Status: Guess Who's Back? ;)

A Way With Words

She's fresh, but not to clean

That was where it all ended. Where it all broke apart, where instead of the whole " I'll run into your arms and you'll kiss me passionately in the rain", there was instead a dead cut off. She was young, she was naive, and she was afraid. That day she wished would be a blur, but she remembered. Like most times before she had ran from him, and that last time he refused to follow. She knew it was her own fault, that you can drive a man for so long on a leash before he tears it off and walks away himself. She was foolish, idiotic and totally insanely in love. But now, now things were different. She wasn't Drea Pinto the fiery petite girl who held a boy in her grasps only to see him slip away. She was Andrea Pinto, The accomplished wedding designer from Tempe, Arizona.

You may think, what the hell? But in four years everything can change. She worked for a wonderful company, she lived peacefully, and far away from home, from her parents, fromhim.
" Hi I'm Andrea, nice to meet you. If you come this way, into my office, we will discuss these arrangements. Does that sound Fine?"
Yup, she had grown up, and for the better. layered shoulder length hair, high wasted skirt, button down Marc Jacobs white satin shirt. She had definitely grown up. I guess you can say life had moved on, and so had she. Forgotten pasts, forgotten Drea, and a whole new life style.
" Alright well thank you, I'll be over at the church with you guys and maybe we can fit in a dress fitting? How does that sound?"
" Wonderful Andrea, you are god right now to this wedding."
" Well i would hope so." She chuckled as she put her glasses down and checked off the name on the list. One down, six more to go.

That night was the last on warped, the last in everyone elses life that she knew. He had spilled his insides to her completely, and in complete idiocy she said No. She told me the opposite of what she really felt, all because she was afraid to let anyone in.
" No John." She felt her self tremble slightly as she looked into his dead eyes. He looked so hurt, like she had stabbed a knife into his chest over and over again.
" W-What?" He stared at her in disbelief as she forced the words like bulimia forcing the food out of your throat.
" You don't love me, Y-You shouldn't love me, Wh-just forget just..." She felt herself shake violently, she couldn't do this. Of course she wanted him, of course she wanted to wrap herself in his arms but this was no time to think of herself. This was not what she wanted for him, as much as she felt like being selfish she couldn't. All John Knew about her was what was out of her own house. If he ever stepped into her world, if he ever wanted to become a part of it, he had to give up everything and she wanted nothing of that.
" You- just forget about me. Forget i exist, forget you said that, forget i even came here. I'm leaving tomorrow morning."

She knew he was confused, she knew he was hurt. This was what was best though, and she had no control over what could happen if he actually stuck by her side.
" Drea, I don't understand. I- Why are you doing this?" She could see the moistness in his eyes as he swallowed a huge lump in his throat.
" I tell you I love you, and you completely come with this bullshit!" he yelled causing her to cringe.
" Are you fucking kidding me Drea? Are you serious right now? What the fuck are you hiding that is so bad that you feel the need to make me feel like shit when i try to get through you? I fucking want you Drea, I fucking love you and you always push me out. you know what, run. Run away like you always do, this time I won't follow you." he furiously stood up as tears flooded her eyes, and she did. She ran as fast as she could, as far as she could, had she tried to forget.
Love stopped break dancing and gave up all hope, all over again. It was set and done, Drea and John were officially done for good.


She knew nothing of him. hadn't even heard a word of him in four years. She looked through her scheduling book as she chewed the top of her pen. Two full days of planning. she looked at her last client as she chewed the cap to bits.

name: Sarah Riley
Plan: Wedding designs and flower arrangements
Date: Starting June 19
Where: 874 Alpaca Drive

She closed the book as she twirled her chair to the side of her desk. Everything in between those four years were a blur. She was now at a high ranking job and had a better life. She knew she had everything she could ever want. But the thought of that one boy never left her mind. Who would have thought that Drea would get to where she was, and a wedding designer at that? Twenty Four years old, and living the easy living. Not the thought everyone had of her. This was her new life, her new start, and she had no intentions to go back to the start.

And although that was the case, she had no control of that. And the boy she had thought she had lost so many years ago, would be back, oh he would be back. Just not in the form she would want. Love was not giving up, love didn't give up.

Cant Stop, Wont Stop.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hated where i was going. People were right, i was getting blah blah blah. So I'm heading in a new direction. The wedding planner gave me an idea ha ha. So let's see what happens next. I'm loving this idea. I'm making all the other chapters the past and starting it fresh from here. And if it starts to drown again, please tell me. I love the people who straight out tell me something sucks or tell me i spelled everything horribly wrong. So yeah. Also yell at me for not using my lovely editor Rachel, I'm such a bitch for not using her for her abilities to cover my ass.

xo Rainie