Status: This story has been on Haitus for a couple of months, I will try to update more!

You Make My Blood Boil Draco Malfoy

I hate you draco malfoy and i hope something horrible happens to you!

i looked at my clock 3:18, i wont be able to get back to sleep anytime soon. I woke up from a terrible dream. I was walking in the city, every street and store was empty, there was no sign of life anywhere. The stores looked like they were burnt on the insides and the colors were all drained from them. I was walking down the street, looking for someone, to ask what happend, When a man in a dark clock appeared out of nowhere and started talking in a weird language. I couldn't even see the guy's face, he sort of growled at me. The next thing i know he was launching himself at me. Then, i woke up.

I was excused for the rest of the week last week, that means i didnt go on friday either. Finding out that Voldemort was my father was really hard. All weekend Adam has been sending up first and second years having them ask if i was okay. At one point i told them to tell him that i died last week and i'm just laying here covered in blood so there is no real need to keep sending people up there.

Anyways it's monday morning now, so i'm deciding to get up now and get ready for the school day.

I finished getting ready and decided to head down to sit in the great hall.
I sat down at the slytherin table and layed my head on the table. How am i ever going to get through the school year knowing that he is my father.
it was about 6:30 and a few kids filed in along wih some professors.

"Hello Miss Ross." I Looked up to see professor snape.
"Hello Professor."
"I hope you are feeling well. You missed alot in class on friday."
"Im sure Hermione could fill me in and help me out"
"Ahh yes, and if not, then just come see me."

He walked up to his seat at the large table for teachers.
"There you are, i've been worried sick" i looked over and seen Adam.
"I thought those girls told you i was dead?"
"Well they said that you said to tell me that you were dead. But anyways, what happened on thursday that made you so.. like that?"
i looked around, i couldn't tell him where there were watchful eyes and listening ears.
"Come on, i'll tell you on the way to class."

we walked around the hallways, i was trying to find a place that had no portraits, but to no luck, could i find one.
"What are you looking for sammy?" Adam finally asked.
"A place where there are no portraits"
"So now you tell me! i know a place"
"okay." he took my hand and led me.

The next thing i know we are outside.
"whats so important and secretive you could not tell me inside.?"
"last thursday, my aunt told me. voldemort is--is my father" i said crying.
"no way!"
"When did you find out?"
"thursday, when i went to dumbledores office."
"Does he know about you?"

i nodded not being able to speak anymore. I started crying softly.
"Oh hun, its gonna be okay, you just cannot tell harry, hermione, or ron. They would freak"
i nodded as he wrapped his arms around me. "Are you hungry?" He asked.
i shook my head.
"Okay, well lets go find hermione, you can walk with her to class."
"okay" i whispered.

We found hermione right away. As she was leaving the great hall headed for class.
"Oh my god! i thought you died!" she said running to hug me.

Hermione and i walked to class. She asked me what happened on thursday and i just said that i didnt remember anything and she just let it slide, for now.

Currently it was lunch time on tuesday.
Adam was talking to me, Telling me something, After he said "Draco Knows" i zoned out.
I got up from my seat. and walked over to him.
"Draco can we talk?"
"Whatever." he said as he got up.
we would out of the great hall.

"What do you want?"
"Did you know?"
"Know what?"
"That you-know-who is my father."
He just looked away.

"You knew! and didnt tell me!?"
"he told me not to, he told me that eventually snape and dumbledore would! He also told me to change you into a 'respectful pureblood' because thats what you are! your a pureblood Don't you see thats why my parents like you so much, because your his daughter! i didnt know until AFTER we came back from break! i wish i could of told you!"
"It's okay, i wish you have told me."

"you don't know how much i love you sammy."
"I love you too draco."
He kissed me. I couldnt help but smile.
"Come sit with us now"
"Draco, if you do not see i do have friends, who i like to sit with."

"But you are friends with Potter!"
"And he is NICE. "
"But the darklord will kill you!"
"First off. Im not a death eater. second off he cant tell me what to do!"
"But he is your father!"
"And i only found out thursday, and i only found out because i tried to kill you draco. i almost did. and i never want to be part of almost killing someone. Especially someone i love."
"Ugh, Fine! go be with your blood traiter friends and your lovely Potter."

"You know what draco malfoy!?"
"What" he snarled at me
"I HATE YOU DRACO MALFOY! I HOPE SOMETHING VERY HORRIBLE HAPPENS TO YOU!" i yelled as i stalked back into the great hall and sat down with Adam and Hermione.

"What was that all about?" they both asked at the same time.
"What was what?"
"we heard what you said to him. actually everyone did." hermione said trying not to giggle.
i sighed loudly. "Draco is such an obnoxious jerk!" i said.
"He isnt like this all the time, i mean we almost made up! THEN he had the nerve to tell me that i cant be friends with potter because he is potter and the dark lord will kill me. So i told him that im not a DE and the dark lord cannot tell me what to do because he doesnt own me." i said eyeing adam to see if he would understand.

"So basically they think anyone in slytherin the dark lord owns, IM SICK OF THEM!" i yelled the last part as i stood up and stalked out of the hall.
♠ ♠ ♠
i know. i know. too much to handle. Especially Draco. :P
i think i might make her date harry just for the fun of having draco get jealous. im not sure yet :P
wouldyoulike that?
if not harry, then who, not ron because hermione is with him! not fred, cause he's a poopy head, but only in this story hes a poopy head. Maybe George! idk. Decide. tell me. love me. Comments?