Status: This story has been on Haitus for a couple of months, I will try to update more!

You Make My Blood Boil Draco Malfoy

Snapes Office

It was a few days later. Pansy was still blaming it on me that draco didnt 'love' her anymore.
She didnt hang out with us anymore. Which everyone thanked me for. I was now really good friends with Amanda, She was like me, Basically had no friends.

"quit you knocking and Come in!" Oh right i didnt tell you, i was knocking on snapes door. i just got humiliated outside by Pansy and her 'BFF'. i was walking into the great hall when her and her friend started walking behind me. First they started laughing. Then they started talking to me.

I turned around and started arguing with them.
"Well at least we didnt kill our parents!" pansy yelled really loud. then she started smirking, i knew this is what she wanted.
"I DIDNT kill my parents!"
"Oh Right, They killed themselves because they don't care about you!"
"They did too care about me!"
"then why did they kill themselves?"
"my dad didnt kill himself, he had heart failure."
"oh right, it was just your mom who killed herself."
i dont even know how she knew. People were gathering around us gasping. Then they started calling me parent killer. and saying nobody cared about me. So i ran up to the school crying down to the dungens and started knocking visiously on snapes door. So that leaves us were i am now.

i opened the door.
"Miss Ross, whats wrong? Would you like something to drink? Tell me whats wrong. Sit down."
i sat and waited for him to hand me a cup of tea and gestured for me to tell him what happend. So i told him everything, From first year to my parents dyeing to the ball to pansy outside.
"Well, i'll talk to miss parkinson, Would you like to sit in here til you calm down? i wont be doing anything all i will be doing is grading things."
"yes, thank you Professor"
"oh please in here, just call me Severus"
"thank you..Severus"
i got up and sat over near his book shelf on the couch. i had my bag with me so i took out my peter pan book i had in my bag and started reading. i heard a laugh so i looked up and seen severus at his desk smiling shaking his head.
"Yes Samantha?"
"I was wondering, if you could tutor me in potions?"
"Yeah Sure" he looked at his clock. "how about Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, at this time? Starting after break?"
"that's perfect! Thank you Severus!" i said running over to him and hugging him. He laughed and patted my back.
i walked out of his office waving to him saying i'd see him tomarrow.

Down the corridor i seen that platinum blond hair that i loved so much walking this way.
"There you are! i've been looking for you!"
"oh i was in snapes office."
"i was asking him if he could tutor me."
"okay. i'm sorry about pansy. look at it this way, we leave for my house tomarrow"
i smiled i was excited to go to draco's house for christmas.
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really stupid right?