Status: Guess Who's Back? ;)

A Way With Words

Give us a little break

Think Drea, Think, Breath and think. She sat far from the venue as she looked out passed the road. My girl. She got goosebumps replaying the look on his face and those simple words that made her feel wonderful, My Girl. Sure she was over thinking it, but what else would she do? She didn't know exactly why she ran, well lies, she did. She was terrified, she didn't know what to do. What would have happened if she stayed? Would she just stand there like an idiot and be like " So now that that is done, let's talk about me being your girl John?" Hello no. She was in no position to say anything or stay, she would have just stood there frozen while a pack of guys stared her down. Mother F.

Her whole life it had always been Drea and John fighting to the death. And that was how she liked it. The thing about John was, he knew nothing about her relationship with her parents at home, he knew nothing about the dark things she got herself into, he didn't know about the past relationships that made her scared of who she could become. He knew nothing but he played along as she threw hurtful words at him day by day. John was like her boulder, the only venting utensil she could find, so she took it. And now that utensil she loved to provoke, was what she wanted more than anything.

She couldn't let him in though, no matter how many times they would come close to being something, she couldn't ever let him in. There were things that were better left unsaid and John was in no position to become a part of her life. He was safe where he stood, and any farther down the road would cause, who knows what. She felt so protected by his words although he scared the shit out of her saying them at first. So there she sat, in the middle of a flat field near the high way as she stared off into nothingness.

" John Calm down please, here drink some water" His skin was bubbling from the oven like sun. He could feel the heat outside and inside. he glared as he drank out of the bottle and handed it back to a worried looking Kennedy.
" Dude, what was that all about? And since when has Drea become your girl?" His head shot up as Jared looked confused.
" Since the first grade, now shut the fuck up so I can think." he rubbed his temple as the boys shared glances towards each other. They knew something was going on and felt so left out. John frustrated and fuming, stood up from the chair.
" I'm going to walk around, cool off" They boys nodded as he took long strides out from beneath the tent.

I'm such an idiot he thought to himself as he nervously rubbed the back of his sweating neck. What was going on with him? Drea ran for her life after what he did and he couldn't feel more ashamed. Since he was a little boy Drea was fascinating to him. But she was always so mean so aggressive. Nether the less he was falling for her by the second. He was always so picky when it came to girls and there she stood before him. Holding down her own fort while trying to keep him out. But he fought back hard, there was no way he was going to back out on a fight, he needed for her to let him in.

Drea had always lived next door, but she spent most of her time at his house. her parents were a topic he wouldn't dare to cross and he knew she always hid something from him. This girl, from a sad family, with so much bottled up inside was what he wanted, and he didn't get it one bit. Why couldn't he control himself? he sighed frustrated with himself. He couldn't contain himself, his mouth had a mind of it's own. my girl, shit. In reality she really was his girl. Drea Pinto had always been claimed to John. Every time a guy would talk to her in school he was there to interfere. She always thought it was to piss her off, he did it because he was scared to death that she would forget about him.

he needed help, he couldn't do this on his own. How the hell are you supposed to go through shit like this? he had no idea and paced around warped as he finally marched over to security. " Hey, have you seen a girl with a white tank top and long Brown hair with a neon head band?" He probably just named every girl on warped but what else was he supposed to do?
" Uh, did she have merch bitch written on the back?" he said chuckling as John smiled himself.
" That would be her."
" I think she walked over to the field in the back of the venue. She passed by here a little while ago and asked if it was trespassing." He thanked the guy as he ran and as he made himself to the edge of the field, he spotted her, all the way out there. He made his way as he saw her, legs spread out and her hands resting in the grass. " Drea?"

She looked up at him surprised then look back down in embarrassment. Oh fuck, what the hell am i supposed to say now She thought to herself as she played with the grass.
" I don't need you to say anything, i just want you to listen to me." She thanked him in her head as he sighed ad turned all his attention on him. She looked straight at him as he began:

" When i met you that first day in first grade i thought you were the prettiest girl i had ever seen. They you spoke to me and i thought you were the most aggressive meanest little thing i had ever met, and i loved it. There is no one like you Drea, you made me speak without thinking, made me blow off steam i needed to blow off, and was the only girl i would not let out of my site. I've been infatuated with you. When i saw you with that guy i lost all control. I've been blocking away boys from you since junior year. Don't you remember that one night where Billy turned you down for Junior prom after it was him who asked you? That was all me. I never wanted you with anyone other than me. I got jealous, hell i get jealous every time a guy flirts with you. What I'm trying to say is I'm in love with you, and I don't know how to take this farther because it has always just been you and me being complete enemies. But i never hated you, i never thought badly of you. Sure i said so but i was just scared that if i ever said the things I'm saying now you would kick me so hard in the balls I'd probably cry." he chuckled at the thought as she stared straight into his eyes. I don't know if you hate me for the scene i caused or in general, but i want you Drea. I can't ever stop trying to at least figure out if you need me the way I need you. Can't stop, Won't Stop.".

And on that night of the Drea and John Chronicle, tension had been defeated and love had done another victorious break dance over them.
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i lost a subscriber and it made me sad.
I must be doing bad haha, I'm sorry i didn't get this out sooner, I've been busy with family and getting ready to go back to school.

I'm loving each of the comments and this story has even gotten a marriage proposal. By the way, it said yes :]

I want to get at least to 50 comments, make it happen?
