Status: This story has been on Haitus for a couple of months, I will try to update more!

You Make My Blood Boil Draco Malfoy

The Mansion

I gasped.
"Whats wrong?" draco asked
"Its beautiful. its HUGE"
"Draco, would you be kind to show her, her room, and show her around, you dont want her getting lost like the last person you had over."
"yes father, Come on Sam." draco said grabbing my hand.
"What about my stuff?" i asked
"the house elves will get your stuff." Draco told me.
"Okay." i sighed.

Draco opened the door for me. As i walked in i saw a room off to the right, a little bit farther i seen an entry way to a dining room. As we walked past the first room on the right Draco told me it was the Family room.
"The kitchen is through the Dining Room, but mostly we just have house elves get us our food."
We walked past the dining room, and there was a huge room.
"This is the ball room, where we have our partys." he closed the door and pointed off towards a door."and that leads to the Pool Room" then he pointed to another door "and that leads to the basement." Then he pointed to a regular door that i could see led to outside "And that leads to outside."

We went back the way we came and walked up the stairs. He opened the Last room on the left. "This is my Room."
then he walked across the hall "And this is your room while you stay here." he paused "Basically there is no need to go anywear else in the house. and if there is, i'll give you more of the tour."
"Okay, You have a nice house"
"Thanks, Oh and your room has its own bathroom. But if you have to use a different bathroom, there is one at the begining of this hallway on the right."
"Go freshen Up, wear something nice, we are expected at dinner soon."

I walked into my room, My trunk was sitting on the bed. I opened it and picked out my Casual black and white polkadotted dress. I went into the bathroom and changed, and fixed my makeup. I came out of my room and i didnt know what to do so i knocked on Draco's Door.

"Come in!" i opened the door and there stood draco, in dress pants getting ready to button up his shirt.
i blushed and mumbled a sorry closed the door and sat against the wall, replaying that moment over and over. He has a nice body. I heard his door open and jumped up.
"Ready for dinner?"
"You look really, very nice." he said looking at me
"You look very nice too" i said laughing at the way he said i looked nice.

We walked down to the dining room. And sat down.
"Ahh right on time" Lucius said looking at his watch.
We ate dinner in silence I finished eating and so had Draco.
"May we be excused?" Draco said to his parents
"Yes of course" Narcissa replied.

Draco and I stood up and walked out of the dining room. I hadnt even realized it was so late.
"I'll see you tomarrow"
"Yeah see you tomarrow"
With that we both walked into our rooms.

Its now the day of christmas eve, i've had a wonderful time at draco's. Most days we would go into the living room and play wizards chess, he would win, and yesterday we went swimming, well, more like His mom and I, draco and his father had to go somewhere. Narcissa was weird, she kept asking me weird questions like what were my feelings for her son, and some other things but i chose to forget about them.

Narcissa is letting me barrow a beautiful white and black gown for their party tonight.
"What did you and my mom do yesterday?"
"Oh we went swimming."
"Oh fun."
"Yeah, we were in there for hours. then we realized we were getting all pruny so we got out." i laughed.
"Oh yeah, you probably were just upset i couldnt be there with my hot bod" he said smirking.
"Oh yeah, THATS why i got out, just because you and your hot bod weren't there"
"I KNEW IT!" he yelled. i just laughed. Actually, i really was kind of upset i couldnt see him, like i did that first night here, again.

We basically hung out until Narcissa told us we better get ready. I asked her if she could help me with the dress because i thought it was difficult. She helped me, It was too long on my so she fixed that magically. I thanked her and told her i could do my hair myself. She walked down the hall to go get ready herself.

i was done doing my hair, doing sort of a bun type thing i did with hermione during the halloween ball, but i left my bangs out, i didnt think it looked good but right after i was finished draco knocked on my door.
"Your ready?"
i sighed "Yeah" I walked out of the room "i dont know about my hair though."
"No it looks...beautiful." i blushed
"Thank you." i just got a chance to actually look at him. He looks so nice in dress robes.
"You look..Really, well near perfect.."
"Well come on m'lady, to the party" he said holding out his hand. I grabbed it and we started down the hall.