Status: Guess Who's Back? ;)

A Way With Words

The Donkey Knows More

" Hi."

What else were they supposed to say? They had repeated the same words for merely Five minutes before Sarah had shown up to drag them both to dinner. Drea couldn't believe her life. Seriously? Him? Again? For some reason destiny was determined to get them together. So determined to the point that four years later, there they were again. Inches taller, different appearance, and a whole new attitude towards life.

" You you guys Know each other?" Asked Lynn suddenly as she felt the strange vibe around them.
" No."
They stared at each other as they turned back to Lynn.
" I mean Yes."
"I mean No."
They looked at each other once more before stuffing their faces, without another word.
" Okay?" Fred looked between the two as Lynn and Sarah dropped it, Fred knew better than to let the matter go.
" So Andrea, You're from Arizona, so is John." He took a bite out of his steak as she drank out of her wine glass carefully. Not another word was said until Sarah went crazy about wedding details all over again. A groan from Fred, a chuckle from John, a bored expression from Lynn, and a large grin from Drea. Never had she seen a woman so excited.

" So, Andrea..." The words felt so rare on his tongue, so wrong when he called her that. Like he never knew her, like she was someone different. She was though, someone completely different. A girl who traded her Nike's, skinny jeans, and Beanies. A Woman now, Pumps, dresses, and Lip stick was who she was. Her long dark hair was now cut and a bit passed her shoulders. Her small giggle turned into a mature laugh. Her chewed nails turned to bright red long ones.

" How did you get into the business of wedding Designing?" He was damn curious. The girl who was afraid to love, afraid to commit was here to help others in the department she lacked in so many years back. Maybe she was seeing someone now, maybe she was going to get married herself.

She was nervous to answer him. she saw the curiousness in his eyes. She saw the look he gave her over his wine glass. She looked to The others who were in their own world, except for Fred. " well, i had met a friend who was in in business. I went back to college, decided I liked the work he did. I didn't know right away if it was for me, but then I started to love it so here I am." She said picking up her own glass.
" Here you are." He repeated mumbling it as Fred raised his eyebrows. Fred was a smart man, too smart. He knew that they were tied together some way or form in the past and even now. He could feel the pull of the both of them. The tension, the passion, the complete and udder desire. He could feel a long history attached to the both of them. There was definitely something there, and he wanted to make it happen. He looked over to Lynn who laughed along with Sarah. He never said anything, he hated Lynn with every fiber of his being.

Lynn and him dated for a year or so before he completely let her go. She was clingy, irrational, and completely not for him. He remembered the day her and John went out. No one new anything about Lynn and Fred. Then two years later he had met Sarah and they hit it off. Sarah was good friends with Lynn for a long time. The day she started to date John was the day he realized something. Lynn was only with him to get Fred. He knew it from the first day, he knew it from the look in her eyes. And he despised every inch of her body. Oh he was definitely getting information about Andrea and John. Not only that though, he was getting them together.

" So John, how's business at the studio?"
" It's great man."
Drea looked to them as she finished her salad.
" What do you do for a living?" She asked as Fred took notice of everything. The way she dabbed her mouth with the napkin and the way John looked at her, eyes lingering longer as she looked back at him.
" Me and my band we have our own recording studio. We sign a lot of bands, get some people to work out some EP's. We're really into Music." he said never leaving her eyes from hers.
" Is there something you would both like to tell me? Oh like I don't know, why you completely know each other and aren't telling me?" Said Fred with a cheesy grin as Andrea choked on her wine and John coughed out a bread stick.
" We do not know each other." They said at the same time as they looked anywhere but at Fred, or at one another.
" Ah ha, Sure." The matter was dropped soon after they left from the restaurant. Walking out was the most awkward thing for the two as everyone else went on as if nothing was wrong.

" Oh Sarah I almost forgot! We need to go get The listing we ordered last week remember?" Sarah smacked her head as she completely forgot. She looked at Fred as she spoke hastily.
" Fred please take Andrea home while I run this errand please" The two woman climbed into the car as they headed off.
Fred smirked as he looked at the two.
" Well I have to go get something of my own, You don't mind driving her back to the house do you John?" His smirk grew wider as he refused to wait for a respond and headed to his own car.

Great, she thought. Now she had to kick it with john Oh in his ride while she got strangled to death by her mind telling her to run. Run away, like she always did. The car ride indeed was weird until John decided to speak for the first time since the long ride home.
" It's been a while Drea." He looked at her then back at the road as he worked the wheel with hardly any effort.
" I know John, I know."
" So you moved thousands of miles away from home, no word is heard from you, and I'm completely left for four years with nothing but the memory of one night at warped. Where I poured my everything out to you and you just left me standing there like an idiot. But it is okay you know, not only did I lie to myself and Found the girl of my dreams named Lynn, I also lied to myself and said I didn't need you while I drank away my sorrow." Sarcasm dripped through his words as she closed her eyes. She knew this conversation was going to be brought up. Running away was not going to leave her in peace, so she just spoke up for once.
" So you completely made yourself this big shot Recording studio manager out of me running away so I guess it was worth while. I was sick of running away so for the first time I stayed in one place and completely forgot who I used to be. I faced everything I needed to face until you came along now and I guess I have to deal with this crap I left so many years ago undone. While you probably sang songs about how much of a bitch I was, I was out there making everyone else happy since I couldn't make myself happy. So now I'm a wedding designer." He smiled at her bluntness. He liked this new her. He liked it a lot.

" So what you're saying is You made me someone by being a naive little girl. You're saying you could never make love work for you, so you make it work for everyone else. I Love you Drea." He said randomly as she looked at him. Her mouth was wide as she looked at him. Wow, well he was straight forward. She noticed the car had stopped as they sat in front of an unfamiliar house. She figured it out to be his own. They sat in silence.

Without thinking John grabbed her face as he kissed her. He Kissed Her. Full on, full power, full passion, emotion, tension, desire, lust. He kissed her with everything he had. He had waited for four years to finally have that moment of bliss. To know that he had her back in his arms. He was lost, lost in his own fantasies finally coming true. And she couldn't deny it, she was lost to. Lost in everything she dreamed about.
♠ ♠ ♠
I shall give everyone a hint: Naughty Content next chapter. Lol
My first day of school was today, blah. Comment and make me feel better after having by far the worst day of this year. Please make me feel better. :[

xo- Rainie