around.

I shrugged.

Jimmy: how'd you mange to get here?

Melly: Val and Matt found me on a bench.

Jimmy: cool.

Melly: I know right.

Jimmy: who brought you to this venue?

Melly: not sure. I just hitched rides as needed.

I slipped a shirt on.

Melly: how was it without me?

Jimmy: we managed. Jenn is just as fun as you are so...
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Road Trippin'