Status: Guess Who's Back? ;)

A Way With Words

Life like this

Drea looked around at her work. The room was filled with soft pastel colored flowers and gold ribbons. She wanted to cry she felt so good and although she lacked a good night's rest, she was up and running and ready to see her two best friends get married. She felt two hands on her shoulders as she saw Fred's handsome figure standing behind her. She gave him a tired smile as she complimented him on how good he looked.

For three long months Drea had worked her ass off to create the most wonderful Hollywood wedding for the two people who deserved it most. She had set her deal with John aside and labeled them just friends as her desire for the perfect wedding took over every aspect of her life. She could not believe that this moment was finally there for her to soak in. She watched as some guests arrived and greeted her. She watched anxiously as the priest fixed his attire and gave her a warm smile. She was truly happy, everything she had ever dreamed of had become real. All she ever wanted was to see a real Hollywood moment and not one on screen. She wanted to know that true love existed and that she could make it happen for someone else.

" Drea, where do you want the lilies to go?" she pointed to the small stand as she made her way over to the center of the church. " Alright, we have less than twenty minutes before this wedding starts so if you would All please double check everything and make sure everything is in place." looking up from the piece of paper she watched as John walked through the door with a date and looking as hot as ever, damn him. She tugged on her beige dress As she avoided eye contact. " Drea!" he called as he made his way towards her. " This is Carly she really wanted to meet you and this is Drea hon, she was the mastermind behind this entire wedding." Drea smiled at the girl as she looked at her. She looked like nothing more than a classless tramp ass wannabe hooker on a lady gaga disco stick shopping spree... She was in a church for crying out loud. " it's ah, nice to meet you Carly." she said awkwardly as the girl
smiled wide and flipped her hair. " I just love what you did here it's amazing. So what is a beautiful girl like yourself doing here without a date." she said grinning. well bitch take A look at the man beside you. He fucked me inside and out and if you weren't here And if I wasn't such a bitch he'd be my date. " oh, ah I didn't have time you know me running around like a headless chicken and trying to set up this have a great time if you'll excuse me..." she huffed as she got as far as possible from that..There was no swearing in church, fuck.

Drea walked into the dressing room checking on Sarah before she walked down the aisle. She opened the door to see Sarah staring back at herself in the mirror nervously. Drea walked behind her smiling at how beautiful she looked. " you look so amazing Sarah I swear Fred is so lucky to have you" she watched as the woman bit her lip and closed her eyes. " honey what's wrong?" she asked worriedly as Sarah turned to face her. " nothing just nervous." she replayed with a small smile as Drea assured her of everything and walked out. Sarah sighed and looked at herself in the mirror before heading out the door.

The doors opened to reveal Sarah in her Vera Wang white strapless gown. Her father smiled wide as he linked arms with her proudly. Something was wrong and drea knew at as she tried to follow Sarah's gaze into the crowd of people but couldn't. Sarah was not Being herself and she looked as if she were too puke. Drea took it to be nerves as she listened to the voice of the priest once she had made her way to the alter.

The priest rambled on as Drea grew more worried towards Sarah's behavior. She had refused to look at Fred as the poor man looked at her with worry. What the he'll is going on, Drea thought as her vision so far was not going as she had planned. " is there anyone who objects to the two of these people, to join hands and wed on this day?" a man stood up as he straightened his suit and Drea gulped as she prayed that he wasn't about to do what he was. " I disagree with this marriage" the crowd sat shocked as they looked at one another confused on what was happening and who he was. " Alex don't do this.." Sarah said panicked as she choked on her words and at that second Drea knew, she knew exactly what was about to happen.

" Why not Sarah? I've been keeping this secret for over two years now and I let it go too far. This man doesn't deserve the things you've done to him and if you marry him I'll never forgive myself." Fred looked between the two as he grew confused looking back and forth at them. " Sarah what is going on?" oh Fred, sweet innocent oblivious Fred, Drea thought as she looked t John panicked. John Caught her eye as he looked as panicked as she.

" I don't know who you are you you don't know me but I've been Sleeping with Sarah for over two years now. I'm sorry but I didn't know about Any of this and you until last night and I drove all the way from Phoenix to stop this from happening." everyone looked at Sarah shocked as she started to sob. Drea slowly took off her headset and walked closer to the alter as she became drained. She showed no emotions as she spoke. " if everyone could form two single filed lines, this wedding is over." she said stepping off and walking out the door without a word.

She felt her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach and only though of how Fred must feel, of Fred. She wanted nothing more than to hold him in her arms and cry. She heard her name behind her as she turned to see John running to her worried. He stroked he face as he searched her eyes. " John promise me that whoever you marry and fall in love with, you won't do that to them." she closed her eyes as tears dripped silently from them and turned around to climb into a taxi. " I could never do that to you." he whispered as he prepared himself to walk back into the chaos and save his best friend.

Drea reached the house she had come to call home for those long three months. She walked through the front door crying as she looked to the couches. She could still remember the nights she and Fred would watch movies and just vent, oh Fred. She wanted so badly to just hug him and never let go. She wanted so badly to fix things but she couldn't fix what wasn't her mistake, especially when she couldn't even fix those.

Everything she ever dreamed about true love was only Hollywood and she'd never live to see it actually happen. What Drea didn't realize was that she had tire love all along and that if sue didn't push it away she'd live to see it, feel it, and enjoy it.
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I'm so sorry it took me forever but I'm a quitter and when I feel crappy I just let things go but you guys kept commenting and asking for more chapters that I stopped being A bum and decided to get this chapter out. I'd like to say thank you to all the amazing subscriber who stayed with me and the amazing commenters who kept giving me positive feedback. I'd also love to personally thank DJ for telling me not to delete this and I've promised to keep writing so don't
give up on me yet, I've got a lot more to go and this is not ending anytime soon. Xoxoox- rainie

Ps- I did this all on my itouch so it was so hard and aside from that it got deleted four times but I was so determined to do ths that my back is dying my fingers are I'll and I never want to see touch screen again. I'll go back and fix mistakes when I get on my laptop.