Status: This story has been on Haitus for a couple of months, I will try to update more!

You Make My Blood Boil Draco Malfoy

Making Friends

"Honey are you okay?" My aunt Becky asked while I was packing my school books for Hogwarts.
"yeah aunt Becky I'm perfectly fine. Why?"
"well it's just, you haven't cried since your dad died..."
"i know. but I do miss them terribly"

Great now she thinks I'm some heartless kid who doesn't care about her family. Well here's my story of the summer. My dad died of heart failure in the middle of July. My mom killed herself in our kitchen in the middle of august. She wrote that I was to live with my Aunt and she loved me. I called up Aunt Becky and was frantic about the whole thing telling her to get over here as soon as possible. When she got here she screamed and started crying trying to see if my mom was alive. But she wasn't. So she called a bunch of people. I don't know who she called. But then there were police all over the place. And that's about it. I haven't cried because the tears wouldn't come.

We were at kings cross station.
''are you sure you want to go back this year, I mean everything that happened this summer, I mean, you don't have to go.''
''no Aunt Becky I need to go.''
''okay sweetheart but write me if you want to come home.''
''i will Aunt Becky.''
''i love you Sammie-bear''
''i love you too Aunt Becky.''
''bye dear, have a great year.''
''ill try, bye'' I said as I got on the train, sitting in an empty compartment.

We got to Hogwarts and I got in a carriage with 2 girls and 3 boys. I knew that one girl was Hermione i shared a room with her last year. And I knew the one boy was harry potter. But other than that I didn't know anyone.

''hello'' said the other girl.
''who are you?''
''I'm Samantha.''
''hello Samantha, I'm Luna.''
''Nice to meet you''
''like wise'' she said with a giant smile.

The rest of the carriage ride was quiet until we were almost to the school.
''your in Gryffindor.'' the red Head boy accused me of.
''well that's why I'm wearing the Gryffindor symbol..''
''i never seen you before.''
''i've seen her, I shared a room with her last year. I hope we share again, your quiet and I can get studying done, everyone else I shared a room with is too loud.''
''yeah.. I don't like talking..''
''thats nice.''
''why don't you like it.?''
''because I get put in awkward conversations, or the other person doesn't stop talking.''

He silently said 'Oh' now I remember who he is, he is Ron Weasley and the other guy is Neville Longbottom. Finally the carriage was at the school and I walked fast so I didn't have to walk with them. I took my normal seat at the end of the table near the doors.
the first years were being sorted. then Dumbledore gave his speech then food came. I just picked at it a few minutes before getting up and leaving.

I was in the girls bathroom. I was looking at myself in the mirror displeased with what I saw. I had long straight brown hair, I recently dyed red into my bangs and got a lip piercing, my Aunt thought I was acting out because of my parents. But I liked what I did to myself. I was sitting there looking at myself when all these sudden emotions came to me. My parents were dead. and I had nobody but my aunt who still called me 'Sammie-bear' like I was 6 again. next thing I know I'm screaming, punching the mirror breaking the bathroom stalls and clutching my chest. I sat on the floor against the wall crying.

''is anybody in here?'' came a male voice.
''go away''
''why are you crying?''
''because I can. go away.''
''you ruined the girls bathroom.''
''go away.''
''so you want me to go and tell dumbledore you ruined the bathroom. okay.''
''no don't'' I said grabbing him. He was cold but warm at the same time. He sat back down next to me and I finally looked up to see who he was.

The last person I expected to see in the bathroom being nice to a half-blood was Draco Malfoy.
''why are you here.''
''i heard you yelling. and I thought 'why is that pretty girl yelling like that..'. so here I am in the girls bathroom talking to you.''
''you, Draco Malfoy, pure-blood, slytherin prince, is being nice to, me, Samantha, half blood, gryffindor.?''

''well yeah. I'm nothing like I am around people. I just act that way because my father and everything. and actually I noticed you our first year, when we got sorted. and thought you were cool looking and I wanted to hang out with you, then you got put into gryffindor..'' I thought he was joking until I seen him blushing not looking at me.
''thats cute''

We sat sitting in the bathroom, talking and having a laugh, until we realized we should probably fix the bathroom up and go back to our houses.
"do you want me to walk you back to your common room?"
"no, but how will we talk to each other again?"
''i don't know"
''i have a great Idea. i'll give you it tomorrow.''
''bye Draco''
''bye Sam'' he said as he hugged me. When he hugged me it felt so right his arms fit perfectly around my body.

He walked down to the dungeons.
"Was Malfoy bothering you?." I heard a voice behind me
"what? oh no I handled it."
I turned around to face who I was talking too. it was one of those twins.
"oh I remember you! during 3rd year me and George hid in your compartment on the train."
"well are you going back to the common room?"
''cool we can walk together''
''okay'' I said before looking back at the dungeons

::Draco's P.O.V::
I hugged her and my arms were perfectly around her. I walked away and I heard someone say to her
'was Malfoy bothering you?.' I turned and looked and it was one of those Weasley twins talking to her. she was still looking at the dungeons but couldn't see me cause I was in the dark.
'what? oh no I handled it.'
she turned around to face him.
'oh I remember you! during 3rd year me and George hid in your compartment on the train.'

'well are you going back to the common room?'
'cool we can walk together'
'okay' she said then looked back over here.
great he's trying to get with her!
I walked back to the dungeon and went to bed. I was angry at that Weasley But excited to see her way of communicating with me. I fell asleep after a few minutes of thinking.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you enjoy.
I'm a bad story writer.
cliffhanger? :)
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