Status: R.I.P James Owen Sullivan.

Victims of Love

Everybody's been hurt by somebody

“Miranda; come here! I want you to meet Matt and his friends,” my bestfriend Jasmine yelled at me from across the parking lot.

Closing the door to my car I slowly walked over to the benches where I saw five guys and Jasmine sitting. The one she was sitting on, who I’m gonna guess is Matt was talking to the rest of the guys; they all looked pretty tall except for one of them; I think his name is Johnny, yeah Johnny he’s a friend of my little brother. As I got closer to them Jas was hopping up and down in matt’s lap; she’s wanted me to meet him since they started going out about a week ago and I then saw one of the guys looked familiar to me; but that couldn’t be him, he can’t go to this school.

With a large smile on her face she hopped out of Matt’s lap and pulled me into a hug. “God, you act as if I’ve been out of the country; you just saw me last period; spaz,” I joked when she finally let me out of her death-grip.

“Haha I know; I’m just really excited for you to meet Matt and the guys; they’re all really great. You’ll love ‘em,”

I turned from Jas and waved at Johnny, “Hey Johnny.”

All of the guy’s eyes, except the one who looked familiar, turned to Johnny, and in unison they asked, “You know her?”

At the same time Jas turned to me and asked me the same thing.

“Well of course I do Jas he’s like always at my house; he’s one of Jason’s friends,” I replied in a ‘duh’ tone. Her mouth formed an ‘o’ shape. Johnny and I chuckled.

“So anyway let’s introduce you to the guys; that’s Zacky,” she pointed at the one with gorgeous green eyes and snakebites.

I smiled and waved at him; and he replied with a ‘Hey.’
She continued, “The freakishly tall one is Jimmy,” I snickered at that, but waved and said ‘hey’ to him. He grinned at me and got up and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

Jas laughed and said, “Yeah, he tends to do that.”

I laughed again, “Well I like him, I think I’m gonna make him my new bestfriend,” Jimmy grinned and shot a fist in the air with a ‘Yeah.’

Rolling her eyes she went on and pointed, “That’s Brian.” He looked up at me and then back down quickly.

No, that can’t be him. I was doing so good since moving here, I thought he went to Ocean View. God hates me. I have to pretend nothing has happened.

I didn’t say anything to him.

“And last but certainly not least this,” she sat in his lap and pecked his lips, “is Matt.”

I smiled at him and said, “Finally I get to meet the awesome Matt I swear she doesn’t stop talking about you.”

He chuckled and replied, “I could say the same for you she’s always telling us how amazing you are.”

“Well she is right, I am amazing,” I grinned cheekily. They all laughed at my remark except for Brian.

“So Miranda; we are heard you are new to Huntington and we’re throwing a party tonight at Brian’s house, and we wanted to know if you would come,” Jimmy asked me.
I tried my best to put on a believable smile, “Of course I’ll come, if it’s okay with Brian.”

Pretend nothing has happened.

At the sound of his name being said Brian looked up from his hands, he had a questioning look on his face.

“The party dude, it’s cool if Miranda comes right,” Zacky questioned though it sounded more like he was telling him.

Brian gave him a hard look then looked back down at his hands, “Yeah, sure, whatever.”

“Then it’s settled,” Jimmy chimed, “Miranda is coming to par-tay!”

Pretend nothing has happened.

I giggled, “So I’ll be there around 10? I have to go home and get some shit, so I’ll see you guys later. You commin Jas?”

She gave Matt a quick kiss and hopped up, “Yeah love, let’s go.”

We turned around and waved to the guys telling them later and sped off to my house.

Once the girls were far enough away all the guys turned to Brian. “What the fuck is wrong with you man! You were so mean to her and she didn’t even do anything to you,” Zacky shoved his shoulder. Brian looked up at them and shrugged his shoulders.

“Okay Brian what’s going on you’ve been like this since yesterday,” Matt asked.

He shook his head and sighed, “It’s nothing guys; don’t worry about it.”

“Bullshit Brian! Why don’t you just say it? It’s Michelle guys, the bitch broke up with him yesterday and he’s been this way ever since,” Jimmy cried.

Brian glared at him, “Shut the fuck up Jimmy.”

“Brian get over it, we all know that she was cheating on you. You need a distraction, someone better than Michelle, Miranda looks like a pretty good fuck. How ‘bout her,” Zacky questioned.

“Shut up Zack, we need to pick up the booze and move anything breakable out of my livingroom. Let’s go,” Brian ignored Zacky’s comments on Miranda.

12:00 a.m.
“Where’s Jas and Matty,” I slurred leaning against the kitchen counter. There were so many people here, and I’ve had a lot to drink. I turned to Zacky and grabbed the bottle of JD out of his hand. He shouted a ‘hey give that back’ but I ignored him and chugged my way through the bottle. Once I got about a quarter of the bottle into my stomach I stopped and took a huge intake of breath. That fucking burned; I groaned and looked at Zacky who was laughing at me.

“Shut up Zacky or else I’ll throw this fucking bottle at you,” I tried to glare at him but started laughing instead. The music that was blaring through the house was making my chest feel like there was a hammer pounding on it.

“I haven’t seen Brian since I walked into the house, where is he Zacky,” I turned around but he wasn’t there. Ah well I guess I’ll just go find him myself I want to talk to him. Stumbling to the entryway of the kitchen I tripped and landed hard on my chest.

“Ow. Fuck!”

I lifted my head up and saw sneakers in front of my face, I looked up and there was the God himself, “Just the man I wanted to see,” I glared. He leaned down and picked me up draping me over his shoulder and started to walk towards the staircase. When he got to his bedroom door he opened it and laid me down on the bed. He sat at the edge and put his head in his hands.

“Oh look at how familiar this is Brian. Isn’t it familiar Brian,” I sneered at him.

“Shut it Miranda. Don’t do this.”

“Don’t do what Brian? What remember that this is the room that you told me you loved me in? Or that this is where you took my virginity after a drunken beach party, Brian? Or is it that this is the same place where I told you I was pregnant with your child and you called me a slut? Or do you not want me to think about how that very next day I came all the way over from L.A to see if you were in a better mood to talk and found you fucking Michelle Dibenedetto,” I was in hysterics, crying, my make-up run down my face.

He still hadn’t turned around, “Look at me Brian!” He turned around slowly, and just looked at the sheet between his hands.

“Fucking look at me Brian! I got a fucking abortion I had to get rid of an innocent life because you weren’t man enough to lie in the fucking bed that you made. You put me through all of that shit and then disappear and can’t even look me in the fucking eye! I told you I loved you and I meant it, every single time I ever said it. I still love you. I know you loved me, you said it all of the time. What changed?”

“You’re wrong,” he whispered so that I barley heard him.


He looked me right in the eyes.

“I said you’re wrong… I never loved you.”

I tossed my head over the side of his bed and threw up all the contents of my stomach, when I sat back up I saw Brian’s back disappear behind the door as he shut it.
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