Caring for Isidore

Playful Isidore

I walked down the long hall heading towards my little sister's room. As I approached, I saw that the door was slightly ajar, open just enough to peek through and not be noticed. I put my eye up to the door, smiling gently as I looked as my sister, Isidore, playing with her baby dolls. Izzy looked at me, giving me a smile that would cheer up the grouchiest of people.

"Leah!" she squealed, scrambling up towards the door. She acted as if I had just gotten home from a long trip. "Do you wanna play with me? Jenny and Myra want to play!" she said enthusiastically, pointing to the aisan doll (Jenny) and the African doll (Myra). I had bought them for her at Christmas time a few years ago, when she was 14 years old. She's now 16, and still loves them to death!

"Sure! What do they want to play?" I asked, walking into her pink and white room. I looked at Jenny. "I love her hair. How did you do that?" I sat down on her Ariel bedsheets, waiting for her to tell me how she did Jenny's hair. I looked over at Isidore's pink nightstand. Sitting on the white lace cover was a picture of me, my mom and dad, and Isidore was a baby.

"Well, LeeLee. I put Jenny's hair up in piggy tails. She said she wanted them! Myra got jealous, so I put her hair in a horsey tail!" she said happily. "What are you looking at?"

"Oh, just the picture on your nightstand." I said, with a tear in my eye. I saw Isidore look at the picture, bursting out in tears.

"I miss Mommy and Daddy!" she wailed. She flung herself on the bed, right next to me, so I rubbed her back as she sobbed. We recently lost our parents to a freak accident on a cruise ship this January, and as of now, it was July 23. We still haven't gotten used to the fact that our parents were no longer here, and what it did to Isidore to find out her 5th pair of parents weren't around anymore was horrendus. We were fostering her since she was 12, and we adopted her when she was 15. She finally quit crying.

"You miss Mommy and Daddy, don't you, Leah?" she asked, giving me a look that could make anyone's heart splinter into a million pieces.

I sighed. "Of course I do! There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of them, Bunny." Bunny had been the nickname that my mom gave Isidore after she caught a wild bunny with her bare hands without getting bitten or injured.
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Sorry it was so short. I need to go and eat lunch and spend time with my Grandparents. Maybe I'll write more tomorrow.