Status: Guess Who's Back? ;)

A Way With Words

Something Wrong With Living Life Like This

" Sarah." she stood up quickly embracing the strong woman before her. There she stood, although hurt, confident and bold as she threw her a wide smile. " Now I know that you truly missed me." she said laughing softly. Sitting back down, she watched as Sarah pulled a chair over and explained her side of the story.
" See, everything was never what it seemed. Me and Alex fell in love a long time ago but that couldn't be. Especially since Fred was forced into the picture. As you can tell Fred got to me, right after the wedding he just went full out. Your parents are in England and I intend to go with you. I know one secret that everyone else doesn't, something that will completely shatter him and his father to pieces."

" And this piece of information is.." John leaned forward touching her cheek softly as she winced in pain. " Sorry..." He mumbled softly as she threw him a small, soft smile. " At the moment it would be best if I didn't tell you. We have a flight scheduled in less then an hour so we have to make this quick. Fred right now is at his fathers, which is in the Los Angeles Area. We'll be in England for a little more than a week, and by that time well have plenty of time to wait for his arrival. He'll find us, I know he will. And I have no problem with that, because when he does find us, he'll be six feet under and I'll make sure a casket won't be included."

"Fred meh boy, come 'er." Said the old man, cigar between his lips, and a small lighter in his hand. Embracing his son, he sat down waiting for the words to spill out of Fred's mouth. " What's the word on th' gal, eh?" He slowly pulled out the cigar as he put it roughly into an ash tray.
" After the wedding, she was gone. Probably in shock. I've been told that John is with her, and that they are currently still in Arizona. No other word has been passed down to me, and Sarah has given her word to keep her silence. She knows what will come to her if she doesn't."
" well, that just shows how worthless you are Fred." Taken aback Fred opened his mouth only to shut it quickly. His pride had been hurt as he looked at his father.
" See, what I've been told is that, John 'nd Drea are currently tak'n a flight to 'ol England. I don't kno' why, but obviously you don't gotta clue either. 'Nd that's what I needed you for." He picked out a fresh new cigar as he lit it and looked at his son.
" Y'er dismissed."
" But I..."
" Dismissed Fred."

With his head hung low, and a bitten ego, he walked out of the office rubbing his eyes and sighing. All he ever wanted to do was make him proud, and here he was doing the opposite. He was going to find them, and get them both killed even if it meant great sacrifices. He needed this mission, and he wasn't going to fail at it. Not again.

John sat, face leaned against the window, uncomfortably as he fell into a deep sleep. In the middle sat Drea as she talked quietly to Sarah who took up the aisle seat, waiting for departure.
" You know John and his girlfriend were pretty tight, I'm so surprised at how quickly he jumped back into your arms after being with her for so long. Shows how much he loves you." Drea groaned as she cursed under her breath. Sarah giggled. " Are you trying to start something Sarah? Because believe me it's been pretty good between us, not this shit again." She spoke the last part softly frustrated as Sarah let out a louder laugh.
" I'm just saying. I've never seen him change his mind so quickly, the boy is so stubborn, Just as you are." She smiled at Drea as she crossed her arms.

" How close was he to her?" she asked curiously as Sarah rolled her eyes knowing perfectly well the jealousy pouring out of every word. " Well they were always together and very much in love. Well, so I thought. If it makes you feel any better he had to get pissed drunk to get close to sex, and each time he did he refused. I know this because she would come crying to me about him always leaving her at the last minute. And I think it was you who caused him to never give it up to the poor girl. She did give him head one time though to see if she could break him, nothing."
Drea looked over at the boy and felt anger rise. Hold up, Now we all know that there is a war going on here, and lives at stake but, oh fuck no, let's talk about this for a minute. Blow job, that bitch went down on John? yeah, someone was about to get punched.

" Drea, I know you are getting mad but just remember, he loves you."
" my ass maybe, you know what? let's use him as bait and get him shot first to see how safe it is."
Sarah howled with laughter surprised that John was still asleep, the boy was tired for sure.
" Drea come on, I only told you this because, well because there was nothing else to talk about but I thought you wouldn't care and stop being stubborn. You know he loves you so much to the point of basically taking his life so why are you mad if she went down on him?"
" Bitch, what do you mean? That's my man! Ain't no two timing hoe going to go down on the dick I fucking trained from the age of seventeen, oh hell no! "

She slapped the sleeping boy as he jolted awake with a small yelp. Sarah burst out laughing as he gave her a terrified expression. " What the hell was that for?" He said earning a glare. " You had something on your face, go back to sleep." She crossed her arms and looked the other way as Sarah gave him an apologetic smile.

Even with all the madness, there's nothing like a good stubborn pair, no? There's always one rule in the world of some woman:
You may be at war, and you may be about to die, but any woman who goes down on your man is worth putting everything on hold for. Even if it is a life or death thing.

Actually no, that's just Drea.
♠ ♠ ♠
And we come full circle with the drama, lol. I told some of you that this might happen. I mean come on, really? I wasn't going to go full on mafia serious on you guys :)
Hope you like it, although short.

Ps: I changed the last chapter because I hated it. So if you haven't read the edited version you might want to do that, just saying :)

Silly Rainie