Status: Guess Who's Back? ;)

A Way With Words

But it's falling apart Part 2

God he thought. He could never forget that night. The only time that he had gotten exactly what his body screamed for everyday. But it was all his fault. His fault that instead of changing things, everything went even more down hill than before. Sure John and Drea had fought since they were little, but not as bad as now. All because he was a douche, in complete denial.

He led her inside the room as he threw his shirt in an unknown direction as hers flew the same way. He felt everywhere, everywhere he could. Unsatisfied with the space he drew her to him so tight that his body ached with the pain the skin contact was doing to him. She moaned louder as her fingers came in contact with his friend.And from there, minor details that chilled his bones replayed over and over in his mind. She was rough and that's what he loved apart form everything else. She wasn't into the whole" Let's be gentle and have passionate sex." She was more into the biting and clawing and complete hard penetration that could drive any man up the wall, through the roof, and to the moon.

" John!" She screamed as she felt the throbbing pleasure she had concealed for so long. And he loved every second of it. But it wasn't enough, it would never be enough, until he fully had her. " Louder" he growled at her as his actions turned rougher by the second.Hell, he had never know he had so much in him that led to such an aggressive matter. He remembered every detail, front and center. One Hour, Forty two minutes of pure pleasure that had his head spinning in the morning, until he left. He didn't know why he left, he wondered if everything would be different if he had stayed. What would have happened if he had waited a bit longer instead of leaving that stupid note.'

" Nothing happened"

He wanted to punch himself as he remembered the note that probably crushed her that morning. God, he wished he wasn't such a fool. The thought of that note still got to him, just by the thought of the curvy writing he had on that one piece of paper. That week he hadn't seen her at all. When asking for her at school, people would tell him she wasn't in, or she hadn't showed up to any of her classes. That's when the song came, and that's when he realized, Nothing was ever going to get better between them.

" Oh you left me with a broken heart
And Now i see what I should of from the start
oh you left me with nothing but a kiss
now I'm leaving you with these lips
you left me..."

He reread those words over and over again until he sat down and completed the entire song. As soon as the song came out, it hit big and there was no denying that he had put everything into it. She was right, she made me someone. And I made her into nothing when she meant everything.
John Cornelius, you are a pump us ass, you son of a bitch.


" mom" he groaned as he rubbed his face.

"you know we cant stand each other and now you want her to tour with us?"

he sighed as he kept rubbing his face in annoyance.

" Come on John you know that Aaron needs more help and that it would be better for her to actually get out of this house while her parents are gone. plus, we all know you love her so...."

He slammed his fist against the table as his mother jumped.

" John" she scolded as she put her hands to her hips.

" damn! for the love of god, I'm not in love with her. she drives me up and down the fucking wall, and ...."
He stopped as his mother crossed her arms and threw him a cold stone look.

" exactly john, you're in love with her" With that she threw the dish towel against the kitchen counter as she walked out of the room. " It's about damn time you admit it too."

" fuck" he muttered to himself as he threw his jacket off and stomped up the stairs completely irritated and ready to punch a wall. He headed over to Drea's room as he softly opened the door peaking in. She laid there on the bed, her curly hair thrown into comfortable places as she slept. He walked into the room carefully getting her more comfortable into the bed and tucking her in. He kissed her forehead as she headed to the door only to see his mother standing there with a slight grin.

" What? You know how cranky she gets when she doesn't sleep well.." He muttered while she rolled her eyes at his excuse.

" And you would know because you love her.." She walked by trapping him in his own little excuses as he cursed under his breath. he was starting to hate the word love.


" Hey Man!!" Yelled Eric as he ran through the door only to have his mouth covered by johns hands and a long glare thrown his way.

" The devil is sleeping, please. Don't wake it up?" " oh" muttered Eric sarcastically as he knew his friend all too well.

" you mean your future wife?" John growled as he smacked the top of his head, ready to pounce again.

" Shut it." He had spent the rest of the day with his best friend as he blocked out every word he had said and kept his mind on her. i hate her, no i love her. no i am just confused, she's a stupid bitch. oh shut up Cornelius. Did i just call myself Cornelius? I got it bad he thought.

" hello is rocket to the moon going to have to take a rocket back to earth! John!" he whispered yelled as John jumped and looked at him.

" Huh?" Eric rolled his eyes.

" Try and lie to me and tell me you weren't thinking about that hot babe upstairs.." he said with a large grin.

"I" He stopped mid sentence as Eric laughed softly.

" uh,huh, right, yeah so tell me. When are you finally going to stop bitching with her and get some ass?"

he said playfully as john shoved him a bit. Too late for that, exactly 3 years to be definite.

"Dude shut up, nothing is happening between that thing up there and me,"

Eric gave him and all too familiar look. " Oh come on Eric, give it to me please? for once. Just agree with me and tell me I'm right so i can finally sleep at night."

Eric clapped his hands together. " no can do, no sleep for you until you admit that you John O'Callaghan are deeply in love with...what's her name?"

" Drea Pinto."

" right, are deeply in love with Drea Pinto." he said with his manly voice as he stood up. " I'll let you sulk, I'm going over nick's it's video game time!" he yelled as john shushed him again while he walked to the door. " Not in love my ass...."

Drea woke up slightly. When had she fallen asleep she thought as she looked down and saw the blanket thrown perfectly on top of her. She had the weirdest dream. A dream that she hadn't understood. She was in someone's body, a man she thought as she recalled the dream. She looked back at herself happy, and full of excitement as she kissed the man. " I Love you.."She whispered in the dream, but she couldn't see him. All she knew was that he had a small bracelet on his wrist, one with the words live on it. She stood up as she wobbled her way to the bathroom that conjoined her room with John's. She saw him through the open door as she walked to the sink to wash her face. She stared at him as he watched TV through the open door. And for once, she didn't deny that she wanted so badly to run through that door and jump into his arms.

She crawled back into her bed as she took out a small box she hid under her bed. She opened it slightly as she always did when she felt she was actually going to admit her love for John. She pulled it out, her drug to get the pain back, the pain that made her refuse to ever love him like everyone wanted her too. It was her steroids for when she felt like kissing him, or wanting to hold him. She took out the small crinkled paper as her eyes teared up with anger.

" Nothing Happened."
♠ ♠ ♠
oh boy! I loved this chapter >.<
Did you?

I have another story, It's an Alex Gaskarth story go read that too.
Also I love to read any kind of story so don't be shy to drop off a comment and tell me about it. I will comment and read it and completely love you for life :]

I heart my readers and subscribers, and since I don't know who subscribed or not, leave me a comment telling me you did so i can thank u a thousand times.

PS- my editing sucks, don't be afraid to draw it to my attention. Anyone want to edit for me from now on, Please!?