Quick! We Have The Ransom...

The Friends That Are No More

*Ronnie’s P.O.V*

I was taking it all in as Sarah was yelling at me. It was all coming together now. Everything bad that ever happened between Sarah and I always had something to do with Max. No matter what it was. After Sarah told me everything Max had done, I wanted to kill him.
How could he do that to me? And to Sarah? He was supposed to be my friend! My best fucking friend!

After Sarah and I talked a bit we went back inside the school and made our way to the cafeteria. I promised Sarah I’d bring back her old Ronnie. Or that I’d try my best to anyway. And I intended on keeping that promise.
When we got to the lunch table I didn’t talk to any of the guys. I gave all my attention to Sarah, no matter what the guys were saying. The only time I talked them was to tell them to shut up. That’s all I wanted to say to them right now.
I saw Bryan give Sarah a look and she nodded and smiled. I figured she was telling him that she had told me about it and it was all good now. Well between her and me anyway.

I couldn’t wait till after school when I found Max. I knew exactly what I was gonna do.
He knew I was mad at him about something, because I sent him a glare at the lunch table. He just didn’t know why, and I didn’t plan to tell him until after school…

~After School~

I was walking to my car to wait for Sarah, when I saw Max walking to his,
“Hey! Douche bag!” I called. He actually looked up, which made me bust out laughing. I waved him over to where I was standing in the middle of the student parking lot.
There were groups of people everywhere. This would be the perfect place to call Max out.
“What’s up man?” Max said walking over. Damn he was slow.
“Man, getchur ass over here!” I said getting annoyed. Now that I knew what he was really like, I didn’t wanna be around him.
“I’m coming chill.” He said putting his hands up. I calmed myself.
I figured if I stayed calm and acted like I didn’t know everything, he would ask why I’ve been so weird today and then I could call him out.

“So what’s up with you man? Why you been acting so weird today?” Max asked as we started walking.
I stopped and turned to Max.
“Ohh, I don’t know dude. Maybe it’s cuz you got my girlfriend pregnant dumb ass!” I said, my voice rising with every word.
Everyone around us stopped and stared.
Max looked shocked.
“Talk douche bag!” I said pushing him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking bout man. I never slept with her.” Max said backing up a little.
“Bull shit dude! Give it up man! She told me everything you did to her! And when I say everything, I mean Everything!” I was getting seriously pissed off.
The fact that he was denying it just made me even more angry.
“Dude, do we really have to talk about this in front of the entire school??” Max asked in a loud-ish whisper.
“Fuck yeahh we do!” I yelled at him. I just wanted to deck him in the face.
“Alright fine! I slept with Sarah yeah! But she’s the one that wanted to do it in the first place!” I could not believe he just said that.
“That is fucked up bro! She told me what you did to her! How you fuckin raped her! And how your always kissing her and touching her! I should kill you for all the shit you’ve cause between us!” I heard everyone around us gasp. By now they had formed a circle and almost everyone’s mouth was hanging open in shock.
“Yeahh. Better watch our girls. Because not only did Maxie here rape my girlfriend, he also beat her.” All the girls gasped. Every single one of them drew in a sharp breath. Max’s mouth was hanging open like I had just slapped him.
Which I guess I kinda did in a way.
“Don’t act all innocent Ronnie! You hit her too!” Everyone gasped again.
“Yeah I’ll admit I did. But it was only cuz that’s what I learned from you! Everything is always you Max!”
He scoffed.
“Yeah, everything’s always my fault.” He said.
Everyone around us were staring. They had that look on their faces like ’Holy Shit! What’re they gonna do next??’

“Well I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how good she was then.” Max said smirking.
Everyone’s mouth hit the floor.
I couldn’t even believe he just said that.
“Holy shit he did not just say that!” I heard someone in the crowd say. It sounded like Sarah’s friend Emily.
“What the fuck did you just say?” I said taking a step closer. He couldn’t really go anywhere now since a whole bunch of kids were surrounding us.
“You heard me! I said she was great” That’s all he had to say for me to kill him.
I lunged (I couldn’t think of a better word sorry) forward at him and punched him in the face. I heard a crack so I’m pretty sure I broke his nose. Or something near that anyway.
I was on top of him punching his face, I didn’t have control over myself anymore. I was just too pissed at him.
I thought I heard someone calling my name, but I was to focused on hurting Max.
It wasn’t until I felt someone trying to pull me off of him that I came back to reality.
I looked up and saw Sarah, an extremely worried look on her face. I turned back to Max,
His face was all bloody.
Sarah gave me one last tug and pulled me off of him. We both landed on our asses next to him.
I looked at her again. She was crying, and she looked scared out of her mind.
She shook her head and put in her hands and started crying again.
I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into my chest. I looked up and everyone was still sanding there.
Some of them looked scared, some surprised, and some sad. A couple looked all 3.
“Alright go, nothing more to see here.” I looked to whoever said that, it was Bryan.
He gave me a sympathetic look and walked over and hugged Sarah and I.
Everyone started walking away and Max started getting up. I didn’t know how much damage I had done to him, and I honestly didn’t care. I just wanted to get Sarah to the clinic now so she could be happier without Max’s kid inside her.
“Bryan, can you drive us to the clinic?” I asked him in a whisper. He nodded his head and I handed him my keys and picked up Sarah and put her and myself in the back seat. She was still crying a little but not as much as before.
“Shhh, it’s okay Sarah. Bryan and I are gonna make everything all better. I promise,” I said into her hair. She stopped crying and looked up at me. I gave her the best smile I could force, and she gave me one back.
Then she lightly pressed her lips to mine.
When she pulled away and laid her head on my chest.
“I love you Ronnie.” She said into my shirt.
“I love you too.” I said before kissing the top of her head.

When we got to the clinic Sarah got really shaky. Both Bryan and I had to hold her hands. We got a couple weird stares. Actually we got a lot of them. But hey. I don’t blame ‘em. It probably does look weird. One girl and two guys holding her hand and she’s at an abortion clinic. You don’t see that everyday.

We all walked up the receptionist desk, and told the lady what happened and that we needed to see someone now.
She handed us a clipboard and a mountain of papers that Sarah had to fill out. I could only imagine how scared she was. All I knew is that I was never talking to Max again.

I knew Bryan would take Sarah’s side. I wasn’t so sure about Robert and Omar though. I wasn't really paying attention to the people around the fight so I don’t know if they were there or if they saw anything that happened.

Sarah finished the paperwork and gave it back to the lady at the desk. She gave her a sympathetic smile, and about 5 minutes later her name was called to go in the back I got up and gave her a tight hug.
“Don’t be scared. I love you,” I whispered to her. She nodded her head and kissed my cheek.
I sat back down next to Bryan and he gave me a pat on the shoulder.
I started bouncing my legs up and down against the floor, something I did when I got nervous or anxious.
“Don’t worry, your girlfriend will be fine” Said the lady at the receptionist desk. I guess she noticed my shaking legs.
How could you not?
I gave the lady a smile and tried not to look at the clock too much….

*Sarah’s P.O.V*

I started walking out to the parking lot to Ronnie’s car. When I looked up I saw a huge circle of kids surrounding two people in the middle that looked like they were arguing.
“Ohhh no.” I said to myself. I raced down the front steps as fast a I could without breaking my neck by tripping.

By the time I got to the circle I could see two people yelling at each other. And I was right about who it was.
Max and Ronnie.
I saw Emily and ran over to her.
“What’s going on?!” I asked her. She looked like she had just seen a ghost and then gave me an extremely tight hug. I didn’t know how, but I knew she found out about Max.
“How?” Was all I asked her. She pointed to Ronnie and Max.
“Fuck” I said under my breath. The last thing we needed was for the whole school to find everything out.
I pushed myself to the front row of all the people. When they saw it was me, they let me through gladly. Emily was right there behind me.

“Well I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how good she was then.” Max said. My mouth fell open. I almost jumped him right then and there for saying that, but Emily held me back.
“Holy Shit he did not just say that!” Emily said. My eyes started to water.
I turned around and cried into Emily’s shoulder. She held me tight but turned me around just in time to see Ronnie jump on Max and punch him in the face. Everyone heard a crack.
To be honest, I was glad Ronnie hit him. It was when he kept hitting him non-stop that I started to get worried.
I took a step forward and called out Ronnie’s name. “Ronnie.”
He didn’t answer. He was really going to town on Max’s face.
I kept constantly calling his name.
“Ronnie stop! That’s enough!” I said walking next to him. I grabbed tight onto his shoulders and attempted to pull him off. That didn’t work so well.
Then I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him off with everything I had. On about my third pull I got him off. We both landed on our asses about 3 feet away from Max.
I couldn’t breath. I didn’t know what was gonna happen. I started crying and put my head in my hands.
The look on Ronnie’s face when he was beating the shit out of Max was terrifying. He seriously looked like he was about to kill him and that scared the shit out of me.
I had never gotten that look from Ronnie, and I didn’t want to anytime soon.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest.
“Alright go, nothing more to see here.” I heard Bryan say. I felt someone come over and give Ronnie and I a hug. I figured it was Bryan so I just sat there.
I heard Ronnie and Bryan talking about something, but I wasn’t sure what it was. The next thing I knew we were in the backseat of Ronnie’s car and it was moving.
“Shhh, it’s okay Sarah. Bryan and I are gonna make everything all better. I promise,” Ronnie said into my hair. I figured Bryan was the one driving and he was taking us to the clinic. I looked up at Ronnie, and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. I heard Bryan ‘Aww’ in the front of the car, and I smiled. “I love you Ronnie” I said before putting my head back in his chest.
“I love you too” he said into my hair. I smiled to myself. I desperately hoped that after all this Ronnie and I could go back to being the happy couple that everyone envied.

When Bryan and Ronnie got me out of the car I took one of their hands in each of mine. I didn’t really care what other people thought right now, only that I had 2 of the most important people with me right now.
We walked into the clinic and the receptionist handed me a mountain load of paperwork that I had to fill out.
“Good lord” I said under my breath.
It took me about 10 minutes to fill everything out.
When the lady finally called my name I got up and gave Ronnie the biggest hug ever. I didn’t want to let him go.
“Don’t be scared. I love you,” Ronnie whispered to me. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked into the back room. It was kinda dark and had a creepy feeling to it. I didn’t like it, but I didn’t really have a choice right?
I mean come on, there’s no way in hell that I could ever have Max’s baby. Especially knowing how I got it and that I love Ronnie.
Am I doing the right thing? Oh god I hope so.

About a half hour later it was done. I got rid of it. I wasn’t too happy about it, but I had to do it. I don’t really like abortion, but it seemed like I had no choice. I knew for sure that Max wasn’t gonna take care of it. And I don’t think I’m ready to be a mom and I’m sure Ronnie isn’t ready to be a dad just yet.
Don’t get me wrong, one day I hope that Ronnie and I will get married and have kids, just not when we’re like 17 and 18 years old.

I walked out to the waiting room and saw Ronnie there bouncing his legs. He seemed more nervous than I was. Him and Bryan were looking down and their shoes. Yes Bryan was still here. He’s such an amazing friend.
When they heard the door open both their heads shot up and when they saw it was me they jumped up out of their chairs. I smiled at how they were so in sync. They walked over and gave me a hug. Ronnie was shaking so when we all let go I wrapped my arms around his torso and berried my face in his chest.
Yes I only came up to his chest. Like I said, I’m short. He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up. I moved my arms to around his neck so that I wouldn’t fall.
We stayed like that for a few minutes until Bryan cleared his throat.
I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his neck embracing him in a hug.
“Thank you Bryan. For everything. I love you so much and I owe you big time.” My voice came out in a whisper.
“You know I would do anything for you.” Even though I couldn’t see it, I could hear the smile in his voice.
We pulled away and went back to Ronnie’s car. I texted my mom and told her I was spending the night at Emily’s even though I was actually staying with Ronnie.
Even though my mom didn’t care if I stayed at Ronnie’s, I still told her I was with Emily sometimes, only because she likes Emily more than Ronnie.

All I wanted right now, was to go and sleep and for this day to end.
This has been the worst day of my life so far…..
♠ ♠ ♠
haha I bet you saw that one coming XD haha lol
Or maybe you didn’t? haha lmao
Any who;

okay, so I need more comments!!!!!
because if you don't comment, then I don't know what you think of the story and then it just seems like I’m wasting my time by writing all this.
OH! and plz rate and subscribe! ppl keep telling my that they love the story but they don’t leave a comment and then they don’t rate it or subscribe so idk if they’re telling the truth or not :/
Thank you!
P.S. I have recently discovereed that I am incapable of typing the word 'Heard' it always seems to come out as 'Hear' so just bare with me please! lol