Status: This story has been on Haitus for a couple of months, I will try to update more!

You Make My Blood Boil Draco Malfoy

i hope harry potter DESTROYS you!

It's been two weeks since George and I got together, and when i told all my friends about Voldie being my 'dad'. It's kind of okay that everyone is mad at me, but it's kind of not. They are acting like i'm the evil spawn child of him, and act like i'm just like him. During lunch i sit with George, Adam and a bunch of other people that are friends with George and Adam. The only thing i hate during lunch is i can feel them all glaring at me.

"Babe are you okay?" geroge asked. i sighed.
"Yeah. im fine." He rubbed my arm and kissed my cheek. "i think i'm just gonna go outside for a little while."
"okay hun, i'll get you if its time to go and your still out there"
"Okay" i said hugging him, grabbing my stuff then leaving the great hall.

I walked down to the black lake. I heard someone approaching me. i stood up and looked around, but i didn't see anybody.
"Wh-who's there?" i said
nobody answered, Guess i just imagined it.

Next thing i know, everything was black, and i felt like i was suffocating.


I woke up and i was in a room a very dark room with one light shining above me.
"Hello?" i said sitting up. Maybe they don't mean any harm, if they did, they would have tied me up, right?
i look on the ground, just to make sure it was safe to stand up. It was, so i stood.
"Sit down" said a voice coming from a door that just opened.
i did as the person said.

"Sorry to have to do this to you."
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"he wanted to speak to you." he sounded familiar.
"who's he?"
"you're father" this is when i looked at the person talking.
"Severus?" i whispered.

He walked up to me and whispered in my ear.
"I'm sorry"
"what does he need to speak to me about?"
"i will take you to see him now."
i sighed. I didn't want to see him, i didn't want to face this evil that's suppose to be my father, but i got up and fallowed Severus anyways.

He led me to a room that looked like a dining room, but a lot bigger. I looked around and seen a bunch of people, filling almost every seat at the table except two.

"Ahh, my darling Samantha." he paused "Please, have a seat" Gestured the tall lanky figure at the end of table while standing up.
i walked over to the table and sat down at the head of the table, or end, depending on how you looked at the situation.

"My dear, dear darling samantha."
"What do you want with me?" he looked appalled but quickly regained his facial expression.
"Why darling daugh--" i cut him off.
"Don't you ever, and i mean EVER call me you're daughter, because i'm not, we may be blood related, but i will never, and i mean never be your daughter."

He laughed, while all his death eaters gasped. "Draco, i thought i told you to, change her." he said now turning to a seat close to him.
A head looked down, and then looked at me, then back at voldemort.
"i will punish you later draco." he hissed inbetween his teeth.
"You will not punish draco, for the simple fact that he couldn't change me just because i chose not to be around him anymore."

"i will do what i wish to my followers."
"You will not harm draco because of me, i may not love him any more, but you will not punish him for my actions!" i boomed. Some of the DE's looked surprised, especially some of them sitting right near me, because some of them flinched away.
"Whatever you wish." Voldemort said with a wave of his hand.

"Now tell me what you want. Or i'm leaving."
"My dear, i just want you to help me fight."
this time it was me who laughed.
"I will never help you do anything." i said gritting my teeth.
"we will see about that."

"NO!" i yelled, "we will not 'see' about that, because it will never happen, i will not help you kill my friend and family at hogwarts, i will fight, but it will be against you rather than with you!"
"darling daughter, i am your family!" he said laughing.
"You. Are not family. You. are an evil menace who doesn't deserve to live, anything good or anything you want. i hope you rot away, No better yet, i hope Harry Potter DESTROYS you!" i said.

"How dare you! i bring you into my home and treat you with respect, and this is how you treat me!"
"Like i said, you dont deserve anything good, Now i am leaving."
"Very well." He said through his teeth. "Severus Take her and draco back to school."

I looked at Severus and he just bowed his head. I grabbed severus' hand because i wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.When we got out of the room draco started in on me.
"Sam you fool!" Draco said in a hushed tone.
"i am not a fool, you and all his HENCHMEN ARE! for following such an EVIL bastard like him!" i said fuming. I guess this makes me a real teenager now doesnt it? Fighting with my parents! well my father.
♠ ♠ ♠
i love snape. xDD
and the title to the last chapter was a line in the song "Sometimes" by a rocket to the moon.

i hope you like, comment, message,subscribe! i wrote this chapter for isabella17 for messaging me and asking me to continue it. :] at least i know now someone is reading it! haha