Status: Guess Who's Back? ;)

A Way With Words

Wake Up It's Five AM

John Rubbed his eyes as he sat straight up. He looked confused as he noticed the blanket around him and the empty hotel room. He looked puzzled at the room, then heard the door open.
" Morning sunshine." Drea walked in sitting on the bed and handing him orange juice.
" How the hell did I make it here? I don't even remember getting to a hotel." She smiled looking around the room. " Well you're not all that big....alright I had some help from the bell boy in the lobby, you were out cold and we dragged you here." He raised an eyebrow as an amused expression came over his face. " You mean to tell me that I missed all of that and didn't feel a thing?" He tried standing up but fell right back down on the bed. " Oh, I feel it now. Jesus, what did you guys do, cheese grate my ass?"

" Alright Cornelius, we have exactly two hours before heading out." He sipped his juice quietly sitting up straight. " Mind telling me the plan?"

" I got in touch with Alex Gershwin, He's the FBI agent from the wedding. We're meeting up with him because apparently he knows more about me than I know about me."

" Drea, everyone knows more about you then you do."

" Yeah well..." She scratched her head while biting her lip. " I didn't ask for a fucking Hollywood Action movie spoof. All I wanted was to get married, pop out some kids, and be a soccer mom." John gave her a large grin as he set his juice down.

" And that will happen, as soon as we get these Mafia War Heads off our hands. I'll give you all the rugrats you want just please, no more crazy adventures. I think I've had enough for the rest of my life."

She laughed as she pushed him slightly. " Who said I wanted them with you, and what the hell? We are being chased after and on a hit list, while hiding out in a hotel, and the first thing that comes to mind is this conversation?"

" Yes, yes it is. Don't lie to yourself, you know very well that every single child you pop out will be mine because I said so. Now shut up and get dressed, our sex lives are at stake."

" Don't you mean our lives in general?"

" That and our Sex Lives are at stake."

" You are such a guy...." She shook her head slowly while walking into the bathroom. If she was still alive after this, she was so depriving him of any sexual contact for at least a year.

Drea's legs bounced up and down as she sat uncomfortably in the hard plastic chair. John's hand rested on her leg to stop her as she looked at the man in front of her.
" I feel like fucking Harry Potter." She mumbled as John giggled earning a small glare from her. " Technically you are." They turned around to see the same man they had seen only days ago. He smiled down at her before flinging a couple of folders on the table.
" You see, you're like this celebrity who doesn't even know they are famous, while being sought after by a born to be killing machine. Isn't it a fantastic storyline?"

Drea groaned as John giggled again earning another glare from her and a slap to the head.
" Alright, let's get started shall we?" He turned on the desk light before opening the folder and letting her see the thick pieces of paper.
" Now i think you have some of the main idea down, but the most important detail is this. You're not just Drea Pinto, a wedding planner who came from a small city. You are Drea Pinto heiress of the Pinto & co. fortune. Did you know that your father owns more than twenty five different company's in the united states, not counting the ones all over the world?"

Drea's mouth hung open as John asked him to continue. " The markets your father owns are ones of Medicine and money. Two of the most important things in his line of business. Now Smith and Riley are other big name brands but are heavy competitors. We've got your family in a safe location and we've been trying to bring down Fredrick Smith since the day you were born. You're probably really confused and shocked right now but we have to hurry. The reason everything broke out so quickly was because of your birth,Drea. Everyone thought it was safe that the Pintos didn't have any children to pass down the title to, so no one ever stepped in and took them out. The day you were born was the day that you became the most targeted human being in the dirty business of Marketing."

He stopped as he studied her. Her breathing was heavy as John stroked her back trying to calm her down. " Are you fucking kidding me?" She finally said putting her head in her hands. " What the hell is wrong with this world?" She said. It's not everyday you wake up and say I'm going to be killed if I step outside because I'm the heiress of a fucking global market, making me bait. screw life.

She sat up straight, pissed off. " You're probably wondering where your parents are..."
" No, I don't give a shit. Right now I need you to tell me what I can do so I can stop this."

He sighed, crossing his arms. " You don't get it Drea. Your parents aren't bad people. That's why you need to see them, so they can explain all of this to you. Your family's business has been around for many years and means a lot to your family. You need to know who you are Drea, and that won't happen until you reunite with your parents. You need to stop walking through life insecure and thinking that your set to be just a regular citizen because face it honey, you aren't."

Her eyes started to water but she didn't dare let it go further than that. She picked up the paper in front of her and looked at the photo. She remembered that day. The day her father had taken a picture with her in his office. She felt stupid and ignorant. Why hadn't she known about any of this? Then she remembered all the times her parents would hide just about anything from her. Flipping through the pages she came in view of another photo. One of her and John. She remembered all the nights she would cry just Because she wanted him in her life. She knew she couldn't though because although she didn't know much, she did know that her parents did bad things that could get John killed. She knew that her parents had a tough business that could have them all killed. Never did she imagine that it was a complete Global market, and that she was some important person out in the world. She sighed knowing exactly what she need to do. " I'll give you a moment" said Alex as he closed the door behind him. She took a deep breath then turned to John. Slowly she leaned into hm and pressed a soft kiss on his lips.

" I'm sorry I got you into all this mess."

" You didn't get me into anything, I want to be in your life. Your problem is my problem and I wouldn't have it any other way. Don't try to keep me safe because I'll follow you where ever you go. Just like I've always done."

She smiled at him then squeezed his hand. Looking back at the picture she sighed promising herself that she could go through with it.

" I guess this is it then, two flights to England to find my parents."

They stared at each other as the door opened.

" You're not going without me." They looked to the door, both their eyes widening. Looking at each other again they stared shocked as the person before them stood there, bruised and scratched, but still smiling. Just like the first day she walked through Drea's Life.
♠ ♠ ♠
I re did this chapter because I knew the other one sucked. I just needed something for the moment. I hope this one is good enough for people not to hate me for changing it lol.

Ps: Who walked through the door? :)
