Status: This story has been on Haitus for a couple of months, I will try to update more!

You Make My Blood Boil Draco Malfoy

I Use To Do Cartweels In My Fourt Grade Class.

Hermione finally asked me again what happened that day in Dumbledore's office. I made up a lie about them trying to change me back into another house, Then she asked me why i didn't let them and i said "because it would be too complicated for everyone, and even me." She let it go.

It's been at least two weeks since i yelled at Draco in front of the great hall. I started hanging out with George Weasley. Only because one day he walked up to me and started apologizing to me about what his brother did.


I was walking the hall, i don't even remember what i was doing, when one of the twins, actually i knew it wasn't Fred, because i could tell the difference.
"Sam, could i talk to you?"
"Of course George."
"I just wanted to make sure there is no hard feelings between us too because of what Fred did. I didn't know he was going too do that to you, if i did, i would've made sure to tell you! I'm sorry."

"George! of course there are no hard feelings between us. What you brother did to me, has NOTHING to do with our friendship. i mean i know you didn't know, and i know if you did you would've told me, but just because you guys are twins doesn't mean you guys tell each other everything, so i completely forgive you, if there is anything to forgive."
He smiled brightly with a sigh of what sounded like relief.
"Oh thank god! because i really liked hanging out with you! and seeing you hang out with draco and his squad really angered me!"
i couldnt help but laugh.

--End Flashback--

That was the Wednesday after Draco and i got into that fight. Since then, George has been hanging out with us more thought not all the time cause he couldnt abandon Fred, he likes hanging out with us, even though he is always making jokes about how he is such a loser he is hanging out with his little brother and his friends.

Anyway, Its Friday, two weeks since the monday i went back to school. It was after classes and there was no snow on the ground, and it was fairly warm out, thank god, so we were all sitting outside having fun.

For some odd reason we were talking about what we did before we came to hogwarts when we were eleven. Everyone else, and by that i mean the Weasley's who were here, Ginny, Ron, and George, didnt do anything, they stayed home, So did Adam. Hermione went to muggle school, and so did harry.

"What about you Sam?" George asked.
"Oh i use to go to muggle school, and i also use to try to do cartweels in my fourth grade class. It never worked out" i said laughing at my stupidity.
Everyone sat there looking at me like i grew five heads.
"What?" i said laughing at the look they were giving me
"You Samantha Ross, the girl who tells everyone to quiet in class because she doesnt want to get in trouble, use to do cartweels in her muggle classroom?" Ron said looking at me.
"Well i said try to do cartweels, im very bad at them, and i'd always end up kicking someone in the face." i said giggling.

Hermione started laughing with me, as everyone else just looked at me like i was crazy.
"Wanna see my lame attempt at trying to do a cartweel?"
George is the first to speak "Yeah!"

i got up and walked a few paces in front of them.
"Okay ready? And feel free to laugh."
i positioned myself, i tried to do a cartweel, it ended up with my legs all bent and awkward looking and be landing on my bum.

i tried to get myself up but i was dizzy so i just sat there.
i heard some laughter.
"That was the most hilarious attempt at a cartweel i have ever seen!" george laughed.
"Oh shuttup george!"
"You shuttup and get up and sit over here!"
i sighed heavily and got myself up. The dizzyness was gone, and as soon as i looked up the first thing i noticed was a tall ginger headed male running towards me.

Next thing i know i'm on the ground not really knowing what was going on, with a tall figure on top of me. I looked at the male puzzled. He was smileing like a goon.

"Please get off of me." i said politely.
He stoped smiling and just looked at me.
"Please will you get off of me."
"uhm okay." He said getting up.

I got up. and there were a few other people around watching the boy and i. i looked at them all puzzled. They looked at me smiling. When they noticed i wasn't smiling at them either, they gave me the same puzzled look i was giving them.

I looked all around on the grounds i was standing at. I seen a platinum blond haired boy and smiled. He was looking at me. I would remember that hair anywhere. I waved for him to come over to me. And he did. When he got over to me i started talking.
"Draco.. I don't feel good."
"Why, what did your goony friends do to you?"
"Friends? Draco, your my only friend.."
he oddly looked at me.
"We best get you to the hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey will know what to do with you."
"Okay Draco"

Draco walked me to the hospital wing. Where the lady asked me a bunch of questions.
"What were you last doing."
"I dont know."
draco spoke up. "I seen what she was doing, i was sorta, uhm, watching her.. First she got up and attempted a cartweel, Then George Weasley tackled her.."
"Hmm, brain damage i guess, does she remember anyone?"
"No Madame i dont know who those people where, the only person i knew was draco, i see him so i yelled for him.."
"Hmmm, interesting Very interesting. Let me give you a sleeping concoction so i can speak to Professor Dumbledore. "
"Okay, i think that will help, my head hurts really bad."
"Okay." So she gave me the medicine stuff and i fell asleep.

-Draco's point of view.-

Sam fell asleep and i sat there in one of the chairs and watched her.
How is it i'm the only person she remembers?
How come she doesnt remember any of her friends, or teachers, or madame pomfrey?
Madame Pomfrey went up to Dumbledores office to go get him.

A few moments later i heard them come in.
"Miss Ross is the girl?" he asked puzzled
"Yes, Dumbledore, it's weird. The only person she remembers Is Mr Malfoy here."
"Hmm. yes that is really weird. How did you say it happend?"
"She was outside, attempted a cartweel, then after, George Weasley tackled her."
"Ahh yes, She has Forgotten her memory."
"And why do you s'pose she only remembers Mr Malfoy?"
"Well, my only conclusion is that Mr Malfoy is someone you cannot forget, Or, She deeply cares about him, so therefore she cannot ever forget him."

"Professor, i think it's best if we send her to St. Mungos , they will know how to cure it."
"I think you are right Madame."
"So i will send her there first thing in the morning."
"That will be very Wise."

After that i drifted asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
i know not the best. i was kinda iffy on if i should do that to her. But then i sorta just went with it.
i was gonna make the whole tackling thing go a completely different way. But then at the last second i was all NO! :]

i hope you like it. If you dnt comment and tell me and ill change it to my first original plan.
