Status: Progressing (slowly, but still)

Blood, Sex, and Cocktails

11 - Walk of Shame

I awoke the next morning with a full-body stretch and a groan. I pried my eyes open then immediately slammed them tightly closed again.
"Oh, my head," I said in a moan of pain. "Oh, my everything."
With the realization that I was pretty d*mn sore pretty much everywhere and in a bed that was so not mine, came the flood of memories of the previous night.
'Oh my sweet Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ!'
"Well, sh*t," I sighed aloud. I sniffed involuntarily and caught the scent of my own blood. My neck-shoulder area had been pretty much licked clean, but there were many now-dried splotches which I supposed were considerable little pools hours ago.
'Bet that prick makes me wash his fancy black velvet sheets, too,' I mentally grumbled.
It was only at that moment that I realized said prick was still in the bed with me, not a foot away.
"Hmph. He actually looks almost sweet when he's asleep," I mumbled to myself, finally sitting up. As I did, I noticed a tent-folded paper on the bedside table.
'Read Me' was scrawled elegantly on the outside. Never one to disobey a piece of paper, I picked it up and flipped it open.
Good morning, my Destiny.
Feel free to help yourself to anything you may need - shower, food or drink, and what have you. Stay as long as you wish. There may be humans about - associates who manage our and the bar's affairs during daylight hours. Do not allow them to harass you.
We have much to talk about, come nightfall.
Er tillgivne,
The note was a way. It was kind of weird to have a note from someone I was currently still in bed with, considering that if I had shared a bed with a human he could just wake his ass up and talk to me. But, even if he could, Eric wouldn't. Impersonal was easier - for both of us.
I slipped out of bed and scanned the floor for a moment, looking for my lacy black panties. Though the windowless room held only me and a vampire in the quite deep state of day-rest - 'a vampire,' I reminded myself, 'who has already seen and done much more with the bare region anyway' - I still felt a bit exposed wandering the room All I had as coverage was the matching lacy black bra.
But my panties, my dress, my shoes, literally everything but the bra on my, whatever? Nowhere to be found. In fact, the only article of clothing out in the open was a black Fangtasia t-shirt like the one I had slipped on after my shower yesterday.
With a sigh, I snatched it up and slipped it on. It was the same size as the one from yesterday, too, so I was covered. The only difference was the almost overpowering scent that clung to the shirt - the scent of Eric and, very, very faintly, sex. One involuntary whiff was all it took to bring more memories of the previous night flooding into my mind. I pushed the thoughts away and made my way to the bedroom door.
I swung it open and "Holy -," I exclaimed as I found myself face-to-face with Pixie.
"Well hey there, sleepy-head," she greeted cheerily. "I wondered when you'd wake up."
"Uh, hey," I replied. "What are you doing here?"
"Back here, just now you mean?" I only nodded. "Master had me do some laundry. I was just dropping it off." She gestured toward the small laundry basket sitting beside the doorway. Eric's clothes from last night were most likely in there, too, on the bottom, but on top were mine, and on the very top were the lacies I'd been searching for.
"Oh," I said. "Well, um, thank you."
"My pleasure, Miss," she replied. "Would you like me to run you a bath? Make something to eat? Fetch an outfit from Ms. Heron's room?"
I didn't immediately associate the name that passed her lips with the stunning young blonde corpse I might consider my friend - Pam. I'd only recently learned her full name and had yet to hear it spoken aloud. 'Pamela Jane Heron, has a ring to it.'
"No," I replied, made uncomfortable by all three offers. "I'll be fine on my own."
She smiled, bowed, and started on her way down the hall back toward the main area of the bar.
"Wait," I said suddenly, and she turned back with a pleasantly inquisitive expression. "You said you'd wondered when I would wake up."
"Well, I was wondering, what time is it?"
"Oh," she said, "It's 5:17. Will you be needing anything else, Miss?"
"Um, no," I replied. So, she continued her stroll back out to the main room.
'Sh*t,' I mentally grumbled. 'We're opening an hour early tonight, so Fauna and others will probably start showing up around 7. But it'll probably be getting dark enough to rise by around 6,' I figured as I hurried to the bathroom.
"So I have 45 minutes for whatever I need to do before Eric rises. Joy," I groaned, speed-stripping. I caught a look at myself in the mirror as I hopped into the shower. 'Sex-hair suits me.'
Hot water never felt so good. I thought my shower yesterday was relaxing? This was heaven. Admittedly, my mind started to wander a few times to the previous night and I got a bit distracted, so that was probably why I ended up taking so long. I had to have been in there at least half an hour.
I hurriedly pulled my underthings and Eric's t-shirt back on. I couldn't bother to get something else to wear, even if I had the time, which I doubted I did.
While making an effort to not look like an idiot, I quickly made my way into the main room and to the small kitchenette area behind my bar. It included a microwave and I was beyond thankful as I pulled open the freezer to find a nice little assortment of Hot Pockets. 'Mmm, Pepperoni Pizza, you are my savior.' My rumbling stomach seemed to agree.
I grabbed my now-Hot Pocket, walked out from behind the bar and settled, with a sigh, on a barstool. I was done rushing about, Eric had yet to be seen, and now I could just relax and take a big first bite of my - "Ah! Hot, hot, hot!" I exclaimed.
"I am, aren't I," commented the unbelievably sexy - especially with his long, luscious blonde locks all mussed, wearing nothing but his black dress pants from last night and maybe something beneath, I dared not wonder - bane of my existence, settling on the stool beside mine.
I finally choked down the Lava-Pocket and replied, "You're an ass."
"And I have a nice one."
"Don't get a big head. I'm so not stroking your ego."
"It's kind of hard with you around, so I wish you would."
"Oh, you're just hilarious," I shot back with a weak glare. "Borrow your sense of humor from a 12 year old?"
"No," he replied. "From you."
I just rolled my eyes. "The note said we have to talk?"
"About much."
"Such as?"
"Last night," he replied.
"What about it?" I refused to look at him.
"How or why did it happen?"
"Well, you see, Eric," I began in a mocking motherly teaching voice, "when a man and a woman - I don't fucking know how it happened!"
"When a man and a woman what," he asked. I had interrupted myself because at some point I had to. I wasn't going to actually give him the whole talk. But, as he asked, I realized what good timing I had had with where I decided to cut off.
"I don't know," I grumbled as I stood from my stool. "Do we really have to talk about this?"
Too quick for me to follow his movements, he stood from his stool, pushed it aside, and there I was, my back against the side of the bar, where his stool had been before, Eric right up against me with one hand on my waist, the other slowly lifting my left leg, bent at the knee, to his hip, fingertips dancing over the underside of my thigh as he went.
"Not at all," he replied in a breathy whisper, but surprisingly enough I was the one to attack his lips. He seemed pleasantly surprised by that.

"Anybody -," Fauna began, but faded off as she caught sight of us, "u-up?"
Considering our current position, I was hit with a wave of pure mortification. By this point Eric had done his share of playful nibbling and kissing of my neck and was literally just about to sink his teeth in.
At the realization that we'd been spotted, I very quickly moved his mouth's target out of its path and replaced it with an apricot from behind me on the bar. Distracted, he bit right in.
He released my leg and I slipped away, approaching Fauna.
"Uh, it's - well, it's exactly what it looks like."
"D*mn right it is!"
"Hmph, the real thing's not half as sweet," Eric commented, taking a single bite of the apricot before tossing it in the trash.
"Chill, Fauna," I sighed. "Not a national crisis."
"So, you did spend the night here, together," she said. "Jax said he saw you both head down the hall, but I figured one of you just slipped out the back exit and went home. Should have put the pieces together."
I was going to speak, but Eric beat me to it. "No one else - no other employees - will hear of this. I won't hesitate to fire both Mr. Levy and you," he warned her.
"No worries. Jax and I will keep our lips sealed. This is too d*mn juicy to share with the bitch-brigade anyway."
"It's not a big deal." It was, indeed, quite a big deal. But maybe if I acted like it wasn't, it would go away and we could never speak of it again.
"Whatever you say, hun," she replied. "Y'know, you ought to get into some real clothes before the bitches start showing up. Even they're not dumb enough to miss that clue."
I just nodded and rushed back to Pam's room, doing all I could to ignore Eric as I passed him.