Status: Guess Who's Back? ;)

A Way With Words

She seemed so Far

" Pink V neck, Yellow V neck, Blue V neck, Shoot" She lost all train of thought as she forgot she had left another pair in the wash the night before. Drea had never been on any kind of anything before, tour was a whole new chapter in her life that she was excited for. Even though John hated the idea of her going. She put on her slippers as she left her suitcase opened, leaving for the basement.

" Hoodie, hoodie, aha! hoodie" He neatly placed the article of clothing in his suitcase as he stared passed the bathroom and into Drea's room as he saw her presence wasn't in sight. Curiously he stared into the room for a long time as he shook his head going back to packing. " Boxers, socks.." he stopped as his mind wandered back to Drea's room. He looked from afar as her light pink suitcase rested on her bed. Scattered clothes were thrown in odd places as he listened for foot steps. Nothing was heard so he stopped what he was doing and lightly walked over to her room.

Damn mom he thought as he ran his fingers through the front of his hair. you had to bring her along didn't you?. Having Drea around was hard enough, he thought that maybe, just maybe, being away for tour would leave him time away from her, wrong. Here she was for the rest of the summer, in a closer perimeter. He groaned lightly. Why does this have to be so damn hard. He stared at the suitcase as he took notice of all the V necks. Everything was packed neatly as everything out of the suitcase was thrown around carelessly. He picked up a bra as he smiled thinking back to the day she completely flashed him out of anger.

Now that is what I call pure beauty... He chuckled to himself as he replayed the scene. She did have some nice breasts. Setting down the bra he looked through her things as he stumbled upon a small box. On the cover it held a picture of wonder woman. She was always a big fan he noted as he set it apart from everything else curiously. The tin box, he remembered, was the one she brought to the first day of school with her lunch in it. He remembered the days she would whack him with it when he got on her nerves.

" Come on Pinto, share the crayons, stupid girl!" He growled at her as her mouth curled into a snarl.
" Stupid girl huh?" She brought the lunch box down hard on his head as John let out a loud yelp.

He had to admit, they would have made one good movie together with all the damn flashbacks he was getting. He opened the lid, looking around cautiously hoping to not get caught. Inside the box was jammed packed with little items. He dumped the box carefully as he saw little notes and objects he could recall, most anyways. He found a little plastic ring, he remembered it. The day Billy Wilson asked her to marry him on the play ground but John had kicked him in the groin so hard after he did so.

" Drea, I think you're the prettiest girl here. Would you accept this ring and marry me?" he asked with a large grin as Drea giggled and rolled her eyes.
" Billy you stupid head, we ain't s'posed ta, do that till we older, silly boy!" She yelled as she giggled loudly causing him to frown.
" Well then pretend we are older so we can get this over with Drea!" He shouted as John came into view.
" She's not marrying you idiot." With that he furiously rammed into him and kicked him with all he had. That to John was worth everything.

He smiled embarrassed as he realized how jealous he was at the time. After searching through he landed on another familiar looking note. The paper was a soft blue color folded into four. He curiously unfolded the paper as he read the words. His throat tightened as he felt the air get stuck. "Nothing Happened."

How long had she kept that, why did she keep it, she didn't forget? Millions of questions ran through his mind as he nervously, and shaking, put the paper back down to reveal a small plastic bag next to the note. Inside he would have never guessed and almost instantly he blamed it on himself. " Downers". He whispered as he picked up the plastic bag holding the many different colored pills in the bags. " She takes downers, and it's all my fault" he thought as he grabbed the entire tin box and brought it to his room.

" Purple V neck, White V neck, i have got to stop wearing so many damn V necks" She thought laughing to herself as she brought them up the stairs. Quickly going into her room she went to her suitcase only to notice it was messy. " What the...." She saw the scattered clothes as she looked to the bottom of the suitcase, her box was gone.

Panicking she looked over into John's room as she worriedly walked into his room shaking. And there he stood, box in hand, and furious expression on his face.
" John..." He stopped her with the fiery look he gave her.
" Shut up." He spat as she saw the over flowing motions in his eyes.
" You still have this..." he said aggressively as he pressed the small note into her chest hard. She felt the sharp pain in the middle of her chest as she looked down at the note.

She glanced up at him, tears threatening to spill.
" Since when do you take Downers Drea, Since when do you drug yourself?"
And that's when panicking went to a full level 10 and beyond.
♠ ♠ ♠
dram, drama, drama.
I haven't been feeling good but HelloBluej wanted me to update so I did.
I've been kind of sad lately, too much going on, and my minds been over flowing with pessimism.

there might be mistakes in here, I'll fix that later.

Anyways, leave me comments and help me feel better please.
And thank you to the people who have been commenting and subscribing,
you make me want to cry less. : /